New: We obtained new DOJ records regarding Donald Trump’s corrupt Ukraine scheme that led to his first impeachment.…
In a December 2019 email thread, Jay Bratt from DOJ’s National Security Division described a “package” received by two Ukrainian legislators that alleged U.S. grant money to fight corruption was being mismanaged and misspent.
Enclosed in the package was a similar letter to Mick Mulvaney, then the White House chief of staff, that also referenced a third letter sent to Sen. Lindsey Graham.…
The records also include email communications from the night before the release of the transcript of Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Zelensky.
The day before the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, the Republican Attorneys General Association’s fundraising arm, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, sent robocalls urging people to attend the “March to Save America” on Jan. 6. We’re investigating.…
“I’m calling for the Rule of Law Defense Fund with an important message,” the call started, before describing plans for the crowd to march from a park near the White House to the Capitol to “call on Congress to stop the steal.”…
RAGA and RLDF quickly sought to distance themselves from the violent protest. In a statement on Jan. 7, then-RAGA Executive Director Piper said that RAGA and RLDF “had no involvement in the planning, sponsoring, or the organization” of the protest.…
Right-wing figures including then-Pres. Trump put significant pressure on Georgia officials to overturn the 2020 election results after Biden won the state. We’re seeking records from the state and federal levels that could shed light on these efforts.…
In a Jan. 2 call with Georgia Sec. of State Raffensperger, Trump pressured Raffensperger’s office to “find” him votes. “All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” he said.…
The Washington Post also reported that Trump had made a similar push in a call with a Georgia election investigator the previous month, directing the investigator to “find the fraud.”…
A failed legal challenge led by Texas AG Ken Paxton attempted to overturn the 2020 election results by invalidating results from battleground states won by President Biden. We’re filing open records requests to investigate this effort to thwart democracy.…
The suit was thrown out by the Supreme Court within days, but not before it drew support from at least 125 Republican members of the House of Representatives, Trump himself, and the attorneys general of 17 other states.…
In Texas, we requested records of emails and texts between Paxton or his top aides and Texas senators or other state attorneys general. We also requested communications or meetings Paxton’s office had with top DOJ officials in the weeks leading up to the lawsuit.
Yesterday, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis renewed their investigation into Trump administration political interference that hampered the pandemic response.
The subcommittee released documents showing that Trump administration officials weakened CDC testing guidance in August 2020 to avoid identifying asymptomatic infections.…
According to a former HHS adviser Paul Alexander, White House officials opted to change the guidance because testing was “preventing the workforce from working” and would not allow schools to “optimally re-open.”
We’ve been fighting to get former Trump administration officials’ ethics documents through FOIA’s administrative process and litigation for years. An online database would greatly improve transparency and accountability.
We’ve obtained ethics documents for many former Trump administration officials, including Sonny Perdue (former USDA secretary), Mark Esper (when he was secretary of the Army), and former Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s chief of staff.
As @waltshaub points out, ethics waivers are documents that give an official permission to ignore an ethics rule. To know if the reason for it is legitimate, we need to see the waivers.
The second impeachment trial of Donald Trump starts next week.
Our ongoing FOIA litigation is still uncovering new documents—almost every week—related to Trump’s first impeachment. For #FOIAFriday, here are some of what the new records show about Trump’s corrupt Ukraine scheme.
In May 2019, Gordon Sondland, then U.S. Amb. to the E.U., was informed that “S”, presumably former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, would be unable to attend a dinner.…
Sondland replied: "This dinner is really beginning to have some diplomatic "needle moving" elements....Pls let me know soonest who can stand in for Mike of equivalent rank."