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Apr 4, 2021 991 tweets >60 min read Read on X


Jeongguk was running. Skipping two stairs at once. He had one minute. And three more floors ahead. His legs were aching. But he can't stop. If he halts now, he will loose him. Forever.

"Yoongi" He shouted.
Tags: #yoonkookau
-supernatural elements au
-humour/crack (can't go without it lol)
-high school au
⚠️ ‼️TW‼️⚠️

-sucidal thoughts/tendencies
-mental abuse..(maybe)
-this au contains constant themes of these and sometimes I won't know when to put the warning so proceed only if you are comfy with these.‼️
#yoonkookau #ghostieyooniau
I WILL COMPLETE IT!! IT'S A DIFFERENT YEAR. hopefully the curse of 2020 is gone🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
__ __
Jeongguk was on the terrace. Standing on the railing. Hands spread wide. Eyes closed. Only the wind made swishing noises. He took deep breaths. It was time. He could end it for once and for all. And he could have the freedom, the peace, he so dearly craved.
Seoul was beautiful in the night. Still breathing life to its core. All those people down there, they were happy. Why can't he be happy.

Will the fall hurt? Eventually it will be peaceful, right?

He took a step forward on the narrow pavement.
“Do it fast kid, you are wasting my precious time here.”

He heard a raspy, deep voice. Startling him out of his wits. He stumbled a little. Barely balancing on the railing.
“What the fuck..”

He directed it towards the speaker. Turning around carefully.
A guy stood at the terrace door. One hand in his pocket. Another playing with a lighter. He had raven black hair. And a too pale skin. Wearing an old, worn out school uniform. His eyes were droopy. Mouth twisted in a scowl.
“What the fuck…”

Jeongguk repeated, still observing him. No one ever came here at this time. Certain times Jeongguk had dodged the guards efforts to catch him. This guy wasn't even in his school. The heck he was doing here.

“You clearly can’t jump.”
He slurred out bored. His eyes challenging him. Placing the lighter in his pocket, he stretched out his arms.

"Wasting my night gazing time."
“Excuse me.”

“Seriously, what are they teaching you in school?” He shook his head. “That’s all the language skills you got kid.”

“Why the fuck are you calling me a kid. You fuvking freak.” Jeongguk walked near him.

This stranger was paler up close.
“Ohh right.” His features softened for a fraction of time. Just before he smirked
Jeongguk could have called him handsome. Could have admired him. His mind praising the soft features. If he wasn’t being a douche bag right now.

“Which school do you even attend?” Something was weird. Definitely weird. “Haven’t seen this uniform.” He narrowed his eyes.
Rummaging his memory. The smirk vanished. Masking it with a similar uninterested scowl.

“Go home kid.” He waved. Walking towards the railing.
“Again-“ Jeongguk took a deep breath, irritated. “I am not a fuvking kid.”

He just dismissed him. Not giving another glance. Jeongguk muttered irritated by the ordeal. But nonetheless made walked away. Away from the terrace he thought was his liberation. His nirvana.
I will remind again there are several ⚠️triggers⚠️in the au so proceed only if you are comfy.
__ __

There are reasons Jeongguk hated school. Among many bearable ones. This one remains superior.

Slaving for Soo-Bin, his step. brother Just because his mother had pleaded to be on his good side.
Also, his step brother was popular, had a big circle of friends and was built like a miniature hulk. Jeongguk took pride in being the taller one. But of course he was stronger in more ways than one.
School was a living nightmare. A nightmare he endured everyday. He was a loner. Another contributing factor to his misery. People wanted to be in good terms with his brother. In all honesty, feared him. Enough to avoid Jeongguk and his worries. Enough to outcast him.
He was on his way to the old building’s storage room. Fulfilling some more of his brother’s endeavours. That room in the old building was never used. Destroyed to shambles in a fire long back. Surely, it was renovated.
But whole of the ground floor including the storage room was kept unattended.

Their stupid old school, had a stupid rumor. People dumb enough to call it a story.
A story of this side of building being haunted. And to Jeongguk’s utter bad luck. Soo-Bin wanted to test the theory. For fun. Making him the lamb of his moronic appraisal.
Soo-Bin and his friends had stolen his bag. And the cowards that they already are. They had thrown it in the storage room through a half burned window.

Jeongguk had considered going home without it. But adding to his misery, his wallet was in it too.
He can't take the bus without the pass or money. He was stuck.

He wasn't afraid of a story.
Humans are fearful creatures. It's the fear that rules the word. He had learnt it long back. The fear of his mother not able too feed them, led her to remarry a a filthy garbage of a man.

Now to maintain that garbage, Jeongguk had to check his every move.
Soo-Bin feared weakness, so he abused his power. The fear of not having a roof, led him to take in all the mistreatment.

He stood before the store room door. What could possibly go wrong? His life was a hell as it is. He took a deep breath, opening the door.
What welcomed him to the other side was; dust. Abundance of it. No doubt people were spooked over.

Coughing, he stepped inside. His bag was harshly dumped on the floor. It's contents scattered. Jeongguk crouched down. Picking his stuff. All in except his wallet.
The most important one. He heard shuffling behind him. But the room was empty. He shook his head. Fucking story, playing with his mind.
"Maybe you are not that much of a coward." A raspy, deep voice uttered.

He had heard that before. A chill ran down his spine. He slowly turned around. To the very familiar pale, rude guy. He was inspecting his ages old, torn wallet. Jeongguk got up, snatching the wallet away.
"What are you here for now?" He huffed, rolling his eyes.

The guy chuckled.
"I am wondering exactly that for years."

"Dude you are weird." Jeongguk slung his back. Ready to sprint off. He needed to hurry to catch the last bus on time.
"So are you-" The guy retorted, amused. "Or maybe you are just dumb.”

Jeongguk ignored his comment. His brain busy calculating his day's chores. The chores he was late for.
Which he clearly needed to complete before he went to his night shift at the 24 hours Convince store. Only last two days for a month's job to end. And now he was late, thanks to dear Soo-Bin.

"Bye weirdo." He waved and ran away.
__ __
__ __
It was a Monday. Break was as awful as a regular lunch could be. One Soo-Bin’s ass-kisser had dumbed his lunch on him. Obnoxiously howling as Jeongguk choked in shock, thrashed to drink some water.

The whole was staring at him.
His corner usually submerged in dark had sudden charms to it. The light blinding him. Attention was never welcomed for him. It just meant more of skin prickling, nightmarish experiences. Where he would be on a podium alone as others got entertained.
Some pitied him, some were enjoying it. Some chose ignore the ordeal.

From the corner of his eyes he saw him. He didn't spare a glance at him. Park Jimin.

