Say it with me now: a fine is a price. When companies profit from inflicting harm on the rest of us, a fine is just part of the price of doing business.
It's a numbers game: multiply the likelihood of getting caught by the expected fine and divide by the expected profit, and that's how many people you can murder for a buck.
Like the pharma companies, who used opioids to slaughtermore Americans than the Vietnam war.
These companies bribed doctors and pharmacists, lied about the science of addiction, lied about the deaths, lied about their products' efficacy, lied about the harm. The corpses piled higher and higher. They made billions. Billions and billions.
Walt Disney introducing the Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Disneyland Goes to the World’s Fair (1964)…
Walt Disney introducing the Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Disneyland Goes to the World’s Fair (1964)…
Walt Disney introducing the Giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Disneyland Goes to the World’s Fair (1964)…
Inequality requires narrative stabilizers. When you have too little and someone else has more than they can possibly use, simple logic dictates that you should take what they have.
The forbearance exercised by the many when it comes to the wealth of the few isn't down to guards or laws - rather, the laws and the guards are effective because of the STORY, the story of why this is fair, even inevitable.
Think of the story of monarchy and its relationship to the Church: the Church affirms that the monarch (and the aristocracy) was chosen by God ("dieu et mon droit") and the monarchy reciprocates by giving the Church moral and economic power within the kingdom.