3 years ago, @FWDus joined a broad coalition with @fams2gether to stop Trump's Zero Tolerance Policy that tore children away from their parents. We galvanized around the public outcry and eventually won the demand to end the policy and reunify families. 2/
Many many folks answered the call to step and help bring comfort and strength -- that's where we created #FlightsForFamilies to assist local organizations with speedy travel for families' end destination. But just as soon as 0 Tolerance ended, #RemainInMexico replaced it 3/
Over 70,000 people from Jan 29, 2019 - Jan 20, 2021 were placed into MPP. There are still 25,000 people with active cases enrolled. And what you're seeing are critical steps taken to end this cruelty once and for all, after months and years of... 4/
Fighting the govt, elevating families and their experiences, lawyers on call after call after call helping every client with probably a 20x normal-sized caseload. 5/
So the last few weeks of long awaited good news, is a welcome breath of fresh air. But we must press onward and make sure every person seeking asylum at our borders is safe, and that families are reunited