This is a lengthy, but very worthwhile article. It's as relevant to the UK including Scotland as well as the USA.
You can listen to it as well. I recommend it.
@MhairiHunter I'd argue lying about there being EU legal advice in 2014, then using our money to cover up the lie, then surpressing the committee findings was controversial.
@MhairiHunter Selecting a small subset of years of figures to base the whitepaper"s hopelessly optimistic economic model on; that was controversial.
@MhairiHunter Having two nuclear reactors in Scotland, but no processing or storage for the waste - all done in England, and glossing over this when it would cost billions and be dangerous for centuries in an independent Scotland: that's controversial
Amidst domestic Scandals, @theSNP will try in May to woo Scottish remain voters to lend them a pro-EU vote.
But what do you actually know about the SNPs history with Europe?
Let's have a look...
1975: @theSNP campaigned against the UK entering Europe.
Some of their anti-Europe arguments may sound familiar. Though needless to say their project fear predictions of not voting how they demanded didn't come true.
Here's my take on if Scotland is a 'one party state' I think what is being referred to represents a genuine concern about a number real issues.
It's not about the seats in Holyrood, where the SNP have a nominal minority, it's about the blurring of lines between party, civil-state, nation and Government.
About where a party, led by a married couple, seek to be both the power, and the oversight of power, behind closed doors and hidden from the scrutiny of even their own members.