Thanks for joining today's Clubhouse session with the topic of "Tell me about a Korean word/phrase you learned recently" and introducing so many fun words and phrases! All of you did a fantastic job of explaining the phrases too 😃 Here is a list of what we talked about:
1. 공짜 = free of charge / 세상에 공짜가 어디 있어요?(= There's no free lunch.) 2. 마음에 들다 = to like something (at first encounter) / 내 마음이야.(= I'll do what I want. (children's phrase)) 3. 상처를 받다 = one's feeling are hurt / 상처가 나다 = to get a wound
4. 상상력을 키우다 = to increase one's imagination (abilities) 5. 착각하다 = to be mistaken/delusional about something 6. 츤데레(from Japanese) = indifferent in public but nice in private or secretly 7. -을 만하다 = to be worth doing something 8. 답답하다 = to be frustrating
9. 왔어요? = Oh, you're here! 10. 녹음 = audio recording 11. 후회하지 않을 것 같아요. = I don't think I'll regret it. 12. 올드 루키 = old rookie 13. 이 드라마 안 좋아해요. = 이 드라마 좋아하지 않아요. = I don't like this drama.
14. 말도 안 돼! = That's not possible! / That's absurd! 15. 네 = Yes / but also used to just indicate you're listening 16. 밤 = night / 낮 = daytime 17. 낮잠 = nap 18. 암기하다 = to memorize / 외우다 = to memorize or know/learn by heart
19. 이야기하다 = to talk or to have a conversation (can be several people or one person talking) / 대화를 나누다 = to have a conversation 20. 저리다 = one's foot or hand is numb 21. 뒹굴뒹굴 하다 = to be lazy and not do anything, just lying around in the house
22. 물약 = potion / 알약 = tablet/pill / 가루약 = powder medicine 23. 백신을 맞다 = to get a vaccine shot / 주사를 맞다 = to get an injection 24. 대개 = generally / 되게 = very / 대게 = crab/queen crab 25. 잘 생겼어요 = someone is handsome (생기다 = to be formed)
26. 낯 가리다 = to be shy 27. 눈팅 = just browsing on social media or in chatting rooms without participating (from 눈eyes + 채팅chatting) 28. 핑계 = excuse / 핑계를 대다 = to give an excuse 29. 나와바리(from Japanese) = an area one knows well 30. 빈수레 = an empty cart
So that's it! The list had to be summarized to avoid being too complex : ) Thanks again for joining today and we'll schedule the next session soon!