The only guy in high school who ever talked to him. Soon realized his grave mistake. And ignored him.
Just like many others deeming him non-existent. And maybe that was better. Getting tangled with his miserable being wasn't particularly desirable.

But he could never help it. The tiny particle of hurt flaring in his chest.
Jeongguk got up trudging out of the cafeteria. He needed to clean before his only uniform got permanent stains.

Break still had ten minutes left. He had managed to clean off some stains. Shirt still damp.

To his utter bad luck Soo-Bin was waiting for him outside the washroom.
Smoking an imaginary cigarette.

"Shit" He mumbled like a mantra. Before he took off in the opposite direction.
To add to his already mounting troubles. He fucking forgot to buy cigarettes for his step brother. More of the reasons for his lackeys to be after him.

Ten more minutes he needed to hold on. Those cowards won’t bother him before the authorities.
He was running for his life. Or maybe for his wallet. Two guys behind him. His only refuge was the old store room. They could be wolves, strong enough to take him down at once. But not brave enough to step in there.

Some more steps and he could be saved.
He ran right in. They gave him a stink eye. Enacting a gun fire. Making pathetic pew-pew sounds. Then they were gone. Finally, finally he could breathe again. He sat down, against the door. Closing his eyes, chest heaving hard.

"Look who's back." The voice startled him.
And there he stood again. In all his pale and rude glory. He smugly stood by the window. Right opposite to him. His eyes keenly observing him. Hands folded to his chest. Something really was up with this guy. Something he couldn't put a finger on, in his adrenaline haze.
"Seriously, why you." He said in between his breaths.
"Always." He huffed standing up. The guy moved away from the window.

Jeongguk peeped out. Those assholes were still standing. At their own safe distance from the so called haunted store room. Gullible fuckers.
"Scared of them." The guy raised his eyebrows playfully. Eyes glinting with mischief.

"Fuck off." Jeongguk stomped away from the window. Dusting the tables, uselessly. The guy walked towards him. Both hands in his pocket, smirking.
In the broad daylight, those uniform looked more dirty. Ragged, burnt at the edges. What the fuck was that guy even doing with his clothes. And the asshole stood there, inspecting him.

Jeongguk felt smaller than he usually did. He squirmed a bit.
"Really don’t you have a school to attend?" He rolled his eyes at him instead. Although he doubted someone would go in those clothes.

"Oh." The guy blinked. Mouth opening a little bit. "But I am in school."

"In your school asshole”
"Yeah." He nodded. A very very innocent one. "I am in my school."

Jeongguk scrutinized him with his eyes. The uniform wasn't even familiar. Maybe the logo on it's jacket was. His jacket had small black splotchs. As if he had spilled some chemical in the lab.
"Don't believe me." He sing songed. Sitting on a broken beside him.

Their dangling legs soon found a rhythm. The silence was however not awkward. Though the pale guy kept humming some song. One he couldn't place a name too.
And that was really something. One thing Jeon Jeongguk knew really well were his songs. He checked his watch. Two minutes. The classes start in two minutes. He could make a run for his class. They can't get him now. Teachers were already out of the staff room.
"I am Jeon Jeongguk." He stood up. Bored. Extending his hand.

"Oh." The guy's eyes were wide. In disbelief maybe. He could be a loner like him. Afterall, human interaction could really be surprising to people like them. Jeongguk withdrew his hand. It was fucking awkward.
Rude fucker. Just gaped at him.

"Min Yoongi." The guy uttered. In a surprisingly, uncharacteristically and a bit scary soft low voice. The first warning bell went off.

"Took you long enough to remember your own name." Jeongguk snorted.
"Are you really that dumb?" The guy tilted head. Ever so innocently.

That was fuvking uncalled for. Jeongguk had a strong urge to punch him. But he wasn't the one for violence. Hated all the connotations of the word itself.
"Or have I lost my charms." Yoongi was talking to himself.

Jeongguk had no time to think about his statement. He needed to get in. Or Mr. Kim would make him stand for the whole period.

"Dude, you really are fucking weird." He turned around.
"Hey wait." Yoongi called him out.

He glared at him. Less than a fuvking minute.

"Ask about me at school. It's not really that long."
Jeongguk blinked trying to make sense. But he was late. Late.

"Whatever. Bye." And he sprinted off yet again.
__ __
__ __
__ __

It's been a rather peaceful week. Even by his standards. Days since Jeongguk had been to the old store room. He had shrugged off Yoongi's words. The guy must be on cracks.

It was a Friday. He was one of the last people in the school.
His partner had ditched him in the class duty.
He was dragging the tables and chairs to their respective places. Earlier Mr. Kim has forgotten his bundle. And thanks to that he had a nice trip to the staff room due.
"Sir." He stood awkwardly at the door.

Mr. Kim raised his head for a second. Acknowledging him. A pen in his right hand and left hand on the keyboard. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.

He pursed his lips. Held his breath before exhaling almost a sigh.
Something about Mr. Kim Namjoon always intimated him. To his very core. One look and Jeongguk wanted to hide away in the farthest, darkest of corner in the world.

"You left these." He tried hard not to stutter.

"Keep them on that shelf." He pointed on his left.
His teacher quickly resigned back to his work.

The upper shelves had group photos. Old and new, from various educational trips. Some frames old and rusted. He placed the bundle in the lower one. It was then he saw it. An old newspaper cutting in a wooden frame.
//Local boy wins national piano competition.//

The news dated back to the year 1995. And staring right back at him was Min Yoongi. The same Min Yoongi he had met multiple times.
"What are you staring at?" Mr. Kim's voice boomed behind him. Making him flinch.

His mouth hung open. Air sucked right out of his lungs. He tried to make out words. Only a pathetic squeak came out.

Mr. Kim walked right beside him.
"Uh." He blinked.

It would sound ridiculous. He was already an outcast around here. Didn't want to add teachers to his list of misery inducing beings.

"Say it kid." Mr. Kim prompted, tapping at his shoulder.

He pointed at the paper cutting. Hands shaking unconsciously.
"Mi- Min Yoongi." Mr. Kim whispered. Staring at the frame.

"But..." Jeongguk knew he wanted to say something.

But fucking what. That he had chit chatted with him. Min Yoongi or maybe his doppelganger.
"... he's dead." Mr. Kim completed. Not exactly what he wanted to say. Or worse hear.

"He won that a month before his death." His teacher continued, tracing the frame with his fingers.

"How? Di-did he die?" At this point he was traumatizing himself willingly.
"Fire" He paused examining the paper. "He died in the famous fire our school is known for years.”

Mr. Kim's jaw tightened. His eyes piercing through his glasses. Jeongguk could swear the glasses were a blessing. He would have been ten times more intimidating without it.
For him Mr. Kim was sometimes more scary than a literal ghost.

