O’Toole is protecting an unhinged extremist Christian Nationalist who is inciting STOCHASTIC TERRORISM. This is the same type of rhetoric that inspired the Capitol insurrection attack.
They called Biden a pedophile & accused Pelosi & Schumer of drinking the blood of babies.
Using this type of toxic “Big Lie” rhetoric raises the probability of lone wolf terrorism by far right radicalized extremists to very close to 100%. It’s impossible to predict when or where.
But it will happen if this kind of rhetoric continues to be used. That’s a certainty. Not a probability.
Q’Anon conspiracy theories are overlaying Evangelical Christian Nationalist beliefs about the divine liberty of “true”Christians.
This is a cult, not religion. This is not a Christian belief system.
Reformist, Calvinist and NAR churches, along with far right radicalized traditional Catholic Churches are propagating their parishioners with the belief that God will protect them from covid.
I’ve found several online sermons that preach complete obedience to God’s law and rejection of secular law.
These are pastors telling believers to break the law.
That’s definitely not in Christian scriptures. This is mental abuse of parishioners & abuse of church platforms.
At the moment there is a developing organized disinformation campaign across Canada using Christian faith to psychologically manipulate Evangelical faithful into ignoring public health orders.
Coincidentally, several covid variants are threatening to create a 3rd wave.
A wave so terrifying the federal government made specific reference to maintaining covid measures Feb 19, as premiers continue to relax covid restrictions.
These variants are so contagious and deadly, daily confirmed cases could rise to 20,000 per day nationally.
Now if that doesn’t scare the shit out of every Canadian, I’m not sure what will.
It should also inform every Canadian that those behind the organized and coordinated disinformation campaign are seeking to do harm, and using their own supporters to do it. That’s disgusting.
Unconvinced it’s a coordinated conspiracy? It’s not hard to observe.
Liberty Coalition Canada is a new political lobby group. Made up of conspiracy theorists, radicalized extremist Christians, incendiary politicians, and organized Church leadership.
Led by avowed Evangelical radicalized Christians, they want to end covid restrictions. Like Florida & South Dakota did in the US. Just go back to fully open and hope for the best.
Remember a SD nurse documented several patients dying from covid still believing Covid was a hoax.
Trolls are out spreading disinformation, far right network media is flooding social media with disinformation. Misrepresenting covid mortality rates (its 2.5% in Canada not 0.002%), and ignoring the cost to human beings who are hospitalized and take months to recover.
Never mind the cost to provide medical care. Or the loss of life leaving young children without a parent or a wake of grieving relatives. Nor the cost to medical and hospital personnel continuously overwhelmed with full ICUs of covid patients and regular hospital beds.
Former and current Politicians at all levels of government are signing up to support Liberty Coalition. And they have 4 issues being promoted.
Paleolibertarian beliefs are being promoted & propagated.
They’re political goals, not religious beliefs requiring religious freedom.
The approach being used to manipulate the devoutly religious is mental abuse.
This video demonstrates the gaslighting that is performed.
Basically, believers must completely turn themselves over to obey God’s laws to receive “God’s rest.”
God’s rest is like reaching paradise or a special blessed state of existence. Ignore secular laws and only obey God’s laws.
So keeping the Sabbath holy requires church attendance. Other wise you can’t receive God’s rest. In other words, ignore covid orders.
Children must learn to obey God or they will be driven to suicide from despair & isolation and a lack of moral and spiritual support. So we must open all of society.
Curious when isolated indigenous communities actually experience this, these churches are nowhere to be found.
Open businesses because working is performing God’s work. Providing for a family, employing others. That’s holy.
Is that like Arbeit macht frei “work will set you free?”
Politicians supporting the cause are Derrick Sloan, Maxime Bernier, Drew Barnes.
Also supporting this is the Rebel Media with their fake news about increased suicides and the injustice of jailed pastors who just want to preach the word of god.
This is definitely Q’Anon level conspiracy theories masking a conspiracy to spread covid during a vulnerable time.
And it’s the exact same strategy Trump used to become the worst covid infected nation on earth with the highest death rate by far and permanently ill patients from covid. Biden has been in office a month and has managed to reduce cases by close to two thirds.
By propagating the belief that covid is a hoax, a significant portion of the US population began to believe their constitutional freedoms were being trampled by tyrannical leaders who insisted on enforcing covid orders.
In Michigan, the governor was the target of a coordinated conspiracy to kidnap, try for treason, and exterminate her because she would not lift covid restrictions.
This is the same strategy. The very same strategy.
Vulnerable people who are already primed to approach science and facts with magical thinking and live in closed insular social groups, are psychologically manipulated to believe secular laws are invalid, God’s laws are primary, and theonomy is preferred over democracy.
This is an organized attempt to lay the ground work for a Canadian coup similar to the US attack.
Liberty Coalition provides “legitimacy” for the religious zealots by propagating the “Big Lie” as if it’s a valid religious & political belief system.
These are NOT valid beliefs.
But this is what stochastic terrorism looks like. Radicalize vulnerable people to believe insane and antisocial propaganda and inspire them to commit violence. Thing is, it’s these people who are most at risk of contracting covid as well.
They are victims like the rest of us.
Pretty sick and sadistic to literally sacrifice the people who actually support your ideology to gain power and control.
But that’s how cons work. Consequentialist ethics means no price is too high as long as someone else is paying it.
Edmonton and Calgary are experiencing a rise in public demonstrations from this group.
Here’s today’s March for Freedom in Edmonton.
Notice tiki torches and Religious display signs. Same demographic combo as Charlottesville and Capitol Attack.
