Some details:
3 stories, 42.8 ft
24 studios, 62 one-bedrooms, and 14 two-bedrooms
82 car parking spaces, 200 bike parking spaces
27,602 sq ft of open space (seating, courtyards, plazas, a rain garden)
Residents will get EcoPass for 3 yrs, minimum
Planning Board OK’d 7-0 with conditions
Council unlikely to call this up.
Friend: We don't get a lot of projects that are owned affordable housing. Is there anything we could be doing dif as a city to encourage those?
Jacob Lindsey, planning head: Yes, we can always do more. There are a number of efforts underway. And a number of ownership projects coming forward, mostly in partnership with BHP.
We've still got one more item: A nod of 5 (informal vote) on safe outdoor spaces
Council is confused (and so am I) about whether it's directing staff to actually DO one, or just to keep exploring the potential.
Friend clears things up: Let's propose a pilot for a 25-person sanctioned encampment, as bare bones as it can be done (but with 24/7 staff and services). To be paid for with $$ not going to the day center that is not happening this year.
I'm at Boulder City Counicl because it's BUDGET NIGHT!!
Folkerts: More $$ for parks + rec, paid for by repurposing $$ for encampment removals
Friend + Winer: More $$ for potholes /road maintenance. They did not ID a funding source.
Winer also asked for more $$ for underpass lighting. Again, no suggestion where it's coming from.
Speer: More $$ for emergency assistance, shelters and encampment cleaning (not removal) + public bathrooms, paid for by repurposing $$ for encampment removals.
Also more $$ for community connectors, paid for by cutting council's travel budget
"Homelessness is on the rise, particularly unsheltered homelessness," Megan Newton says. Colorado has the 14th highest rate of homelessness in the U.S. 18 homeless people per 1,000 residents.
Hey, all. I'm watching the Boulder City Council study session tonight. We've got updates from the municipal court, Boulder Police Dept and a discussion of homeless services.
I'll tweet what I can; it's a lot of info. All these issues are big topics in the upcoming election, so prob a good meeting to pay attention to.
First up: Our quarterly update from the municipal court. It looks like we're covering staffing and structural changes to the court (ho-hum) and then diversion programs for CU students and unhoused individuals.…
Benjamin: On Monday, county commissioners gave $700K to Boulder Shelter for the Homeless to expand services.
(City of Boulder gave $300K; City of Longmont gave $50K)
He's discussing a letter to county commissioners asking that, if the affordable housing tax on this year's ballot passes, the county set aside $$ for housing + services specifically for homelessness.
City council has to give an informal vote (called a Nod of Five) in order to send the letter on its behalf.