So as if a Pavlovian response he bowed. And scrambled off the staff room. His mind still spinning at the revelation. Yoongi was right. He was one dumb fucker.
__ __
So like everyone knew except you know who👻

Thank you for reading 💜💜
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__ __

“Oh we meet again.”

Jeongguk jumped at the deep raspy voice.


He gasped. Hands grasping the railings. One day he will fall from his school terrace, for sure. And this fucker will the reason.
This terrace was strangely the most peaceful place for him. But now it seems like this will be gone too.

“This really is a bad practical joke. Or I am finally loosing it all.” He mumbled. Carefully jumping down. On the safe fuvking ground.
Yoongi waddled towards him. His paleness all the more visible in the full moon. Dim terrace light highlighting his small and an extremely cute button nose.

“So my legend still lives.” Yoongi smiled smugly. And the nose weren't that cute anymore.
“What do you mean?”

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. Trying his very best to ignore the strange swirls in his stomach.

“Hello I am Min Yoongi.” He extended his hand. “Your very own friendly school ghost.”

Winking at him, he encouraged him to shake his hand.
Jeongguk had the strongest urge to either run away or barf right on his cute button nose. And he certainly wasn't staring at his cute button nose. It wasn't even cute either. It was just small and weirdly fixed between his two eyes.
Jeongguk could be dumb to not realize at first. Really really dumb. But wasn’t stupid enough to offend a fucking ghost. He could haunt him at night.

He doesn't need one either, really. His step brother and father were enough for that.
After he doubted anything else could scare him. But he really don't want to offend a fucking ghost.

So he extended his a bit sweaty, shaking hand.
And the moment he tried holding his hand. His hand passed right through it. Just like in thin air. Jeongguk just stared. Eyes big, mouth open.

"Ha, you thought kid."

Yoongi laughed. A soundless, breathy laughter. Jeongguk could see his gums.
He crouched down clutching his stomach. And laughed as if he had seen the most funny thing in all the time he had been alive. Well, as alive as a ghost could be.
__ __
__ __
“Running away again.”

Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows. A sly smile on his face.

“Sh- Shut up.” Jeongguk slumped down on the floor. Trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes, head tilted back at the wall.

One day he will fade away. His bits floating in the air like ashes.
“So who was it this time?”
Yoongi asked eagerly.

Crouching down beside him. Lighter tightly clutched in one hand, flicking it. Irritating Jeongguk to no end.
“You really are hungry for gossip.” Jeongguk shoke his head. Chuckling, he opened his eyes.

He had ran in the infamous ghost too many times. Enough to be comfortable in his presence. Anyways, Yoongi was way better than any humans he knew. Especially the ones he was running from.
“What do you expect from a dead guy?” He deadpanned. Making him laugh louder.

“Fine.” Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "I accidentally broke Soo-Bin's watch."

Yoongi nodded, concentrating. As if Jeongguk was telling him secrets of the Universe.

"And?" The ghost prompted.
Too eager. Jeongguk got up, dusting his pants.

"And he doesn't know until now. But you know better safe than sorry."

"He will get you." Yoongi stated. "Sometime."

The emphasis on the word was really not necessary.
"The impact would be a lot less." He stated defensively. Yoongi just scoffed. That fucker.

"Anyways," Jeongguk peeled out of the door. "I am going."

He checked twice. No sign of any evil. Yoongi mimicked his action.
Jeongguk could swear the ghost seemed to be an epitome of purity at times. But it was the biggest misapprehension ever.

"I just know you will get really good this time." Fuvking ghost sing songed.

"Why don't you come and see it yourself then?" Jeongguk challenged.
Some people tend to axe their own feet. But not Jeongguk. He jumps a fuvking cliff just to land on the mthrfuvking axe.

"You all fuvking stink." Yoongi scrunched his small button nose. Which wasn't cute at all. In all his life, Jeongguk had never regretted his words more.
As he was distracted in not colliding with anyone. Yoongi was swishing his way through multiple bodies. Fuck it, he had too many 'ghostie' advantages.


Yoongi stopped, mouth wide open. Mr. Kim was walking straight towards them.
“Don’t ogle like that dude.” Jeongguk whispered. Completely insignificant, uncalled and foolish sentence. No one could see Yoongi ogling Mr. Kim. But they sure could see him.

And now some people weirdly side eyed him. Nothing new, still it bothered him.
“I swear I have seen him before.” Yoongi scrunched his nose as another student passed through him.

“Well, he is a teacher here. You sure roam here a lot.”

Jeongguk whispered walking past him. Bizarre, he could never get used to that.
Yoongi kept bugging him all throughout the class. Pointing out all the wrong methods of education. Or how the fuvking education system has deteriorated with time. And simultaneously trying to destroy every single item on Mr. Kim’s desk.
His teacher was apologetic to a never ending extent. Thinking he was the earthquake himself. While Yoongi seemed extremely bored. Still. The audacity.
He shouldn’t have fucking uttered those cursed words. Break time was worse. Worst time he had to ever live through. Considering he spent a lot of time with his 'family'. He would gladly accept a time machine to fuck off from here. Or maybe never meet a ghost.
Yoongi had surprisingly lurked around. Definately not proving his claims of being an anti social. But then he was dead. No fucking social interaction. Unlike Jeongguk. Who was greeted by his dear brother’s fist.

A reward for the broken watch.
Yoongi was surprised for a second. Before he clowned him. His one swollen eye.

Then he clowned his brother for not having proper technique for a damn punch. In all honesty that made him feel a little bit good. But in the end. Jeongguk just wanted him to shut up.
And he can't even snap at him. He was already a freak, an outcast. Now he didn’t want any more new reputations or accusations.

He sat down in his corner. A glass full of water pressed to his injured eye. The seats beside him empty. Yoongi nonchalantly slumped on one.
Jeongguk’s eyes wandered around the cafeteria. On the new comer. The guy with big eyes. The guy he wanted to talk to once. Now was laughing with Park Jimin. His voice echoed as he laughed. Jeongguk sighed knowing, this is the nearest he could get.
“And who are you ogling at Jeon.” Yoongi whispered.

Making him roll his eyes. Jeongguk glared at him. Praying for him to shut up. The heavens was against him.

“Don’t deny your crush Jeon Jeongguk.”
“Not a crush ghostie.” Jeongguk scrunched his nose.

He just wants to be his friend. But guess that’s never happening. He sighed again. As Yoongi continued smirking at him.

