I see your Lenin and raise you Adam Smith: “What all the violence of the feudal institutions could never have effected, the silent and insensible operation of foreign commerce and manufactures gradually brought about.”
(He’s saying feudalism forced lords to share generously with serfs and others because otherwise it would all go to waste. Once wealth could be transformed into capital, stored and traded with other capitalists, there was no need to share it, since it wasn’t food that went bad)
This is the chapter “Towns Improved the Country” in Wealth of Nations
Bill Clinton used to have a phrase for an effort he would undertake that he knew would fail but was good politics to try: He’d say, “I want to be caught trying.”
A lot of Dems want to be caught trying to work with Republicans, so that when that doesn’t work, they can go alone
Open question is whether Biden wants to be caught trying or is actually trying. It probably doesn’t matter though, since it’s so unlikely to work.
There are filibuster politics at play too. Any Democrat alone, given the 50 seat majority, can block efforts to end it. And if they think there’s a chance Republicans will work with Dems, they want to try it. They have to be shown that’s not true.
The planning for the January 16 and 17 militia events in DC is quite specific. They want at least 15k people and if they achieve that they plan to block Democrats from entering the Capitol, allowing only Republicans through. Here’s where they plan to meet
That was available online on Jan 6 but the website has been taken down. It’s still on the wayback machine. Here are the further plans.
“All patriot participants will be responsible for finding their own food and lodging.”
In 1856 the House moved to expel Rep. Preston Brooks for nearly beating abolitionist Sen. Charles Sumner to death. He resigned, producing a special election, ran in the special election and won easily. theintercept.com/2019/09/29/sid…
His buddies that helped him only for a censure
This whole story of how southern pro-slavery Senate Democrats orchestrated an assault of their own colleague on the Senate floor is worth another look.
One thing I didn't mention is that practically speaking PAYGO often acted as a *disincentive* to actually enact smart tax increases on the rich, close loopholes, or cut genuinely bad spending. Because if you do that, then you can't use it as a payfor for the next bill!
It covers anything climate related, which is basically everything, and also covers the needed public health response to the consequences of Covid, which everybody here would agree covers M4A, since that's the whole argument for why to hold the vote now
Demands for civility are often just a way to shut down dissent. And then there are people who exploit that fact to do this. Thus isn’t “tone,” and it’s beyond just uncivil. Don’t be fooled into apologizing for it
And the thing is, getting a vote on the House floor could indeed be a good organizing device. And people can keep pushing for it. But if you wanted to use this moment to fight for it, the planning should’ve started months ago, before the CPC went in on their PAYGO strategy
In 2019 when AOC and Ro fought against paygo, they were late, disorganized, and slapped together a symbolic pushback. They got crushed. So they started planning for the next round, and this time broke through. Twitter/youtube energy is great but sometimes it takes legwork too