to have an elite white man, with skin in the SR game on the status quo side, conduct an interview of current saliece, conduct an interview obviously not having made any serious effort to prepare, the hubris & self-serving naïveté is stunning that this was posted. 2/
& for this unqualified person to then go on to appraise from the hip the results of a formal fields of study & policy analysis, completely outside his areas of expertise & with no effort to seriously prepare for this subject,
to have then feelings & be insulted as a basis to reject formal, empirical conclusions he doesn't like as off-target & in need of better messaging for structurally dominant groups is a prime example of #StructuralRacism.
@JAMA_current take this podcast down & redo it with with someone who is better prepared & less unconscious of the baked-in structurally racist air water we all breathe & the water we all swim in.