Thread on the bipartisan resolution
Can those of you that are rallying against the bipartisan resolution please explain your reason? I am going to break this down, and I need a point by point response for these.
My reminder for all of you is that this is democracy in action, 1/
While the executive side (Department of State) partially passed judgement regarding the situation in Ethiopia. The legislative wing has looked into the situation even more. So they pressed for cessation of hostilities as expected of any friendly country who doesn't want war 2/
When asking 4 cessation they asked for Eth Gov. +TPLF + other forces to all stop.They didn't just make it on one side, because in reality war happens between 2 or more groups. You can't ask just one side to stop. They mentioned all the back and forth for the 2 years b4 the war 3/
Then they mentioned that ENDF was ordered to retaliate after TPLF attacked the NC on Nov 4. Once TPLF attacked NC, Egov considered it as a terrorist and didn't negotiate. So so far what did they do wrong? 4/
Then they even captured the discrepancy between what the Norwegian team reported about access 2 Tigray versus what the WFP head reported !They mentioned both the Maikadra massacre and reported killing in Axum, putting the description in quotation cause figures weren't provided 5/
You can read the rest here:…
So let's go to the resolutions, only the few major ones. Res1: they want both to stop the conflict, won't y'all?the problem so far is not recognizing that TPLF went to insurgency mode. only 1 side can't stop needs both sides. 6/
Res5: -VI one, It asks for TPLF people to be taken into custody in a humanely manner. what is wrong with this? Didn't we see the gov. doing this already with Aboy Sibhat etc.? If they are KIA that is war unfortunately. If not this is a redundant as it is happening already 7/
RES5: Again it asks for national dialogue but only with non-violent parties, what is wrong with that?Obviously TPLF and OLF cannot be part of the national dialogue 'cause they mercilessly massacred civilians OLF in #Metekel and #Wellega, and TPLF on #NorthCommand and #Maikadra 8/
RES7-D: it refers to the ethnic violence throughout Ethiopia including those caused by non-state armed groups (which means the state sponsors some as well, which is true #Shimelis everyone?) and requests to put all diplomatic means to cease it as well. 9/
Can anyone tell me y Ethiopians will be against this resolution that gets support for removing TPLF and OLF out of the equation? And recognizes for the need to take TPLF officials into custody? You need to know TPLF's game. Their game is making their targets appear anti-West. 10/
Partly the reason how they were able to cast out Eritrea from the rest of the world additional to using the full force of Ethiopia's diplomatic power and resources is by making Eritrea appear more and more anti-west. Read wikileaks, 11/ #ThirdDimension
TPLF used to detonate a bomb in Addis Ababa and blame it on Eritrea and Ironically OLF. They even went to the point of staging an Al-Shabab attack in Somalia whr successfully blamed it on Eritrea,until it was debunked recently. 12/ #FinalSolutionEthiopia
SO MORAL OF THE STORY, don't polarize z situation! You are Ethiopian, not some government position defender. If this resolution would mean to get rid of TPLF + OLF plus force PP to reconsider this stupid ethnic federalism through a national dialogue! GO FOR IT 13/ #ThirdDimension
@SecBlinken@NicolaADeMarco@AbiyAhmedAli While the concern is timely!The information you got regarding Welkait what TPLF calls "West Tigray" is absolutely wrong. The atrocity in Maikada ('west Tigray') was committed by TPLF! There's solid proof. Even the TPLF lead admitting who the victims were 1
@SecBlinken@NicolaADeMarco@AbiyAhmedAli The labeling however has made the ongoing #GenocideAgainstAmharas worse! TPLF was working on demonizing Amharas for 45 years (when they started their armed struggle with Derg), result is whenever they have a setback, they always blame it on Amharas. Derg wasn't an Amhara gov, 2/
@SecBlinken@NicolaADeMarco@AbiyAhmedAli same with Dr. Abiy who hails from an Oromo party. But all the same the demonization and targeting goes 2 Amharas. Right now pro-TPLF & pro-OLF forces are planning a joint campaign to get more Amharas killed back in Ethiopia. The statement made it worse