So he ignored him, with all his might. And tried to eat his lunch. Ignoring the stinging of his eyes.
__ __
__ __

Jeongguk was still dusting at the table when the bell rang. His step father’s boss was invited on dinner. He had been previously instructed to clean the whole house. Before the guests arrived.
His step father and Soo-Bin scowled at his still very visible presence.

Excuse him, for being human and trying to complete cleaning in the whole fucking house alone. A fuvking big and extremely dirty house.
His step father plastered a fake, too wide smile. The goosebumps worthy creepy, too plastic of a smile. They did the introductions. His mother stood beside Soo-Bin. A kind smile on her face as his step father draped an arm around her waist.
Jeongguk wanted to smack that hand out. His mother stiffened a bit, talking to the boss's wife.

“And you are?” The boss asked, pointing at him.

His eyes kind, full of curiosity. A generous man fooled by a leech in the society.
But that's how the world works. An honest, generous and hardworking human observing the world with an invisible veil of purity. And a monster behind the facade of tinted purity using that kindness.

Jeongguk blinked coming out of his trance.

“I-“ He started, still unsure.
“Oh he-“ Soo-Bin jumped in, too eager. “He’s no one just a domestic help you know.”

Jeongguk sucked in all the air available in this particular room. Did that fucker even know the meaning of domestic help? A word too complicated for his small, trash brain.
His mother casted a very familiar apologetic eyes at him. It did help him before. Now it’s just her Pavlovian response to every situation.

He wasn’t invited in any social gatherings. Wasn’t introduced as his mother’s real fuvking son.
Many a times choosing him to be invisible or simply non-existent. Though sometimes not being part of that shitty family was reliving. Sometimes he did want to be included, even if it was these shitty people.

“And it’s time for him to leave.”
Soo-Bin chirped, with an unusual and skin crippling sweet voice.

He just bowed before scrambling out. Phone and earphones tightly clutched in one hand.

The aroma of freshly cooked homemade food dancing under his nose.
One more night he won’t be able to taste it. Spending more time with a triangle kimbap and banana milk. He had long night ahead.
__ __
At some point in his long, lonely night. He had found himself inside the storage room. His kimbap long gone. Banana milk still cold in his hand.

He had made a mental note to apply for part time jobs again. He was out of money.

"Yoongi." He called out.
Weirdly enough, the ghost was not here. Maybe on the terrace again. Jeongguk sighed. Ofcourse he would be. That's his favourite part of the 'routine'.

It was nine thirty pm. He had a lot of time to kill.
Jeongguk turned around, just to whip his neck back again. A melody playing nearby. Too soft, yet loud enough. Surely nearby.

He followed the sound. Opening the door to adjacent store room.
The windows were open. Moonlight filtered, illuminating Yoongi's features. His eyes closed as his fingers danced on the piano. An old, shabby piano broken at the edges. Still, playing the most beautiful melody Jeongguk had ever heard.
Yoongi's fingers danced with precision. He stood there unmoving. Eyes dancing between Yoongi and piano. Mouth open in admiration unill the piece ended.

"That was-" He tried thinking of a good word. "Wow" But ended it lamely anyway.
"What the fuck?" Yoongi stumbled back, suprised.

The proudest moment of his life. He had very successfully scared a living legend of a ghost.

Yoongi scowled at him. Trying to gain his calm back.
"Ahm." He coughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh my god it's true." Jeongguk jumped in realisation. Completely overlooking Yoongi's obvious confusion.

"You know there are rumours that the ghost plays the piano here."

He had cracked the code. Finally.
But Yoongi looked at him bored. As if this was the dumbest thing he had ever stated. Well, he could agree on one of the dumbest things. Considering his history with idiotic happenings.
"Well, I am true. So are the other rumours." He shrugged.

Jeongguk hurriedly occupied the empty stool beside him. Yoongi was rightfully skeptical at his over enthusiasm.
"Play more." He uttered, eyes big. Yoongi kept glaring.

"Oh come on." Jeongguk made himself comfortable. Sipping on his banana milk.

He stared for a while, before finally giving in. Another sweet melody invaded his rather loud thoughts. As Yoongi started another piece.
__ __
__ __
“Teach me..” Jeongguk stated plopping down beside him.

Yoongi had paused, flicking his eyebrows at him. His mouth twisted as if this was the most rediculous thing Jeongguk had ever said. Which he sincerely doubts.
After staring at him for a while. Confirming that Jeongguk indeed was serious.

“Heck no “ He snorted.

Jeongguk had smacked him. But to his own sweet luck. His hand hit the piano and he himself was hurt. Yoongi barked out a roar of laughter.
He had bugged him for past two weeks. Gave him different bribes. But that fucking ghost didn’t budge.
“Jeongguk come on talk to him.” Yoongi pushed him.

Now part of their routine. Yoongi bugging him during the break time and Jeongguk bugging him during his piano sessions.

He walked fast, getting to his seat.
Yoongi mocked him from behind. Muttering about this cowardice. Why must Jeongguk suffer like this? He can’t even shout at him.
Yoongi sat beside him. Playing with his food. Jeongguk rolled his eyes, scrunching his nose.

The newcomer was obviously friends with Jimin now. No way in this sane world would he talk to him.

“I can’t Yoongi, he obviously knows everything about me now.” He sighed.
“Your point?” Yoongi threw rice at him. Wiggling his eyebrows.

“Shut up right now.” Jeongguk mumbled. People were staring at him. Yoongi threw more rice. And Jeongguk just glared.
__ __
“Oh come on.” He whined. It has been weeks. The fuck Yoongi wasn’t even budging.

“I’ll do whatever you want.” Jeongguk drawled. Staring at the night sky. Seoul's night sky didn't have much stars. He wished to see them sometime.
“Ok.” Yoongi smirked. Batting his eyelashes.

Jeongguk facepalmed himself. Damn, stars and damn night sky. This was it. Yoongi would send him to hell now.
__ __
__ __
Yoongi smiled his gummy smile. The most evil thing in the world.

“Oh god.” Jeongguk would have cried. Almost. But he’s a strong man. Or a guy. Whatever.
He stared at the crumbled piece of paper. Yoongi sure was having fun with this.

The paper proudly announced new auditions for the music club. And unfortunately, or fortunately he was going to take part in it. Thanks to one and only Yoongi.
"This is the first thing in exchange for piano lessons." Yoongi shrugged.

"But-" Jeongguk tried to firm words. "B-but it's in two weeks."

Yoongi merely nodded. Proceeding to sit on the piano stool.

"What do you really want?" He whined sitting beside him.
"That you will know with time."

Yoongi smirked. Making a chill run down his spine.

Jeongguk knew whatever this was. He will regret it. With all of his heart. Was this piano lesson worth it? Not at all. Will he still jump to do it? Definitely.
__ __

During the break that day. Yoongi was quiet. Scarily so. After a traumatizing five minutes. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Tell me you aren't planning a murder." He mumbled.

