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Co-Dir https://t.co/napaMMYiju. Res Dir https://t.co/vcpquGxMNT & Co-Ed https://t.co/ttGWbT3ib5. Co-Ed https://t.co/rA4HvqEvpI. https://t.co/xmr0w7eJmI.
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Jan 31 14 tweets 6 min read
During a Senate hearing re Tulsi Gabbard, @SenMarkKelly evades the issue of the @opcw whistleblowers who reported on the corruption of the Douma Fact Finding Mission re an alleged chlorine gas attack in 2018. They are both highly credible sources and with expertise. @ggreenwald @Judgenap @DougAMacgregor 1) For example, Inspector Brendan Whelan, who blew the whistle internally regarding the corruption of the investigation was one of the OPCW's most experienced inspectors. He was closely involved with the Douma investigation: berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…Image
Jan 30 26 tweets 9 min read
Attempts to smear Tulsi Gabbard because of her questioning of the Syria chemical weapons narrative continue unabated. Here @gregkoblentz has issued a 19 page memorandum to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, washingtonpost.com/documents/c361…. The memo contains serious flaws: x.com/washingtonpost…Image 1) Linked to the @washingtonpost hit piece, by @isaacstanbecker, the memo is liberally sprinkled with the deeply problematic terms 'conspiracy theory' (14x) and 'disinformation' (19x). f.y.i. @Tim_Hayward_ @thackerpd Image
Jan 11 11 tweets 5 min read
As claims about chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria circulate, and calls are made for witnesses to be heard, here is a reminder of key scientific issues regarding the @opcw's investigation of the alleged Douma attack. @CL4Syr @MichaKobs @aaronjmate piersrobinson.substack.com/p/the-censored…Image 1) This alleged attack became controversial when OPCW whistleblowers revealed information had been manipulated and censored in order to blame the Syrian government @ukcolumn @UKCExtracts @Tracking_Power ukcolumn.org/article/the-ce…
Dec 22, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, in this interview with @Judgenap, implicates MI6 in the assassination of General Igor Kirillov due to his investigation of MI6 chemical weapons false flags, involving White Helmets, in Syria ( at 11:00 onwards) 1) He notes that @thetimes endorsed this assassination. The same newspaper which has itself been involved in MI6 sample gathering operations in Syria<<. berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…Image
Dec 10, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
As heavily propagandised elites in the West celebrate the overthrow of the Syrian government, a reminder. As Wesley Clark revealed, the US planned to 'regime-change' 7 countries in 5 years. @ic911justice 1) The overthrow of the Afghan government in 2001 led to 20 years of war and no less than 176 000 direct deaths, as documented by the Watson Institute. watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/fig…Image
Dec 6, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This is indeed where we are now at. Current geopolitical realities can be traced directly to the 9/11 manufactured war trigger, or false flag attack on the US. @ic911justice. This was when Bush and Blair conspired as to when to hit Iran, Syria and Iraq Image 1) Prior to 9/11, Philip Zelikow - who, a little coincidentally ;) - ended up directing the 9/11 Commission, penned a Foreign Affairs paper warning of a catastrophic terror event in 1998. ic911.org/journal/articl…Image
Nov 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
For anyone yet to realise the import of the 9/11 event, the current round of wars across the Middle East, including genocide against the Palestinians, started with this manufactured - or false flag - war trigger. Destruction of Syria and Iran was always the goal. @ic911justice Image 1) This policy of war is underpinned by multiple strategic deceptions, some of which, such as the Iraq WMD deception, are well established. @thecoastguy @JamesMelville academic.oup.com/psq/article/12…Image
Nov 28, 2024 34 tweets 13 min read
As war escalates in Syria, a reminder that the 'Assad is bad' narrative has been maintained via repeated allegations of chemical weapons use. As revealed by the @opcw whistleblower scientists, this narrative has been maintained through deception. berlingroup21.org/courage-founda… x.com/WVanwagenen/st…Image 1) The key problem with the allegations, in the first instance, is that they have been supplied by organisations (such as the White Helmets, CBRN task force, Violations Documentation Center) linked to opposition groups and countries seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.
