Tsk tsk, seeing some Canadians out there not buying into the Canadian propaganda blitz that baselessly projects our own crimes and atrocities onto China to feel better about ourselves.
A lot of this Marxism vs. Religion discussion seems to be approached by people trying to show off how inclusive and open-minded they are, rather than breaking down the problem into constituent elements and explaining how to tackle them.
The problem with unchecked religious organizing is real and concrete.
The case of coup-era Bolivia is a very clear example of radicalized cops on the streets chanting prayers, before they charge in to slaughter indigenous people.
Their genocidal fascism is spilling over, and it's especially foul when served as puke-worthy liberal "analysis."
The notion that Xi Jinping is cynically scheming environmental 5-year plans just to play second fiddle to a goo-brained rapist like Joe Biden is just... π π π
Humour aside, though, it's literal Nazi logic.
"The scheming, calculating <insert group here> does not ever pursue virtue for its own ends, it's all shadowy plotting and scheming. They're trying to usurp the rightful place of our dear leaders, who truly are virtuous."
Soviets, Jewish people, Chinese people... you name it.
Starting goals? Arguing Cuba isn't socialist, and China isn't socialist either.
Why, yes, they are an American Maoist. Why do you ask?
Here's a thread on Shining Path and "Gonzalo", the lunatic these people "uphold."
Assassinating Afro-Peruvian leaders, dynamiting the grave of the enacter of Land Reform, hanging dead dogs to lampposts with "Deng Xiaoping" written on placards.
1) keep insisting art/entertainment should be spared political treatment,
2) react with endless whining if anyone dares challenge this directive,
suggests to me that it is a domain where capitalist hegemony is fragile and vulnerable.
Contrary to what a lot of "leave media alone, all that matters is your fleshy presence in the streets" people argue, revolutionaries like Lenin and Mao have historically treated art *extremely* seriously, as propaganda. redsails.org/mao-on-literatβ¦
The idea that one can *uncritically* consume a White Supremacist Capitalist fantasy like "Breaking Bad" without it having any significant impact on their politics seems incorrect to me.