Yoongi snickered. Sitting opposite to him.
"A murder, no." He started with an evil glint in his eyes. "The best clowning show by you, yes."

"What did you do?" Jeongguk almost shouted. Getting stares from the table beside him. But he ignored it.

Yoongi laughed hard at this. A soundless one.
The kind which could easily be misinterpreted as hyperventilation.

Jeongguk scowled at him more. Glaring.
"How about a hint Jeon?" And the smirk was back.

He grunted in response. Yoongi got up, walked beside him. Grabbed his head from behind and rotated.

"Yoongi." Jeongguk warned.

"You see him-" Yoongi whispered pointing at the big eyed newcomer.
He had a big boxy smile. As Jimin whispered something in his ear.

"Ofcourse." He shrugged out of Yoongi's hold, irritated.

"He is in music club too." He whispered in his ear. Then hopped on the table in front of him.
Jeongguk wanted to rip his hair off. He knew he will regret this. It's just the regret came soon. Too soon.

He banged his head on the table. Someone startled, cursing him. And Yoongi was shaking with laughter.
__ __
__ __
One week had passed in a blur. Jeongguk had been sneaking for his piano lessons. Too much to be called lessons.

He could rightfully proclaim Yoongi as the worst teacher ever. The fuvker never scolded him.

"Is this right?" Jeongguk would ask skeptically.
"Yeah." Yoongi nodded back in affirmation.

As much as Jeongguk prided himself on getting it right the first time. It was really really frustrating.

He had seen his music teacher teaching instruments. Mr. Lee always looked like a predator hunting a prey.
Whole of the music club cowered even after leaving the room. A shudder passed through him.

A lot of times he had thought about it. A possibility of Yoongi actually clowning him. But then he had seen him playing. The ghost was ethereal, lost in the sweet melody.
And Jeongguk would readily take this frustration. Just to learn those tunes.

He checked the time. Still twenty long minutes for the break. Lost, he didn't notice Soo-Bin coming towards him. Until he pushed him. Jeongguk barely managed to balance the beaker in his hand.
He blinked out of his thoughts.

"You freak." Soo-Bin spatted.

As the whole class turned towards them. Their experiments paused for the drama. Fuvkers. Can't miss their entertainment even in the stinking chemestry lab.

Jeongguk carefully placed his beaker aside.
He really had no money for fine. Soo-Bin will definitely knock something out. And he will get the blame.

"Stop sabotaging my image." His step brother continued. And the only thought Jeongguk had was to snicker. How the hell Soo-Bin knew such a big word?
Was he paying attention in Mr. Kim's classes now? Woah. This could be the end of the world.

"Uh-" He blinked hard.

"Because of you now everyone thinks I have to do something with ghosts too." He continued, huffing. "You are a freak as it is. Stop dragging me down fuvker."
Like Jeongguk ever wanted to do something with this fuvker.

"I haven't done anything." He stated, bored. Yoongi's habits were rubbing off of him.

"Don't act innocent." He scowled at him. "I see you one more time going inside that room and you are dead."
His minions made shooting sounds behind him. Trowing their lab gloves at him. Soo-Bin got back to his station. And Jeongguk sighed.

He needed to be more careful while sneaking.
__ __

“May I come in sir?”

He bit his lower lip. Yoongi stood behind him. Nudging him with a small stick. And that wasn’t helping. At all.

Jeongguk had been nervous. A lot than his usual self. Talking about Mr. Kim was worse than talking to literal ghost.
Especially when that ghost keeps bugging you.

“Yeah.” Mr. Kim noded without looking up from his work.

Jeongguk carefully (regretfully) stepped in. Clearing his throat, multiple times.

“Go.” Yoongi pushed him without any warning.
He went stumbling near the teacher's desk. Mr. Kim looked up at that exact moment. How idiotic could he look stumbling in thin air? Embarrassingly a great amount His brain supplied unhelpfully.


And Jeongguk wanted to run away.
Through the corner of his eyes he could see Yoongi. His eyes warning him as he held the door tightly. Well equipped with his intentions.

“I- Me- i-“ He stuttered. Yoongi threw the small stick harshly at him. “Ow.”
“Take a deep breath kid.”

Mr. Namjoon stated calmly. Sorting out the paperwork. Yoongi patted at his shoulder. His hands passing right through him. But at least the action mattered. Too restless. Jeongguk took a deep breath.
“I want to apply for the pianist in our music club.” He rushed it all out. And then bit his lower lip.

That caught Mr. Kim’s attention. His gaze scrutinizing him. He folded his hands and sat straight.
Jeongguk squirmed under his gaze. Yoongi snickered. And Jeongguk wanted to smack him hard. It was his fault.

“Jeon Jeongguk.” Namjoon stood up startling him. “Do you know school hasn’t had a pianist since 1995?”

His one eyebrow shot up. Making him more intimating.
“I- I am aware sir.” He stuttered out.

Yoongi gave him a thumbs up. Flashing his smile. Only if Jeongguk could punch him. Just one time.

Mr. Kim folded his both hands. “And what makes you believe you will get it?” He was challenging him.
Jeongguk liked challenges. Liked it when he proved them wrong. And damn, Yoongi was aware of it. Enough to have his way.

“I would like to try sir.” He stated unconsciously puffing out his chest.
“Fair enough." Mr. Kim walked towards him. "Auditions are next week and now i'll be there too."

Yoongi danced his little victory wiggles beside him.
Jeongguk turned around ready to dash off. Just in time for Yoongi to stop him. He glared at him. Jeongguk glared back. Yoongi glared harder.

"Remember the auditions." He whispered. As if someone would hear a fuvking ghost. Jeongguk took a deep breath.
"Sir." He turned around. Mr. Kim raised his eyebrows.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why-" He took a deep breath. No going back now. "Why aren't there any pianist since 1995?"
He physically saw Mr. Kim's jaw hardening. Milliseconds passed as he chewed inside of his cheek.

"And why are you asking that?"

He shrugged. As nonchalant as a lamb could be in front of an angry lion.

"Could help in preparation?" Uncertainty and fear dripping out.
"Ah." Mr. Kim tapped his chin thinking.

"How about I'll tell you if you clear the auditions?" And then he smiled. A scary, challenging, dimpled smile.

Everyday Jeongguk wake up just to regret a new thing.
__ __
__ __
Jeongguk was sneaking out of the house. Four days for the auditions. He closed the door behind him. Just to halt in the middle.

"Going somewhere?" Soo-Bin cocked his eyebrow. Hands folded on his chest. One wrong move and he was done.

