#covid19uk - Detailed positive tests thread. The majority of this thread is a set of views of rolling 7 day average positives per 100K by specimen date. Starting with England regions:
Some of the more detailed content from this thread has been moved to an external page to try and make the twitter updates a bit more manageable. You can still see the full version here: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Detail/Detail_…
UK nations:
Top 15 of just Upper Tier Local Authorities in England:
Regional / age distribution of today's newly announced positives for England.
England rolling average positives (per 100K population) by age range:
England regional rolling average positives (per 100K population) in the 60+ age range:
Rolling weekly comparison of totals up to 3 days ago. I think these have mainly been superseded by the bubble charts but keeping them as I know a few people still like them.
Updated set of my version of the excess death charts using today's latest ONS data. The idea is to put current deaths into a bit more context as not all excess death charts show the non-covid deaths, or regional breakdowns. England full year first. 1/
Same again but zoomed to 2nd half of year. The bit above the solid black line is what will often be referred to as 'excess mortality', i.e. where it's above the 5 year average. The dashed lines show how much it has varied over 5 years. 2/
Updated set of +ve/admission/death charts which I usually post every 3 or 4 days. Midlands still seems to be the only region where admissions aren't pointing convincingly downwards. Here's the updated 65+ England:
England for age ranges 0-64, 65+ and just 85+ all to the same scale:
Same for London. The 0-64 generally looks the same for all regions, so I will focus on the other ranges for the rest of the thread.
#covid19uk - Detailed positive tests thread. The majority of this thread is a set of views of rolling 7 day average positives per 100K by specimen date. Starting with England regions:
Some of the more detailed content from this thread has been moved to an external page to try and make the twitter updates a bit more manageable. You can still see the full version here: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Detail/Detail_…
#covid19uk - Tables thread. Re-ordered now to put the more popular rate sorted table at the top. So this is top 50 England Local Authorities by positives per 100K population in last 7 days, up to 3 days ago. Bright green means lower than previous period.