But still, potential political dangers lurk, even on his signature issue — including a vote in favor of a 1986 bill that the NRA has called "the law that saved gun rights" in America. nbcnews.com/politics/2020-…
"During my 12 years as member of this body I have never believed that additional gun control or federal registration of guns would reduce crime I'm convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal nontraceable unregistered sources with/without gun control
The Questions they asked
Their Questions about Donald J Trump
1) Biden “Zeke at the Associated Press”
Zeke Miller, Associated Press (president of the White House Correspondents Association)
One question and one follow-up question
THREAD🧵 The reporters Biden likes
The Questions they asked
Their Questions about Donald J Trump
2) Biden “Okay. How about, Yamiche?”
Yamiche Alcindor, PBS NewsHour.
One question and one follow-up question.
THREAD🧵 The reporters Biden likes
The Questions they asked
Their Questions about Donald J Trump
3) Biden “Okay. Hang on. Sorry. Oh, okay, Ms. Kim.”
Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post
One question.
Alejandro Mayorkas is a LIAR💣
March 14 UNIVISION Interview VIDEO univision.com/shows/al-punto… 1) Kids in Cages💥
"There are no children in cages in the united states"
Alejandro Mayorkas is a LIAR💣
March 14 UNIVISION Interview VIDEO univision.com/shows/al-punto… 2) CRISIS💥
"Yes. there is a crisis"
Alejandro Mayorkas is a LIAR💣
March 14 UNIVISION Interview VIDEO univision.com/shows/al-punto… 3) ABUSE💥 TRUMP - Crimes Against Humanity💥
"all sorts of abuse. beatings, extortions, robberies, it happenings"