"Yeah to the convience store."
He smiled a tight lipped smile. Soo-Bin stepped closer cornering him. The fucker took advantage of his bigger size.

"And why?"

Jeongguk wanted to snap at him. He sucked in a long, deep breath.

"To apply for part time."

"At this time?"
"Well, I could work only at this time." He fired back. With every last ounce his confidence. Prayed for Soo-Bin's thick brain to pass him.

"Ok." He smacked at his head. Jeongguk exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding. But it wasn't that easy. Not for him.
"I want to buy something too." Soo-Bin smiled, disgustingly. And started walking. Jeongguk followed him with a sigh. He did need to apply for a part time anyways.
__ __
For the first time and for the last, in his entire existence. Jeongguk was happy to see Soo-Bin's minions. They were already in the Convince store they visited.

Soo-Bin got distracted and wandered off with them pretty soon.
Jeongguk dumped the pamphlet for his part time job in his bag. Proceeding to take a bus for the school.

His hands brushed on the forgotten gloves. The lab gloves thrown at him. He had absent-mindedly shoved them his bag. He stared at them for a while. Eyes shining with an idea.
__ __
“Yoongi” he came barreling inside the store room.

“What?” He groaned annoyed. Didn't even open his eyes. For a ghost Yoongi slept an awful lot.

“Give me your hands.” He excitedly blabbered.
Yoongi raised his hands. Still slumped down on the ground. Apart from his musical talents, his sleeping skills were admirable too. Jeongguk had no idea if it was a ghost thing or a Yoongi thing.
But the guy could sleep standing in between a packed hall of sweaty teenagers. The same teenagers he condemned disgustingly smelly. Ignoring and moving on.

He tried slipping in the lab gloves. But Yoongi’s hands were like smoke. He passed right through them every single time.
“Yoongi.” He whined. The ghost grunted waving him away. “Wear this now.”

After five more minutes of pleading Yoongi snatched the gloves. Jeongguk’s eyes were shining with happiness.
"Happy” He raised his hands again.

Jeongguk squatted down. Gently placing his hands on his gloved one. And his hand passed right through it. Fuvking again.

“Why?” He shouted in frustration. Kicking unarmed, harmless air. Yoongi just sighed beside him.

“You thought kid.”

"But you can touch things then why the fuvk?" He huffed.

"It's because they are as alive as me." Yoongi streched his arms. Finally moving.

"Ahan" Jeongguk just blinked like an owl.

"Non-living things, Jeongguk. They don't have a life, like me."
Jeongguk eyes were wide in realization. He never thought of that. Fuvk.

"Now move your ass and start playing." Yoongi chided sitting on his stool. And patting on the one beside him.
__ __
__ __
Things you should know:
🌼 I update every two days. Timing isn't fixed. And if I am unable to do it for some reason, I will update it the best day.
🌼THIS IS LONG AU. (if u haven't figured out already)
🌼 This au only need one ghost so dOn'T be a ghost reader, for god's sake.
🌼 If you still want to be a ghost reader then beware ghostie Yooni is under your bed. And you will hear the piano in darkest of nights.💜
__ __
__ __

“You will be selected.”

Yoongi slurred, flicking his lighter. Dropsy eyes fixed on the flame.

Jeongguk was backstage. Waiting for his turn. The auditions were today. Rumour had already spread. Half of the school was waiting for his turn. He was fked up.
His brother had mocked him. Given him death stares. Called him looser multiple times. Was sitting among the audience to mock him some more.

And here he was. Restlessly tapping his leg. He could hear a saxophone playing on the stage.
“How can you say that?”

He wanted to pull all his hair out. Instead he tugged at them. Messing them up in their usual chaos.

Yoongi sighed. Sitting beside him. Carefully placing his hand on his. All he felt was air.

Jeongguk looked up at him. Times like these were hard reminder. Reminder of Yoongi being a ghost. His touches like the fleeting wind. This was so unfair. All the non-living things felt his touch. Just not him.
“I am stating-“ He waved his other hand before him. “I believe you will be.”

Jeongguk groaned.

“Don’t be burdened.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s in my magic hands and teaching I believe. Not you fucker.”
Jeongguk giggled. Glaring at him. Yoongi glared back. With a rare gummy smile tugged at his lips.

"Fuvk" Yoongi shouted. Scaring the shit out of him. And breaking the fuvking moment. “You are next.”

And just on cue, his name was called. Followed by a loud discouraging noices.
He stood up. Instead of taking a step forward, he stepped back.

He can’t do it. It’s not him. He is the quite kid. Sitting in the last bench. Getting bullied by his step brother. Sucking it up. He can’t be in front of these people. He is already a outcast. A laughing stock.
He bit his lower lip. Pulling at his hair.

“You can do it Gguk-ah.” Yoongi tried pushing him. Failed ofcourse. He released his poor hair. Contemplating.

“I’ll be right in front of you. Just look at me.” Yoongi gestured at his eyes. Then kicked him. Or rather tried kicking him.
__ __
Jeongguk gulped. He was in the middle of the stage. A piano before him. A blinding spot light shining at him. The kind that made his old ragged uniform, older. He had washed them with extra efforts this time.
The piano was similar to one in the basement. The one he had practiced on. Yoongi’s piano. Only this was shinier. But maybe, maybe Jeongguk didn’t like shiney, new things. He liked the old ones, a little rough at the edges. A tinge of smoky smell clinging to them.
The one that annoyed him until he was bursting into flames himself. The one staring right at him. Nodding because he believes in him.

No one had ever belived in him.

He closed his eyes. Yoongi’s gummy smile flashing before him.

"Start already looser.” Someone (his brother's ass-kissers) shouted. Earning a shush from Mr. Kim.

Oh god, Mr. Kim was watching too. He had his hands folded. Sitting beside their music teacher Mr. Lee.

Looking at Mr. Lee was a terrible mistake. His strict eyes were stern.
Judging him as he breathed. He gulped even harder. Stopping the urge to pull at his hair.

Then he looked at Yoongi once again. He stood near the stage. Hands in his pocket. Eyes dropy and bored. But this time, giving him hope.
Jeongguk took a deep breath. Closing his eyes. He saw him. Yoongi playing the piano. And his own fingers danced on the keys.

Yoongi had taught an old song. The one he often hummed. A familiar song for him now. Jeongguk had tried hard. But couldn’t match Yoongi until now.
Yoongi had assured him. Or rather boasted about his trash teaching skills.
After, what felt like years. The song has ended. He slowly opened his eyes. The silence welcomed him. And he wanted to cry. Cry out loud. He had failed Yoongi. He searched for him frantically. Afraid he was gone.
He saw him. Sitting right in the front row. Beside the teachers. Hands clasped together. The biggest smile streched on his face. And then.
Then someone clapped. Followed by some more claps. Maybe, maybe Jeongguk had made it. He could be a part of something. He could have hope.

