31.02/ I have too much to say post-Impeachment but Goldman's thread helped me understand the sound trial attorney thinking behind not calling witnesses. Yet therein lies their error: Impeachment is a political process not legal. It was bad politics IMO.
31.03/ So many topics over the past 2 wks that've blooped by me because I was sick, so I guess I'll run thru a few of them. Superbowl: Brady can't be the GOAT b/c he's been repeatedly caught cheating. The biggest story, to me, is why his crimes have been normalized & lauded.
31.04a/ J*ss Whedon: (1) I hate abusers & reading the accounts make my blood boil (2) he's a good case study for how even high quality art from abusers is infected with their violence; he silenced collaborators & changed plots based on his venom
31.04b/ (3) Because literal thinking plagues our society like a weed, it's critical keep in mind all of the art that abusers prevent & thus kill on the vine. See this thread by the great Jessica Price, a highly talented artist, describing her experiences:
31.04c/ Lastly (4) I sympathize w/those struggling over liking his art after these revelations. I needed to cut Woody Allen & Bill Cosby out of my life & that was painful, and still a struggle (esp. w/Allen). Later, I'll write my advice about how to handle art from evil people.
31.05/ I like this framing for how to envision utopian societies: who cleans the toilets? I don't write fiction but I quite freq. live in the subjunctive as a social scientist & it's a fruitful question. 1 quick answer: part of national service.
31.07/ Tom Flores getting in the NFL HOF is an important corrective to a troubling snub over the years. I'm not a Raiders guy, but Flores was a trailblazer
IMO tho the big news is recognizing Bill Nunn a'h. He was a catalyst for the integration of the NFL
IMO the fallacy comes from erroneous extrapolation by open-minded people whose life journeys exposed them to new ideas & allowed them to shed legacy prejudices. The problem-people are cruel & closed-minded so new ideas bounce off their hull
31.09/ This is so beautiful. Silver's chosen profession - meta-analysis aka piggybacking on the hard work of others - & believing his own press clippings, while simultaneously propping up a terribly flawed product, has made him a Dunning-Kruger poster boy
31.10/ The Filibuster's gotta go, & one reason is the point below: it's a McConnell phenom (begun by Gingrich) that the parties appear so uniform ideologically, but they aren't.
As such, getting 51 votes usually means an ideological compromise was needed
31.11/ This is great. Context: many Bernie supporters I read will (a) reflexively attack Democrats for every misstep with gusto & (b) specifically have been savaging Dems for the temerity of suggesting the exact thing that Sanders says openly here:
31.13/ More NFL/Tom Brady points (see 31.03): the same league that erased all evidence from Spygate also seems to change the rules in absurd ways when he's playing. It's as blatant as Trump's (ym'sh) lies. See here:
31.18a/ See below for how the Politician as Culture Warrior works. Cr*nshaw lusts to be a celebrity, as seen on the screencap (R) which is from his self-produced action fantasy campaign ad. This is goofy enough, but compare it to the right.
31.18b/ 1st, It's contradictory & nonsensical. Acting in commercials is literally their job
2nd: This guy is a politician who never does his ostensible job b/c he's in the nihilist do-nothing GOP
But it makes sense if you see that his voters see attacking Hollywood *as* his job
31.19/ Agree 100%. Way too often it feels they just want to replace themselves at the top of whatever pyramid they just toppled (See the "Dirtbag Left")
IMO I'd expand this, as well, to any worldview which has simple solutions to complex problems
One benefit of being frum is that I stayed away from the whole issue - I've also hated 'mock comics' (like Jay Leno, shock jocks) all my life - but that video's plea struck me & humanized a celebrity in an important way.
31.26/ My US Politics training emphasized the wisdom of federalism which prioritizes compromise. A parliament, where the majority in the legislature gets total power, leads to a real tyranny of the majority. The Gingrich/McConnell GOP wrecked the system.