Basically 30% of the population has no grasp of public health realities & believes the pandemic is just an excuse to isolate them.
They believe this so fervently that they’re willing to break the public health orders en masse to force the province to remove covid restrictions altogether. Putting the entire population in grave danger from the pandemic and more so from the new variant covid strains.
There is no rationalizing with many of these people. They’ve been radicalized and can only view their existence through an extremist lens. They’ve essentially been brainwashed. Gaslighted so badly, they no longer know the difference between real life and fantasy.
Many of them have been indoctrinated to believe the only law they need to abide by is God’s law as it is communicated in the “perfect” and “inerrant” Bible.
Secular laws are selectively ignored. The only authority recognized is God and the church feeding them psyops propaganda.
This propaganda requires the devoutly faithful to abandon all critical thinking and all individual will and submit in obedience to the inerrant bible as it’s been interpreted by the pastor/priest.
Anything less than total obedience and compliance is a grave sin.
That sin will prevent the believer from being saved by Jesus, sentencing them to eternal damnation.
That’s how fricking sick and mentally abusive the indoctrination is. That’s not faith. It’s cult level thought control.
There is no opportunity to discuss the issue because these people believe they are God’s chosen people and compromise is a sin. Cooperation is a sin. And with the belief that some actually commune with God on a regular basis, they have divine blessing and support.
This is what is known as Dominionist Christianity.
It’s exactly the same psychological manipulation the Taliban, Al Qaida & ISIS use on vulnerable muslims.
This is how Trump got elected and how thousands of true believers stormed the US Capitol building.
And now Canadian far right ultra Christian Nationalists and their Dominionist architects are using the same strategy. To obtain power and control and impose theonomy in Canada.
All wide out in the open.
This is a threat to Canadian democracy, our Canadian liberalist and moderate culture and freedom.
The more these people March and refuse to wear masks and follow public health orders, the longer we will be self distancing and isolating.
Demand your premier enforce public health orders. Demand the police uphold law and order.
Forget the taboo about challenging faith. This isn’t faith. It’s cult propaganda.
We are headed for violence if this isn’t curtailed very soon.
Accusing liberals of being communists was the common far right distraction from noticing efforts to install the same surveillance systems authoritarian nations have installed since roughly 2018.
When was Huawei CFO Meng Wenzhou arrested and held in Canada?
December 2018.
Western Society is being kettled by multiple authoritarian regimes whose ambitions include elimination of the public square, the death of liberal democracy and “peace” sustained through THOUGHT REFORM.
In other words, China is imposing its SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM globally.
I’m amplifying this again since Danielle Smith has openly defied Canadian federalism to promote the interests of land lease owners to profit from O&G resource development.
Bear in mind, Canada subsidizes American producers & American consumers of refined Oil Sands.
It’s Albertans and Canadians taking a financial hit, not the US. Royalties are at an all time low and the owners of the resources continue to lose out on profits from the sale of Oil to US companies.
Danielle Smith is unequivocally stating she refuses to adjust that arrangement.
Smith is not working for Albertans or Canadians.
Her statements and policy positions, including refusal to apply Canadian tariffs on raw product shipped to US for refining in retaliation for US tariffs on all Canadian exports.
Traitors already sold out Canada over a decade ago. It’s why they want back in power so bad.
Enough to perform multiple coup attempts. Like 2022 convoy and 2025 convoy and threat from Trump. Also arranged for multiple provincial takeovers by con politicians loyal to the agenda.
Why has the effort been to remove PMJT? To assassinate his character? To link him to multiple false scandals disproving his progressive credentials?
To discredit him so they can take over and rip apart Canada.
Why is Danielle Smith leader of Alberta?
Because this plan has existed since at least 2012 when she ran as leader of the Wildrose Party. Remember, when unable to oust the conservatives, she crossed the floor to takeover Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from within.
As we have all been coping with the news that PMJT has stepped down, JCCF has been ramping up their efforts to perform a coup.
These people are relentless in their pursuit of power & their demand for all Canadians to be forced to live under their interpretation of biblical law.
John Carpay should be in prison as far as I’m concerned. Not for these shenanigans. For putting surveillance on a chief judge who was presiding over his court case.
But this takes the cake! Trying to reverse prorogation of parliament? WTF!
These are bold moves by such idiots.
When people light fires to force firemen to put out the fire, we call that ARSON.
What do we call it when a group of religious fundamentalists attack the constitution, our judiciary and duly elected officials? An attempted coup d’état.
@Danni79021355 @KekwayB @JohnnyRickman14 Some of those documents were 5 Eyes top secret info. Additionally, some documents were military assessments of defence weaknesses of US allies. Canada is an ally of the US.
Now do the math. Create the timeline. It becomes more obvious when you do.
@Danni79021355 @KekwayB @JohnnyRickman14 J6 was 2021. The second failed impeachment conviction distracted many while Trump vacated the White House.
Trump had possession of stolen files from at very least January 2021.
Trump has recently flagged the Canadian/American border as a weakness. He’s threatening to annex us.
@Danni79021355 @KekwayB @JohnnyRickman14 What occurred in February 2022 in Ottawa and at major border points of entry across Canada? Convoy occupation of Ottawa and border barricades.
Who were the main funders of those events as evidenced by leaked donation records?
It’s the tribalisation of liberal supporters from within.
That thread within a thread clearly demonstrates camps forming before your eyes. One supports PMJT and the other supports Freeland. Both using principles to delineate lines in the sand which must not be crossed.
Can’t help but notice it’s two middle income, high status white men making a principled stand, demanding liberal voters pick their allegiances and support them. One is a principled centrist, the other is a principled centre left progressive.