Nov 25, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
As of September 2024, the @opcw and states parties have failed to address key questions regarding the *Douma Chemical Weapons Deception* and the murder of 43 civilians. @UK_OPCW @A__Alimov @RussiaUN @China_OPCW @Brazil_UN_NY @USAmbUN @UNCoISyria berlingroup21.org/bg21-autumn-20… x.com/OPCW/status/18…Image 1) All states parties now possess two detailed reports: The 'Way Forward' Report for the European Parliament by @wallacemick and @ClareDalyIRL berlingroup21.org/the-way-forwar…Image
Sep 29, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
For dazed and confused audiences in the West, the assassination of #Nasrallah , the attacks on #Lebanon, and the on going #Genocide_of_Palestinians, are all part of a process triggered by the 9/11 'false flag' (a.k.a a 'manufactured war trigger'). @ic911justice 1) Regarding the 9/11 'self-inflicted wound' or 'manufactured war trigger', a good place to start is @TedFWalter's 'Peace, War and 9/11'
Sep 15, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
As of September 2024, the @opcw and states parties have failed to address key questions regarding the *Douma Chemical Weapons Deception* and the murder of 43 civilians. @UK_OPCW @A__Alimov @RussiaUN @China_OPCW @Brazil_UN_NY @USAmbUN @UNCoISyria berlingroup21.org/elementor-1387
Image 1) All states parties now possess two detailed reports: The 'Way Forward' Report for the European Parliament by @wallacemick and @ClareDalyIRL claredaly.ie/wp-content/upl…
May 2, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
Actions in the months before China declared the existence of a 'pneumonia of unknown etiology' on Dec 31 2019, and immediately thereafter, demonstrate remarkable prescience and support the hypothesis that COVID 19 was an instigated 'structural deep event' @PanData19 @NickHudsonCT @SeanBFlanagan @KevinRyan911 1) Event 201 held by John Hopkins on 18 Oct 2019 simulated the ‘outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus … efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic’ centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/table…
Apr 9, 2024 31 tweets 13 min read
The Syrian Chemical Weapons Narrative involves multiple allegations of chemical weapons use. Few of these were deemed credible enough for the OPCW to investigate. And when they were, as we have learned from the Douma investigation, the investigations are manipulated in order to reach a 'preordained conclusion' berlingroup21.org/courage-founda… @Tracking_Power @Tim_Hayward_Image 1) A key problem with the allegations, in the first instance, is that they have been supplied by organisations (such as the White Helmets, CBRN task force, Violations Documentation Center) linked to opposition groups and countries seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.
Dec 19, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Endorsed by @prospect_uk @bellingcat and
@EliotHiggins in fact play a central role in manufacturing deceptive propaganda. @mtaibbi @joerogan @ggreenwald @elonmusk @KimDotcom @JimmyDoreShow @KitKlarenberg @RyLiberty. A case study: 1) It is now well documented by evidence emerging from dissenting @opcw scientists that the investigation of the alleged chlorine chemical weapon attack in Douma, Syria, 2018, was manipulated so as to reach a 'pre-ordained conclusion'. berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
Dec 17, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Endorsed by legacy media (@FT) and promoted as a source of truth (@itspetergabriel), @bellingcat and @EliotHiggins in fact play a central role in manufacturing deceptive propaganda. @shellenberger @mtaibbi @joerogan @ggreenwald @elonmusk @KimDotcom. A case study: 1) It is now well documented by evidence emerging from dissenting @opcw scientists that the investigation of the alleged chlorine chemical weapon attack in Douma, Syria, 2018, was manipulated so as to reach a 'pre-ordained conclusion'. berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
Oct 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Censorship and deplatforming are major components of propaganda campaigns. The Westminster Declaration is an important step in the fight back against the censorship regimes emerging across western democracies.
@PanData19 @ForPropaganda @propagandainfocuswestminsterdeclaration.org 1) Especially since, the COVID-19 event, it has become clearer to many that basic democratic principles relating to freedom of expression and rational debate are under siege. propagandainfocus.com/deafening-sile…
Jun 21, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
The 9/11 crime and the ensuing global 'war on terror' were major strategic deceptions; they have greater relevance to today than many people realise, @KimDotcom @RobertKennedyJr @ic911justice @thecoastguy During the weeks after 9/11, as British Prime Minister Tony Blair was telling the world this: Image
Jun 3, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
Hot topics at the moment, censorship and deplatforming are critical components of propaganda operations. As contributions to the debate, a selection of relevant papers from @PropagandaFocus showing the breadth and depth of the problem @mtaibbi @rustyrockets @shellenberger Here Prof. @Tim_Hayward_ analyses the role of the BBC in suppressing academic debate on war and conflict: @PropagandaFocus propagandainfocus.com/whose-disinfor…
May 18, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
As the conference on 'Mental Health & Propaganda in the Pandemic' convenes this weekend in Portugal, @DrJuliePonesse provides the latest interview for @pandata's 'Deafening Silencing' series saudemental-propaganda.com/en/ @MartaBranco86 @hartgroup_org @DrJBhattacharya @RobertKennedyJr 1) Propaganda through censorship, smearing and coercion has been a prominent feature of the the COVID-19 event and takes a huge toll on those targeted. @DrJuliePonesse
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
It is incredible and a source of shame for @elonmusk and @TwitterSupport that reports of censorship continue. In this case the continued deplatforming of an activist, @MamaTatiana_, dedicated to speaking truth to power whilst facilitating respectful dialogue between all people, And in this case an organisation, @hartgroup_org, composed of scientists and health professionals carefully challenging the tsunami of propaganda that has emanated from authorities over the last three years:
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Why no mention of the @OPCW whistleblowers and the manipulated investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Douma, @POLITICOEurope @shannonvansant? The White Helmets played a key role in this controversial event. A recent summary can be read here: propagandainfocus.com/five-years-on-… Detailed reporting from @aaronjmate can be read here: thegrayzone.com/2023/03/27/bur…