Over time, as for many #longcovid patients and advocates, it was important for me to see, albeit slow, the change in public awareness, the first clinics being opened, politicians acknowledging #longcovid, research funding being prioritised, and a guideline being created 4/8
Unfortunately, the long covid group is still growing and many have not received proper healthcare, financial and/or mental support yet.
Surprisingly, #longcovid is still not an official covid outcome, and as such, not considered in decision making nor in risk communication. 5/8
Importantly, we still don’t know the cause nor long-term consequences of Long covid.
I wrote In June “Until we develop this medical and scientific knowledge, healthcare professionals won’t have the guidance needed to treat these patients”
This is still true 9 months later 6/8
I ended with ‘We should focus on suppressing the virus as much as possible, even attempting to eliminate it, while we wait for the development of a vaccine’.
Fortunately the vaccines arrived, so we have hope they may prevent besides deaths, many severe and long covid illness 7/8
I was unlucky to catch the virus early on. For me #longcovid was the outcome.
Though a bitter pill to swallow, I am grateful for:
- support of friends & family
- healthcare professionals sticking with me
- feeling better