“The Last Hour would not come until fire emits from the earth of Hejaz, [a fire] which would illuminate the necks of the camels of Busra.” Sahih Muslim 2902.
Let's first establish what Hijaz and Busra are.
In the first image, the area of Hejaz is highlighted in dark green. In the next image, the city of Busra has a red pin on it.
Notice how the area around Medina is in Hejaz. Then, notice how Hejaz is hundreds of kilometers away from Busra.
Quite a bold claim to make, isn’t it?
Where would such a massive flame able to illuminate a city hundreds of kilometers away come from?
Shockingly, 600 years after this prophecy was made, it was fulfilled with all of its details. This is what happened in the year of 1256 AD.
So this is what happened to those living in Medina, what about those in Busra?
Adh-Dhahabi (A Historian) writes that those living in Busra could see this fire as well. It was so luminous that even at this distance they could see the necks of their camels light up at night.
The fire was a volcanic eruption that is studied by volcanologists today, an eruption dubbed the "1256 AD Eruption" by some.
Here is an image of the site.
As we can see, the prophecy came true exactly as it was stated ~1400 years ago. Precise to every specific detail and 600 years after it was made.
1. The fire came from Hijaz 2. The fire came from the Earth 3. The fire illuminated the necks of the camels of Busra
To see references and more info, check the original article