And he wanted to cry. Yet again. Maybe, maybe his eyes did shine with tears. As he left the stage with a lighter heart.
__ __
__ __

It's been a a week, a whole mf week. Jeongguk was sure the results are out. And he didn't make it. Yoongi was sure he's a dumbass.

Soo-Bin has mocked him. His terrible piano skills couldn't make it. His minions made gross sounds now. Jeongguk was ignoring them.
Cursing at himself to have hope.

He was in the cafeteria. Soo-Bin had just spilled his half soup on him.

"Get some energy piano player."

He walked out of the cafeteria. Jeongguk had sighed. His uniform was spoiled for the fifth time this week.
The fabric was already a lost cause. One of these days he will end up tearing it apart.

From the corner of his eyes he saw Yoongi. The ghost hit the bullies hard with a ruler. Soo-Bin tripped followed by his minions.

Jeongguk smiled. As Yoongi walked towards him saluting.
"One of these days I will burn them." He whispered darkly. A smirk on his lips. "Alive."

Jeongguk cackled, about hit him with chopsticks.

He jumped on his seat. Knocking his plate away from him. His eyes wide, staring at the guy. Not any guy but him. Big eyes staring back at him.

For the first time Yoongi wasn't laughing at his clownery.
“I told you it's a bad idea, idiot” Park Jimin swatted at his head.

“I am so sorry.” He looked genuinely apologetic.

Beside him Yoongi has recovered. Now dying with laughter. “Looser” he managed to get out in between his snickers. Jeongguk kicked him under the table.
But it only made him laugh harder. If Yoongi wasn’t already dead. Jeongguk would have killed him multiple times by now.

“Hello, I am Kim Taehyung” He waved his hand before his eyes. Pulling him back to reality.

“S-sorry.” He bit his lower lip, embarrassed. Kicking Yoongi once more. “Hey.”

“So we came here to welcome you.” Kim Taehyung continued, loudly. A bit too loud for him.
Beside him Jimin was looking around uncomfortably. Still apprehensive. Jeongguk squirmed, making himself smaller. The urge to make himself tiny again.
“Welcome for?” Jeongguk asked, softly. And finally Yoongi stopped. Paying attention in the conversation. Fuvker.

“Oh my god you don’t know?”

Taehyung clasped his mouth. And for some reason Jeongguk was nervous. Had his brother done something.
Was there another weird rumor about him? Even worse, were they part of some prank. No one has never talked to him. And now they were doing it voluntarily. Especially Jimin.

“You weren't in the assembly? Right?” Jimin spoke urgently. His eyes were piercing.
Taunting for some unknown action. If they could radiate laser lights. Jeongguk would have had a hole in the middle of his forehead by now.
“I-I” And he was stuttering again.

“Headache, headache.” Yoongi aggressively whispered.

“Headache” Jeongguk nearly shouted. Yoongi’s aggressive tone sipping in. Taehyung and Jimin flinched back. And he was beyond embarrassed.
“Oh ok” Taehyung recovered first. “So they announced the results for the band.”


He asked anxiously. Yoongi sat on the table. The table slightly moving. Jimin eyed it suspiciously.

“You were selected.” Taehyung excitedly stated. “First pianist of 21st century.”
His hands were wide open. Jimin hit him. And he quickly withdrew, embarrassed.

Jeongguk's eyes were unblinking. Mouth open enough for a fly to enter. Yoongi mirrored his expression.

"I think-" Jimin started. "Let's go Tae." He hurriedly pulled a waving Taehyung away.

Just as he saw Soo-Bin fuming with anger. He stomped his feet enteri the cafeteria again. And Jeongguk deemed it best to run away for now.
He stopped right infront of the staff room. The safest place for now. Break was about to end.

Soo-Bin's lackeys were behind him. And entered inside without thinking twice.
“Sir.” He blurted out. Mr. Kim's table was luckily by the door. Other teachers scowled at him. But Mr. Kim stood up, giving them a kind smile. The dimpled one Jeongguk wasn't used to.

He bowed apologizing to them.

“Yes.” The teacher prompted.
"I-" He took a deep breath closing his eyes. "I passed?"

Yoongi was by his side now. Lazy fuvker never ran. Well he doesn't need to. Still, a lazy fuvker.

"So I have been told." Mr. Kim smiled. Impressed, by him?
“How do you know that song?” Namjoon shot back.

Jeongguk panicked. Yoongi leaned in, tilting his head sideways. As if studying Mr. Namjoon.

“Radio.” Yoongi whispered. Eyes still scrutinizing the teacher.
Break ended with another bell. Other teachers were pacing out. Jeongguk quickly moved out of their way. Bowing at them.

Mrs. Choi passed right through Yoongi. Then shivered looking back frantically. Yoongi smirked, enjoying. And Jeongguk had no idea what the fuvker did.
Mr. Namjoon's eyes were still on him.

“On the radio.”

Jeongguk blurted out. Namjoon adjusted his glasses. Nodding a bit. Folding his hands as his muscles bulked out of his dress shirt. As if this much intimidation wasn't enough.
“Very well” Mr. Kim stated walking away from him.

Towards the shelves. Yoongi followed him humming. His nonchalance easing him just a tiny bit. And Jeongguk was left with no other option.
Mr. Kim stopped just before the shelves. Hands in his pocket. He turned around. So abruptly that Yoongi almost walked through him. His face right in front of him. Jeongguk suppressed a giggle. Yoongi looked like a cat just got electric shock.
“Min Yoongi.” Mr. Kim smiled.

Eyes right at Yoongi. The teacher tilted his head. And Jeongguk blanched.

Yoongi took a step back. Looking back at him. Jeongguk was tongue tied. His eyes were dancing between them.

Mr. Kim continued saying something. And Jeongguk’s ears were buzzing. Too fast and too loud. That he missed it.
“What?” He uttered unintelligiblelly.

“I asked-“ He stepped forward.

Yoongi took another step backwards. Rushing behind him. That’s it, this is how he dies. And Yoongi would be blamed for it.
“I asked do you know him?” Finally, finally his senses worked in his favour. He blinked, absorbing the sentence.
“No.” He shouted so loud.

He scared himself. Mr. Kim blinked shocked at him. So maybe not all the senses were coordinating.
“Weren’t you asking about this news paper cutting a few weeks ago?” Kim Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

“Yeah.” He nodded. A bit too enthusiastically. “I know that. But not him.”

“Ofcourse.” Namjoon chuckled. First genuine one Jeongguk had heard.
"Ofcourse you don’t know him Jeongguk.”

