Among various Rishies who were seers of the secrets of the Vedas, there were many rishikas (women seers) whose names appear in the Rigveda as indicated in the following table:
Romsha 1/26/7/2
Lopamudra 1/179/1-6/3
Vishwavara 5/28/1-6/4
Shashwati 8/1/38/5
Apala 8/91/1-7/6
Yami 10/10/1,3,5,7,11,13/7
Ghosha 10/39-40/1-18/8
Surya 10/85/1-47/9
Indrani 10/86/1-23/10
Urvashi 10/95/2,4,5,7,11,13,15,16,18/11
Dakshina 10/107/1-11/12
Sarma 10/108/2,4,6,8,10,11/13
Juhu 10/109/1-7/14
Vag 10/125/1-8/15
Ratri 10/127/1-78/16
Godha 10/134/7/17
Indrani 10/145/1-6/18
Shradha 10/151/1-5/19
Indramatra 10/153/1-5/20
Shachi 10/159/1-6/21
Sapragi 10/189/1-3
Gargi and Maitreyi were distinguished scholars of vedas who challenged rishi Yajnavalkya, the great sage of the Upanishadic age in a debate conducted in the court of King Janaka. With so much of irrefutable evidence, there is no veracity in the claim that women did not enjoy....
the freedom of education in ancient bharat.
I shall conclude with Atharvaveda(14.1.68) which while addressing a newly wed women says "Let your homes be full of Vedic knowledge. Let there be Vedic study at the beginning, the middle and the end of your days's work".
Livestock as a whole is estimated to be responsible for around 18 to 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Animal agriculture and meat industry is the reason for at least 60% of the biodiversity loss.
Meet production requires 10 times more water and 50 times more land than plant production, leading to water scarcity and deforestation.
The leather industry is the cause of millions of tons of liquid waste in water bodies and one of the major reasons for soil pollution.
The meat industry is the reason for 100% of the total world hunger.
So if you cannot talk about the environment for the rest of the days of the year, cannot stop eating meat and cannot stop using leather, then
If we respect a motherly women to be the symbol of valor and all Devī that we possess, our world would be paradise. Her Valor is not brutal but that inspired by emotional & spiritual intelligence. Let us review few Mantras on valor.
O women, you are a lioness. destroy the enemies of ignorance, immaturity, negativity and savagery for the welfare, purity & happiness of all.
– (Yajurveda 5.10)
O women, u r a lioness. We resolve to do everything for ur respect & glory. U r a lioness that leads to the birth of great legends in society, that nurtures intelligence & bravery, who provides bliss & prosperity. we appoint u for the welfare of all living beings.(Yajurveda 5.12)
The Unforgotten Tale Of Bravery (When Akbar begged a Hindu Kshatrani to spare his life.)
Kiran Devi was the daughter of Shakti Singh who was the brother of Maharana Pratap.
Akbar was perverted. To satisfy his lust, every year he would arrange for an exhibition in Delhi. It was known as the ‘Nouroz Mela’.The Hindu Queens, as well as the other women from Delhi, paid a visit to this exhibition in order to buy goods and jewelry.
No men were allowed in there. Akbar disguised as a woman encroached the place every year to hunt for the woman in order to satisfy his desire.
One day Kirandevi came to the exhibition to see its pompous and offerings. Akbar had an eye on Kirandevi for a long time.
Rigveda 10.85 is on Surya, the sun (an analogy for the spiritual source of our intelligence). Btw where do you pick up these kinds of translations? The colonìal mìssìonaries like Gríffíth?
The Rig Veda hymn (10•85•44/45), the wedding prayer, indicates the rights of a woman as wife. It is addressed to the bride sitting next to bridegroom. It touches upon few other issues as well. Here is the correct translations of these mantras:
”Come, O desired of the Devas, beautiful one with tender heart, with the charming look, good towards your husband, kind towards animals, destined to bring forth heroes. May you bring happiness for both our quadrupeds and bipeds.” (Rig Veda 10.85.44/45)
Buddha did not reject Vedas. If you review the basic precepts of Buddhism, they are simply Vedic teachings reworded. The famous Buddhist chant of Om Mani Padme Hum speaks for itself on glory of Om (ओम्)– that originates from Vedas and is integral part of Hinduism.
For a snapshot of Buddha’s teachings I give quotes from the Dhamma-pada–
Just as a brahman priest reveres his Yajna, even so should one devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dharma taught by the Buddha. (392)
In Sutta Nipat 503 Buddha says that–
“One should support a person who is master of Vedas, contemplative, intelligent, helpful if you desire to inculcate similar traits.”
Actually It's Rigveda 1/50/4 ( There's nothing like 1/50 ) Which is talking about Surya Deva. Here is the full mantra of Rigveda– त॒रणि॑र्वि॒श्वद॑र्शतो ज्योति॒ष्कृद॑सि सूर्य । विश्व॒मा भा॑सि रोच॒नम् ॥
In this verse, (the reference is to the sun light) who moves 2202 yojans in half nimish. Yojan is a quite common unit in Bharat, it means 4 kose, each kose measuring 8000 British yards and each yard measuring 0.9144 m.
The definition of the time unit nimish can be found in Shrimadbhagwat 11-3 to 10) where it is mentioned that 15 nimishas make 1 kashta, 15 kashtas make one laghu, 30 laghus make 1 muhurta and 30 muhurtas make 1 diva-ratri. A diva-ratri, which is 24 hours in modern language.