"You're not an extremist if you oppose a system which crushes human beings to death at home and abroad for the power and profit of the very few, you're just normal." caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/youre-not-a-…
In response to rumors that Bernie Sanders foreign policy advisor Matt Duss may be playing some role in the Joe Biden State Department, bloodthirsty psychopath Nikki Haley said this:
Which is of course ridiculous. Taken as a whole Biden's imperialist foreign policy has not differed much from Trump's, and Duss is a fairly reliable imperialist himself.
This at the same time we learn the Pentagon has put some US military operations on hold, not because they are depraved acts of mass murder driven by the megalomaniacal agenda to dominate the entire world, but because it's possible there may now be "extremists" among their ranks.
That's right, the US military has for decades been merrily incinerating entire families and ripping apart children with cluster munitions, but now they need to pause some of that normal, wholesome activity because a few bad apples might perhaps have succumbed to extremism.
Devastating Iraq, destroying Libya, facilitating genocide in Yemen, waging an endlessly expanding 'war on terror' and brandishing armageddon weapons at your enemies? That's fine and normal. Members of the military joining hate groups and believing in QAnon? THAT'S extremism.
This all just goes to show how completely meaningless the mainstream concepts of "normal" and "extreme" have become when talking about politics and power in our insane world.
People will act like you're unreasonable and impossible if there's not a US politician you support.
"Not even Bernie?" they'll ask. "Not even AOC??"
If you are an anti-imperialist, being asked to choose a US politician you support is like being asked to pick a favorite Nazi.
The same goes for socialism. There's nothing "extreme" or "radical" about believing the poor shouldn't be left to suffer and die and that workers should own the full value of their labor.
You're not a "radical", you're just sane. This is why I think it's important for sane people to reject such labels; there's a coolness factor which comes with presenting yourself as a radical, but it comes at the price of normalizing a status quo which is pure violent extremism.
Don't let that bat shit crazy model define you by setting the status quo up as "normal" and yourself as a "radical" deviation therefrom. THEY are the radical ones. YOU are just normal and sane.
Abnormalize the status quo and normalize sanity. Put your energy into helping the world see how bat shit insane their "normal" really is. The status quo isn't the baseline of normality, sanity is.
A sane, healthy world would look wildly different from this one, and we need to help people get clear on the distinction so we can all start creating that world together.
Literally the single most normal thing in the world. But they work tirelessly to dupe us into thinking it's freakish and crazy.
A: A liberal is a violent white supremacist extremist who supports and participates in the mass slaughter of brown-skinned human beings overseas while tweeting that white supremacist extremists are bad." caitlinjohnstone.com/2021/02/06/the…
Q: What is capitalism?
A: Capitalism is a wonderful economic and political system which has given us powerful technology, a wide assortment of breakfast cereals, and near term human extinction.
Q: What is China?
A: China is a large Asiatic nation which westerners use as an emotional punching bag for their capitalism-induced rage, propaganda-induced confusion, and fears about the death of the US empire.
Just as a body will fight to eject any pathogen which threatens its survival, an empire will fight to eject anyone who threatens its survival. Whenever you see a person or government targeted by the full might of the empire, that's what you're looking at.
Like a shark, the empire must keep advancing or it will die. Any government or leader which stands in the way of its continual expansion around the globe is seen, correctly, as an existential threat. Not to the US as a nation, but to the empire which must keep advancing or die.
This is why you'll never see a US politician actually slamming the brakes on imperialism. If anyone gets anywhere near a position where they might do so, they will be targeted and eliminated. It's the one door you're forbidden to go through, because it threatens an entire empire.
The Google-owned video sharing platform YouTube has demonetized numerous independent media accounts, a jarring escalation in the steadily intensifying campaign against alternative news outlets online.
No explanation has been offered for this decision beyond the vague claim that "your channel is not in line with our YouTube Partner Program policies" due to "harmful content".
YouTube has demonetized @grahamelwood, @theProgSoapbox, @theconvocouch and @FordFischer, for entirely unspecified reasons. The appeals process is entirely opaque and unaccountable. They could be left demonetized for months, or forever, with no explanation.
It's very hard to put out a lot of content unless you're making enough money from it to do it full time. Anyone who works in indie media for a living knows this. So do the powerful people who are promoting internet censorship.
Remember when Americans shook the earth with massive protests demanding an end to the police state and the entire liberal establishment just kept saying "I hear you, I agree with you" and then did absolutely nothing to end police brutality? It's important to remember that lesson.
Dumbasses kept showing up in my mentions all "Why are you supporting BLM Caitlin?? Don't you see all the corporations and corporate Dems support it? Why would they do that if it didn't serve them?"
This is why. Empty words of support can defuse people far easier than opposition.
Imagine if all the plutocrats, pundits and politicians had just yelled at the BLM protesters and admonished them to stop? It would have been pouring gasoline on the fire, and it would have exposed them. Much easier to say "I hear you, I agree with you" and take no real action.
"So this is just one more item on the steadily growing pile of fake things about this administration. Everything about it is phony. This is the Astroturf Administration." caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/everything-a…
A new exclusive from The Daily Beast reports that the White House press corps is being pressured to provide briefing questions ahead of time in a way that makes even mainstream media journalists uncomfortable. archive.is/1rO9X
"The requests prompted concerns among the White House press corps, whose members, like many reporters, are sensitive to the perception that they are coordinating with political communications staffers," writes the Beast.