#SankalpDiwas#Facts Total area of erstwhile Jammu Kashmir was 2,22,236 sq Km. Today we have only 1,01,000 sq Km area. Rest is under illegal occupation of Pakistan and China, known as Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir (POJK), Pakistan Occupied Territory of Ladakh (POTL) & COTL.
#POJK Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir comprises of Mirpur-Muzzafarbad from Jammu Kashmir region. Total area of POJK is 13,297 sqkm.
#POTL (Pakistan Occupied Territory of Ladakh) comprises of Gilgit and Baltistan. Total area of POTL is around 64817 sq km. #SankalpDiwas
Gilgit Baltistan is ethnically inhabited by people speaking- Dardic Languages of Indo-Aryan, Shina , Kohistani, Domaaki, Wakhi (spoken in parts of Afghanistan, Xinjiang & Tajikistan), Khowar (spoken in Chitral),Burushaski are spoken in POTL and Balti spoken in Baltistan region.