This afternoon, @MISO_energy is hosting its final workshop on the Renewable Integration Impact Assessment report. Didn’t read the 217pg report? I’ve created this thread to prep you for the 1pm CT call. (here's the report:…, and the report as a word cloud:)
RIIA began in 2017 as a study to find “inflection points” for renewable penetration in MISO. These are the key questions RIIA set out to tackle: When does renewable integration get hard, and how do we fix it?
If there’s one key takeaway from RIIA, it’s this pull quote from the report: “Through coordinated action with MISO stakeholders, RIIA concludes that renewable penetration beyond 50% can be achieved.” That’s great news, and a big deal.
More of my favorite takeaways:
“Transmission Solutions Enable More Power Interchange, Using Diverse, Variable Resources from Across the Footprint”
“storage and transmission may mutually benefit each other”
“MISO Futures demonstrate the 30% milestone could occur as soon as 2026.”
MISO’s work on RIIA needs to expand and continue to improve as we gain better technologies, methodologies, and understanding. In '17, we didn’t include electric vehicles, hybrids or batteries in RIIA. We now know those technologies are critical to the future.
Initially, RIIA looked at a 75/25 wind/solar split, heavily focused on MISO North where MISO North adds 95GW of renewables (mostly wind), but only 15 GW of solar in MISO South. Later, MISO also conducted a 50/50 solar/wind sensitivity. Things change, even in 4 yrs.
(Aside: There’s already 12 GW of renewable energy projects in MISO’s Generation Interconnection Queue in the South, today. RIIA’s primary case shows roughly 12 GW utility-scale solar, and 3 GW of DG solar in MISO South. We’re going to blow past that. Fast.)
RIIA makes it abundantly clear that MISO needs more transmission solutions to better integrate the region and enable renewable energy growth. The February blackouts in MISO South should underscore the need for expanded and more robust transmission solutions.
RIIA took place over multiple years, involving hundreds of stakeholders and thousands of staff hours. I’m glad I was a part of the process. Congrats to the MISO teams in pulling this effort together. Now, let's do it again!
This past week has focused a lot on Texas' blackout and response to the polar vortex, Uri. There were also considerable problems in MISO South that are probably going to get ignored (except from MISO South customers, and regulators). So let's talk about it. Thread 1/8-
During Polar Vortex '21, aka, Uri...
MISO was importing (-) a lot of power from PJM (MIDA) almost 10GW, and also exporting (+) a lot of power to SPP (CENT) to keep the lights on, almost 5GW. 2/8…
SPP (CENT) was also sending its max 831 MW of power into Texas nearly all last week. 3/8
What are kilowatts, megawatt hours, and giga...whats?
The US power system uses metric prefixes. The most basic unit of energy is the watt. 1,000 watts = 1 kilowatt (KW). 1,000 kW = 1 megawatt (MW). 1,000 MW = 1 gigawatt (GW).
A kilowatt or megawatt indicates capacity or instant power demand/generation. A kilowatt hour or megawatt hour indicates power usage over time.
A microwave uses 1,000 watts of power.
If it runs for 1 hour, it consumes 1kWh of electricity.
A typical TX house uses 30kWh daily.
Power plants are often rated in megawatts. A typical wind turbine is about 2 MW's, meaning it can generate at max output 2MWh in a single hour, or 48MWh's in a day. Wind farms put together dozens of turbines, up to hundreds of MW's of capacity.
While debate rages over blackout causes (fossil fuels? market design?) few have pointed out transmission expansion planning failures. @aripescoe published this great paper (in January!) explaining why major utilities are hampering transmission planning.…
One aspect of RTO/ISO's is "transmission expansion planning". MISO's process is the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan MTEP. There are many *types* of transmission projects from small to big.
Small projects are 100% paid for by the local utility. Baseline Reliability Projects/"Other"/Age & Condition upgrades. Entergy has argued those projects don't need MISO review/approval. So, they're accepted as-is bottom-up projects.