2021 and the US is illegally bombing Syria again:- That's 20 years now of the 9/11 Global 'war on terror'. Here is Tony Blair and George Bush discussing back in Autumn 2001, just after 9/11, how to take out Saddam.
1) And here they discuss the matter of when to attack Iraq, Syria and Iran.
2) And here is General Wesley Clark discussing the wide-ranging 'regime-change' war ending with Iran:-
3) Happy birthday 'war on terror', 20 years now of Western aggression, enabled by propaganda and deception, from Iraqi WMD in 2003 to alleged gas attacks in Syria #Douma, and using fear of 'Islamic terrorism' to achieve multiple 'regime-change' wars. eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/112107/
6) 20 years of warfare, 20 years of death and destruction, 20 years of deception and propaganda, 20 years of the 'liberal' establishment believing we are 'saving the world', and 20 years of mainstream media failure. Will this ever end? @Tim_Hayward_@VanessaBeeley@EvaKBartlett
As claims about chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria circulate, and calls are made for witnesses to be heard, here is a reminder of key scientific issues regarding the @opcw's investigation of the alleged Douma attack. @CL4Syr @MichaKobs @aaronjmate piersrobinson.substack.com/p/the-censored…
1) This alleged attack became controversial when OPCW whistleblowers revealed information had been manipulated and censored in order to blame the Syrian government @ukcolumn @UKCExtracts @Tracking_Power ukcolumn.org/article/the-ce…
2) For example, analysis showing the incompatibility between the chlorine gas cylinders and the supposed damage they had caused when hitting ceilings was suppressed. @citizenjournos_ berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, in this interview with @Judgenap, implicates MI6 in the assassination of General Igor Kirillov due to his investigation of MI6 chemical weapons false flags, involving White Helmets, in Syria ( at 11:00 onwards)
1) He notes that @thetimes endorsed this assassination. The same newspaper which has itself been involved in MI6 sample gathering operations in Syria<<. berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
2) At the time of the controversial alleged attack in Douma 2018, General Kirillov, was interviewed regarding the event:
As heavily propagandised elites in the West celebrate the overthrow of the Syrian government, a reminder. As Wesley Clark revealed, the US planned to 'regime-change' 7 countries in 5 years. @ic911justice
1) The overthrow of the Afghan government in 2001 led to 20 years of war and no less than 176 000 direct deaths, as documented by the Watson Institute. watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/fig…
2) The overthrow of the Iraqi government in 2003 was underpinned by now documented deceptions regarding fictitious weapons of mass destruction. 315 000 dead, probably many more. Ensuing civil war was beset with extremist groups. academic.oup.com/psq/article/12…
This is indeed where we are now at. Current geopolitical realities can be traced directly to the 9/11 manufactured war trigger, or false flag attack on the US. @ic911justice. This was when Bush and Blair conspired as to when to hit Iran, Syria and Iraq
1) Prior to 9/11, Philip Zelikow - who, a little coincidentally ;) - ended up directing the 9/11 Commission, penned a Foreign Affairs paper warning of a catastrophic terror event in 1998. ic911.org/journal/articl…
2) The psychological shock of 9/11 was immediately exploited in order to initiate multiple 'regime'-change wars, as Wesley Clark explained several years later
For anyone yet to realise the import of the 9/11 event, the current round of wars across the Middle East, including genocide against the Palestinians, started with this manufactured - or false flag - war trigger. Destruction of Syria and Iran was always the goal. @ic911justice
1) This policy of war is underpinned by multiple strategic deceptions, some of which, such as the Iraq WMD deception, are well established. @thecoastguy @JamesMelville academic.oup.com/psq/article/12…
2) Others, such as the deception campaign involving chemical weapons allegations against the Syrian government, are known to those who have been paying attention. See this thread for fuller details:
As war escalates in Syria, a reminder that the 'Assad is bad' narrative has been maintained via repeated allegations of chemical weapons use. As revealed by the @opcw whistleblower scientists, this narrative has been maintained through deception. berlingroup21.org/courage-founda…x.com/WVanwagenen/st…
1) The key problem with the allegations, in the first instance, is that they have been supplied by organisations (such as the White Helmets, CBRN task force, Violations Documentation Center) linked to opposition groups and countries seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.
2) As @aaronjmate explains in this article, reliance upon such sources broke a fundamental rule that investigations should not rely upon evidence supplied by intermediaries thegrayzone.com/2022/09/09/syr…