In NYC there are more than 4k laundromats with mostly a woman immigrant workforce. @LWC_workers has found that workers were harassed and not even paid a minimum wage before the pandemic. During COVID-19, those conditions have worsened. #DocumentedTalks
The workers of Wash Supply Laundromat organized to get back stolen wages. In October, workers decided to make their own independent union. The company retaliated and tried to bust their union -- and eventually shut down the laundromat and fired everyone.
"Right now people feel like they have nothing to lose. They must fight back for essential things that they as workers should have." -- Rosanna Aran with @LWC_workers#DocumentedTalks
Yolanda Zhang with @AintIAWomanNY & @FlushingWorkers says that the expectations of a 24-hour shift cause damage to home care workers, most of whom are in the mid-40s and 50s.
"When you are in patients' homes, you sleep with one eye open," Zhang quotes one worker.
Zhang is working with other labor organizers to promote the SWEAT Bill, which would protect workers against wage theft. Gov. Cuomo initially vetoed the bill in 2019 but it is even more necessary with wage theft up during the pandemic, Zhang says. ⬇️
"Immigrant workers are the agents of change and they are leading this wave of movement." -- Yolanda Zhang, homecare worker organizer with @AintIAWomanNY
Nelson Mar is president of 318 Restaurant Workers Union, which represents workers of Jing Fong. It was founded in the 1980s as an independent union because the Chinese restaurant workers faced racism from the traditional labor movement. More here ⬇️…
Landlords like the Chu family ("the Trumps of Chinatown," Mar says) cannot use the pandemic as a cover to displace working people of Chinatown, Mar says. More than a restaurant, Jing Fong was a community center and its closing is an effect of displacement. #SaveChinatown
We'll continue this discussion at April's #DocumentedTalks panel about the changing face of Chinatown. Join the Documented Community and stay up to date on our events and get access to past recordings.…
By supporting our newsroom, you help us keep doing investigations about labor and immigration. Thanks for joining!
✊🏾 The panelists have shared some resources for folks who want to stay involved with immigrant labor organizing.
⬇️ Follow this thread that recaps NY immigrant labor organizing in 2021.
Immigrant workers are facing increased exploitation during the pandemic. In NYC, they're fighting back. Here's what we've seen happen in 2021 when workers come together. 🧵THREAD
Food vendors and delivery workers are on hunger strike to demand that New York #FundExcludedWorkers who have been left out of public COVID-19 relief packages.
These women have been fasting for nearly two weeks to put pressure on New York to pass a $3.5B fund that would provide emergency aid to undocumented workers.
They'll find out if their voices have been heard when the state budget is settled on April 1.
📍We are NYC's only newsroom that creates journalism for and about immigrants. This thread has everything you need to know about our community-centered approach, library of resources, upcoming events and how to get involved with our newsroom. ⬇️
We are constantly updating our guide to navigating the pandemic as an immigrant.
In English:…
⚡️ En español: Guía con información y ayudas relevantes para inmigrantes de NY ⬇️ THREAD…
⚡️ We ensure that the people affected by our stories are also the people reading them. Here's how we engage with our Latino readers and what's next as we learn how to work with NYC's Caribbean and Chinese immigrant communities. ⬇️ THREAD…