In December 1822 in the port city of Navplia: According to a German officer named Kotsch, one of the European volunteers, the fingers of a Greek priest who was thought to have had relations with the Turks were broken by Greek rebels and his nails were burned.
Then, boiling water is poured over it by the Greeks; He was buried deep in the earth and molasses was rubbed on his face to be attacked by flies. The priest died after six days of suffering.
A Jew trying to escape from the city is totally naked and his organs are cut off; in that case it was hanging after being roamed around the city. When the city surrenders to the rebels a slaughter begins; The rebels arranged the heads of the slain like a pyramid. #1821Genocide
Meanwhile, the arrival of the British warship Cambrian, captained by the naval lieutenant colonel Hamilton, at the port saved some of the city's Muslim and Jewish residents from death. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Salahi Sonyel: How were the Turks in the Peloponnese Destroyed in the Days of the Greek Uprising?
St. Clair, p. 104-7; Howarth, p. 107-8; Douglas Dakin: The Greek struggle for independence, 1821-1833 (Greek independence struggle), London, 1973, p.97.
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الإبادة الجماعية في طرابلس: في مدينة تريبوليتسا ، حيث أقام الحاكم التركي في بيلوبونيز وكان يتألف من 35000 من السكان الأتراك والألبانيين واليهود ، في 5 أكتوبر 1821 ، قتل 10000 شخص نتيجة الإبادة الجماعية التي استمرت يومين. تم قطع رؤوس الكثير منهم وتمزق جثثهم. #1821Genocide
المسلمون الذين يُعتقد أنهم يخفون أموالهم يتعرضون للتعذيب والقديس. وقالت وزارة الاستعمار البريطانية ووزارة الخارجية إن كلير وهورث "أحرقا ببطء في النار وأذرعهما مقطوعة أقدامهما". يمكنك تخمين ما يحدث للمرأة الحامل. تم سرقة 2000 سجين ، معظمهم من النساء ، #1821PeloponneseGenocide
وتم اقتيادهم إلى واد خارج المدينة وقتلوا هناك. بعد ذلك ، يركض الأطفال المسلمون الجوعى هنا وهناك بشكل يائس ؛ تم ذبحه أو قتل بالرصاص على يد المتمردين اليونانيين المتحمسين. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Dans la ville de Tripolitsa, où le gouverneur turc résidait en Morée et comptait 35 000 résidents turcs, albanais et juifs, 10 000 personnes ont été tuées le 5 octobre 1821 à la suite du génocide de deux jours. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Beaucoup ont été décapités et leurs corps déchirés.
Les musulmans, qui auraient caché leur argent, sont torturés et St. Clair et Howarth ont été "lentement brûlés dans le feu, les bras coupés les pieds",... #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
...selon les rapports du Département des Colonies britanniques et du Département d'Etat. Vous pouvez deviner ce qui arrive aux femmes enceintes. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
In the city of Tripolitsa of Peloponnese, where the Turkish governor resided and which consisted of a population of 35000 Turks, Albanians and Jews, 10000 people were killed as a result of the two-day genocide. Many bodies were beheaded and torn apart.
The rebels tortured the Muslims whom they thought stashed their money. According to St. Clair, Howarth and the British Colonial Office and Foreign Office reports, “after their arms and legs were cut off, they were slowly burnt to death in a fire" #1821PeloponneseGenocide
One can imagine what they had done to the pregnant women.
Around 2000 prisoners, mostly women, were stripped naked, taken to a valley outside the town and then killed. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Mora’da, Türk valinin ikamet ettiği ve 35.000 Türk, Arnavut, Musevi sakinden oluşan Tripolitsa şehrinde 5 Ekim 1821’de iki gün süren soykırım sonucu 10.000 kişi öldürülmüştür. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Çoğunun kafaları kesilerek vücutları parçalanıyordu.
Paralarını gizledikleri sanılan Müslümanlara işkence yapılıyor ve St. Clair’la Howarth, İngiliz Sömürgeler Bakanlığı ile Dışişleri Bakanlığı raporlarına göre, “kollarıyla ayakları kesilerek ateşte yavaşça yakılıyorlardı”.
Hamile kadınlara neler yapıldığını tahmin edebilirsiniz.
Çoğu kadınlardan oluşan 2.000 tutsak, büsbütün soyularak, kentin dışındaki bir vadiye sürülüyor ve orada öldürülüyordu. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
В августе 1821 года турки и мусульмане небольшого городка Монемвасия, окруженного греками, не выдержали голода и болезней, не сдались грекам, и были жестоко убиты. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Через несколько дней мусульман Наварино постигла та же участь; От 2000 до 3000 мусульман были убиты. Турецких женщин заставляют снимать одежду и ищили золотые предметы; Некоторые женщины, прыгнувшие в море, чтобы спастись, были застрелены в воде. #1821PeloponneseGenocide
Дети тонут, будучи брошенными в море; они были убиты, оторвавшись от матери, ударами камней. Полуобнаженные и живые в страхе мусульманские девочки и мальчики позже были выставлены на продажу в качестве проституток. #1821Genocide #1821PeloponneseGenocide