31.27/ A number of people have used this metaphor and it's spot on: the second impeachment felt like a trial after a lynching, with the GOP playing the role of 'law officers who wholeheartedly support white supremacist violence'
31.28/ Yeah, #MoscowMitch is going to keep running that play - leak to the press a total lie that makes him look wise/benevolent - but in public openly vote and act like a white supremacist anti-Democracy fascist
31.30/ As a GenX parent, I feel a dark sort of pride for seeing myself in this observation (which I've noticed myself). Millennials are kids of Baby Boomers & that whole dynamic is messed up. GenX are kids of the Silent Generation: both cohorts are ignored
31.31/ Yes indeed. A cornerstone of Cypesian Analytics is this type of contrast. When I was watching the insurrection in real time I wondered how they weren't opening fire. Like the OP, I don't WANT gunfire, I just expected it.
31.33/ The whole genre of "corporate Twitter account fight" is both hard to explain to the offline world and the closest contemporary approximation to polytheistic god fights (supplanting sports leagues)
Look, regional cuisine variants are lovely, but this is like seeing those "Bacon Filled Hamantaschen" recipes: be happy you like it but I suggest not foisting it on others when you know it's widely different from the source material
31.34/ This was my exact feeling at the time. A lot of us are depressed/exhausted & feel a sense of despair at the GOP impunity. But, there's also too much performative cynicism
Asha highlights that what happens in Congress is actually for the voters. Us
31.35/ I really enjoy reading Tirado who's brilliant & does dangerous, valuable work. I'll do by best to honor this request - which I've seen from many others - but thread readers are very valuable to me for accessibility reasons & I actually pay for them.
31.36/ Very true and I do think it's useful to mark Sandy Hook as a crucial inflection point: when it was as clear as possible that the GOP made selfish-cruelty their trademark, ideology, and slogan
1. Life is an open book exam, which still means you should study 2. Study = education, listening to many others (but I repeat myself) 3. The study is crucial because the biggest test questions are Pass/Fail
31.39/ It actually deepens her onscreen character too! (she's a terrible actor, it's needed):
Cara Dune hates the Empire as an Alderaan survivor, but that doesn't make her a good person. It's good to remember some war-allies are otherwise terrible people
31.40/ Oh my goodness, yes. They just goop it everywhere. Also, just cramming fruit-bits into bread & cake. I thought everyone agreed that fruitcake is inedible. Nope. Their motto seems to be "That bug? It's a feature. And then we boil it."
31.42/ Yes. And this is how many people need to learn about dealing with abusers. They aren't going to change and their horrible actions weren't caused by you. You're not at fault. They are.
31.44/ As is my wont, I'm now going through an author's threads (another reason threaders are valuable to me) & this is a really spot-on analysis centered around a key point: misogyny, esp. open violence vs women, should be seen as the biggest of red flags
31.46/ Wistfully remembering the day I discovered that when my doctor asked "how many cups of coffee do you drink?" she meant 8 ounce units and not physical cups in my hand.
First off: why is a "cup" still a thing?
Second: I think of coffee in hours, doc, not fluid measurement.
31.47/ This is on point re: Br*t St*phens and it makes even more sense to me once I've internalized how much the GOP is about victimology, grievance, and purposefully losing culture wars. Painless martyrs to fleece aging, credulous revanchists.
31.49/ Really crucial to understand this dynamic when it comes to abusers and their ecology. Many high profile people are purposefully cultivated to passively kasher the brutes. I've been fooled by it in the past & I've likely been used that way myself.
31.52a/ OK, I'm getting concerned this thread is getting too big so as an experiment, I'm splitting the thread into multiple pieces. Part 2 of the thread continues below.
234.02/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayechi 5784 (LAST YEAR) @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 19 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1_VQcGY…
232.02/ Shiva minyans during #Chanukah are surreal. That is all.
232.03/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight was actually on Nitel-nacht (after we learned Torah, like good little Litvaks). And what else? Yippe-kai-yay, Maccabee.
230.02/ The Assad regime collapsing over Shabbas #Vayetze seems especially appropriate. I had long compared Lavan to Assad, the urbane facade hiding real cruelty and depravity. I celebrate the toppling of a murderous regime and the liberation of Saydnaya prison.
230.03/ Mets Twitter is having a party right now. This is fun. #LGM
229.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayetze #Vayetzei #Vayeitzei 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1JqU6Lt…
228.02/ Fundamentally, a plurality want a minority to do all the work but get no reward while they do very little work & get all the reward. The only system that will get close to that - liberal Democracy - gives too much to people the plurality hates, so they vote for fantasies.
228.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Toldot #Toledot 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah by Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 Pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1dpJe7R…