One of the most insidious forms of anti-racist race hustling in the modern era is the concept of “white tears”. And nothing embodies this racecraft like this article by @DamonYoungVSB, the same author of the recent gem, “Whiteness is a Pandemic”.…
I first heard the term “white tears” when the moderator of a company-wide seminar in the wake of George Floyd’s death asked white female employees not to shed tears, even in empathy. My jaw dropped. (I realized later that this was taken from Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility”.)
Superficially, this is not only racist but misogynistic as well. More deeply, though, this imbues anti-racist hucksterism with a mystical quality. It’s no coincidence that “racecraft” sounds like “witchcraft”.
The historical basis for white tears (and whiteness more generally) evokes a generational memory, a sort of racial Lamarckism. As if the souls of oppressed Blacks and oppressing whites are present today within interracial discourse. It is postmodernist quasi-religious hogwash.