A Gracie jiujitsu black belt shot this a few days after George Floyd's death demonstrating in no uncertain terms how easy it is to choke off someone's carotid arteries by kneeling on their neck. This should have settled the controversy then and there.
Here's the time in the video of the exact demonstration. The teacher doesn't even use his knee because he doesn't want to hurt his partner, he just uses his forearm to show how easy it is to choke a large man with pressure on that area.
In Brazilian jiujitsu a black belt indicates mastery; this is a martial arts master who has been training arterial chokes for years and years. He is a far greater authority on this subject than Tucker Carlson.
Biden Will Escalate Aggressions Against China While Republicans Call Him A Beijing Puppet
"Team Biden is soft on China," Ted Cruz tweeted the other day, echoing a common accusation leveled against the president from the right with increasing frequency. caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/biden-will-e…
Cruz, who biologically is mostly wetland parasites, is not being truthful. There is no evidence at this early stage that the Biden administration is "soft on China", and there is a lot of evidence that it will be the exact opposite.
Just today the president announced a new Pentagon task force dedicated to countering Beijing which will be led by a virulent China hawk who has previously attacked Trump for being too soft on China. @DecampDave reports the following for @Antiwarcom:
A huge percentage of "left infighting" online has nothing to do with the left and nothing to do with politics whatsoever. Drama addiction is real and social media provides a perfect vehicle with which to feed it. It's mundane masturbatory self-indulgence. psychologytoday.com/au/blog/obesel…
You can see this in the frenetic, feeding frenzy-like energy people get when one clique is going at someone. It's got nothing to do with the issues they're pretending it's about, it's about securing a neurochemical hit they've come to crave.
Everyone knows people like this in real life. Add in the 'like' and 'share' functions provided by social media which are literally designed to trigger the reward center of the brain, add in the thrill of private group chat gossip (they always use group chats), and it's far worse.
Biden's Iran Policy Is Just Trump's Iran Policy With A Rainbow Flag Emoji
"Biden's Iran policy is in effect just a continuation of Trump's Iran policy that liberals can feel good about. It's Trump's Iran policy with gender pronouns in its bio." caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/bidens-iran-…
Biden has confirmed that his administration will not be lifting sanctions imposed upon Iran in order to bring Tehran to the negotiating table for the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.
Electoral Politics Use The Same Containment Strategies As Alzheimer's Facilities
A good dementia care facility redirects residents away from the exit doors using distraction and friendly chatter. The oligarchic empire redirects its prisoners the same way. caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/electoral-po…
In a high-quality dementia care facility, confused residents who are at risk of unsafe wandering are skillfully redirected away from exit doors by staff members who are trained to provide them with the illusion of freedom while still keeping them in the safety of the care home.
If you've ever visited a loved one in a locked dementia care facility, especially near sunset, you know how agitated the people who live there can become. The impulse to wander and pace is very common, and they'll often demand to leave the facility at once so they can go home.
A: A liberal is a violent white supremacist extremist who supports and participates in the mass slaughter of brown-skinned human beings overseas while tweeting that white supremacist extremists are bad." caitlinjohnstone.com/2021/02/06/the…
Q: What is capitalism?
A: Capitalism is a wonderful economic and political system which has given us powerful technology, a wide assortment of breakfast cereals, and near term human extinction.
Q: What is China?
A: China is a large Asiatic nation which westerners use as an emotional punching bag for their capitalism-induced rage, propaganda-induced confusion, and fears about the death of the US empire.
Just as a body will fight to eject any pathogen which threatens its survival, an empire will fight to eject anyone who threatens its survival. Whenever you see a person or government targeted by the full might of the empire, that's what you're looking at.
Like a shark, the empire must keep advancing or it will die. Any government or leader which stands in the way of its continual expansion around the globe is seen, correctly, as an existential threat. Not to the US as a nation, but to the empire which must keep advancing or die.
This is why you'll never see a US politician actually slamming the brakes on imperialism. If anyone gets anywhere near a position where they might do so, they will be targeted and eliminated. It's the one door you're forbidden to go through, because it threatens an entire empire.