Had more amazing feedback from readers of #HeDiedWaiting. Unanimous that the book should be used in the education of social work, mental health, and health and social care students. I agree. Can you help me achieve this? RTs appreciated. 1/
I have some postcards (set 2) with quotes from #HeDiedWaiting to giveaway. See learningsocialworker.com for details. These are great for supporting values-based discussions. A teaching resource for social work/nursing PEs, mentors, lecturers using the postcards is coming soon. 2/
Thanks to the generosity of people I have some sponsored copies of #HeDiedWaiting to gift to people. Don’t be shy-if you,or someone you know, would benefit from a copy but cannot afford to buy please DM me. Please RT 3/
I’m having conversations with people from all sorts of organisations who want to use #HeDiedWaiting as a training tool or to support their members. It is so pleasing to think that something so positive has come out of writing about my experiences with Tim. 4/
#HeDiedWaiting is available on kindle for pre-order (released March 19th). Can anyone help me work out what I need to do to get an ebook version suitable for libraries? Or advise me how selling ebooks to HEI libraries works? Please RT 5/
I want to thank all my readers who send me messages of encouragement or emails sharing their experiences. What an honour it is to receive these. I wrote #HeDiedWaiting because I want to make a difference. So it’s lovely to hear that the book has helped some people already. 6/
Here’s a postcard quote from #HeDiedWaiting from set 2. ‘If I could change one thing, it would be to increase kindness...’ This weekend what can you do to spread some kindness? /end
Had a lovely email from a reader: ‘I have just read your book. I couldn’t put it down and will probably read all or parts of it again in the future. #HeDiedWaiting 1/
If only I had known how many others shared my experience it would have made a difference. It felt a lonely and shameful place at the time. 2/
I was overwhelmed with sadness for our losses and those of so many more. But also beyond taken with your bravery in writing #HeDiedWaiting and articulating what I feel on so many levels. 3/