El doimingo 7 de marzo el articulista SimĆ³n Espinosa publicĆ³ una columna en el vocero de la oligarquĆa El Comercio exigiendo la intervenciĆ³n de los militares para declarar nula la primera vuelta de las presidenciales. elcomercio.com/opinion/columnā¦
No Met Police ban nor the official organisers calling it off can stop the anger and solidarity from expressing themselves on the streets. #ReclaimTheNight#ReclaimTheseStreets
š¢Homenaje Internacional a Esteban Volkov
con Leonardo Padura, Alan Woods, Serge Goulart, Roberto Robaina
Habla Alan Woods en el acto de homenaje en el 95 cumpleaƱos de Esteban Volkov
Esteban Volkov Bronstein, que cumple ya 95 aƱos y que ha jugado un papel ejemplar en la lucha por la defensa de la memoria histĆ³rica y del legado de LeĆ³n Trotsky:
#TowerRobbery is when a Labour council (against the opinion of the local Labour Party) sacks the entire workforce in order to impose a new contract. Solidarity with @UnisonTH on strike today in Tower Hamlets against @TowerHamletsNow
Support Tower Hamlets UNISON on strike today, Monday and Tuesday against attempt by Council to impose a new contracts by sacking all those who don't sign it.
š¢ONLINE RALLY TODAY: towerhamlets.unison.site/2020/06/30/supā¦
it is wrong for a Labour council to attack workers' terms and conditions #TowerRobbery