Last year, @laurenboebert’s mom, Shawna (@Southernbrn), posted a video, “Official News! Easter Bunny has the Chinese Virus,” in which she pretended to be a coughing Easter Bunny that told kids she might die.
Lauren Boebert’s mom dismisses calling Covid, the “Chinese virus,” as just a “joke.”
This isn’t the first time Shawna Bentz has made racist jokes.
Lauren Boebert’s mom, Shawna, posted a racist “things we hate” video rant complaining about “Mexicans” blasting “that hat music” from “lowrider truck[s].”
Reminder that before Breonna Taylor was killed, Attorney General Daniel Cameron spoke at a Donald Trump rally promising to stand with him. #BreonnaTaylor
Daniel Cameron visited Trump at the White House in 2019. #BreonnaTaylor
At the White House, Daniel Cameron got a personal signed tweet with Trump’s “complete endorsement.” Trump signed the tweet with the words, “Daniel, you will do great!” #BreonnaTaylor
1933 Popeye Blackface cartoon showing the popular, brutal American carnival game, African Dodger, where white people tried to throw actual baseballs at Black people’s faces.
In 1911, Ty Cobb’s participation in the African Dodger carnival game drew praise in the Washington Times after he struck a Black victim multiple times with a baseball. This “amused” the sports columnist.
Disney’s Donald Duck and other comics strips were shown participating in the popular American carnival game, African Dodger.
Yesterday, former Republican Senate candidate Lauren Witzke said, “No,” she doesn’t “‘want gays in the Republican Party.’”
Former Republican Senate candidate Lauren Witzke said the “LGBTQ agenda, the end goal was always the children,” and says @willchamberlain and TPUSA’s @robsmithonline are “a gateway drug to pedophilia.”
Lauren Witzke said she has to stay away from Will Chamberlain to protect herself because he uses drugs “and is in active addiction.”