He smiled nervously. Cheeks painted red in embarrassment.

“He was the last pianist in our school.” Mr. Kim turned back towards the paper cutting. Tracing Yoongi’s picture on the glass.
“Woah really?” Jeongguk too traced the paper cutting on the glass. He side eyed Yoongi. The ghost mirrored his expressions.


“Was he that good?” He whispered. Mostly to himself. Yoongi smirked at him cockily. And Mr. Kim nodded.
“Mr. Lee never selected anyone else. There was always some flaws he pointed out. Very harshly." He sighed.

"And with time students have stopped auditioning for piano.” Mr. Kim shoke his head.
"So" Jeongguk licked his dry lips. "How did he select me?"

"Not gonna lie. That is surprising for me too." He smiled.

Jeongguk in his haze of these new information. Didn't know how to react. So he stood there frozen.
"Not so suprising for me." Yoongi stated smugly.

"I would advise one thing though." Mr. Kim turned around facing him. "Be ready, he will be real strict with you."

And then. Then he did something out of the universe Jeongguk could ever know. No a ghost's existence doesn't count
Kim Namjoon the most intimidating teacher Jeongguk had ever known. Patted his head gently. Not once but twice.

"Time for class kid. Move move." He said collecting his own stuff from his desk.
__ __
__ __
I will regularly update from tomorrow. Thought of updating a bit for today. This shifting got all my energy.

Thank you for reading 💜
I have mentioned it before too. Please read the tags before starting this au.
__ __

Jeongguk had successfully avoided SooBin for the past two days. Being holed up in his room on Sunday did help. But he had a impending interview to attend. The part job won't wait for his safety.
He had prayed to anyone sitting up there. He had survived Sunday without bruises. Maybe maybe he could survive this week too. Jeongguk was on his way back to the house. Had made it inside. Almost.
“Fucker” Two pair of hands had dragged him.

SooBin had punched him in the stomach. Proceeding to punch his face. His lips stung now busted open. While his ass-kissers had kicked him harshly. He shielded his face with his hand.
“Told you not to go there.” SooBin was spitting out. "You think you can outsmart me."

And Jeongguk wanted to laugh. The history did repeat itself.
He breathed in the same dirt. The same he did three years ago. The time Jeongguk had made it into the football team. And SooBin didn’t. His step brother had beaten him to pulp. Hadn’t stopped until he begged. Until he refused to never play football.
He shivered with the painful memory. As he received another kick from SooBin.

“What are you trying to do?” SooBin was saying. “Don’t forget you are a looser. Mr. Lee won’t let you survive for one day.”
A tear slipped down his face. His whole body ached with every kick.

“And if he doesn’t I will make sure you get out fucker.” With a last kick they were gone.
Jeongguk slowly sat up. Wincing, breathing hard. Times like these he wanted to give up. The sky above those shiny buildings was too tempting.
Times like these the school roof was his only salvation. He sniffed, rubbing off the useless tears away. It was too suffocating here. He needed to breathe.
__ __
“So.” Jeongguk drawled. “What’s death like?”

He had been staring at the night sky for way too long. Yoongi was laid down beside him. One hand playing with his lighter. His eyes on the half moon.

Yoongi shifted facing him. Eyes skimming on him.
Jeongguk had come here hoping to be alone. To breathe. But his legs had defied him. Taking him to the store room instead.

Yoongi had been playing his usual melody. And Jeongguk, he had found himself melting. A tiny part of his heart was at peace.
He had lured him later to the terrace. He wanted to breathe a little. Cherish that little peaceful part. Maybe for more hours. It wasn’t like Yoongi could go anywhere else. Or Jeongguk could go home for now.

Stars always mocked him. Their togetherness shining in the night sky.
But then he always had been the moon. Trying to shine in his own sky. A little dim, a lot proud. Fading away in the darkness once in a while. Sometimes he wished to be in that darkness forever. It was lonely out here. How long could he shine like that?
"I don't know." Yoongi finally spoke.

Pulling him out of his galaxy. He shifted facing him.

“What do you mean ghostie?” He rolled his eyes playfully. “Tell me is it as peaceful as it is claimed?”

Tell him, the darkness consuming him won't hurt. Not as much as this light did.
That he would be okay. That he longer had to hold on so tight. Stand up do proud, even if his knees gave up. He gulped down all those words, stting up. He winced at the everlasting pain. Fuvk Soo-Bin and his ass-kissers.
Yoongi snorted. “It’s werid how humans have romanticized death.” He sat up too. Lighter closed, knees touching with chest and hands on them.

“Oh so is it different?” He tilted his head, thinking.
“I don’t know Jeongguk.” Yoongi shoke his head, annoyed. He recoiled in himself some more. Placing his head on his hands.


“But I am dead. So I should know right.” Yoongi snapped at him.
His very first. He never raised his voice. Not even when Gguk messed up his notes. Not when he played the wrong keys. He would tease him. Annoy him. Bent him down to his will with his words. Yoongi was patient. Always.

Jeongguk was blinking at him owlishly.
“Well I don’t.” He stated further. Voice still stern. “I don’t remember my death Jeongguk.”

And Jeongguk knew he was gaping. Mouth too open to form something. Mind to blank to even consider thinking. Anything.
“But you do remember the fire right?” He uttered. Scolding himself. This wasn’t something Yoongi wasn't fond of.

“Yeah, because I heard that. I saw that news paper. So I know how I died. I know my name. Or more of the rumours.” He flicked open his lighter again.
“I don’t really know who I was or what my life was like.” He whispered. So, slowly that Jeongguk heard it barely.

“You do remember playing piano right?” He bit his lip. He can’t forget his piano, right. Jeongguk knew he was bad with these situations.
And right now he really was being worst. Yoongi folded in himself some more.

Yoongi shoke his head. Playing with his lighter some more. Flame lightening Yoongi’s features. There was a flame in his eyes too. A sad one.
“No, I learnt that again with time.” He whispered.

Forgetting one thing he was still known for in this school. That hurt Jeongguk right in the gut. More than his brother’s kicks ever could.
And then his eyes flickered at him. Jeongguk felt like a rabbit being cornered. He wanted to comfort him. So so badly. But somehow he was tongue tied.

And then, then for the first time his brain worked. Finally making itself useful.
"That's why you wanted me in the music club?" He asked. He had no idea how or what dots he connected. But he knew he was right.

Yoongi nodded. Straightening up.

"You are getting every information Lee sir knows."
Jeongguk rolled his eyes. The void of sadness recoiling. "You are sacrificing me to the lion for some information?"

"Yes, dumb lamb." Yoongi's eyes glinted with mischief. The way he had always seen him shining.

"Which reminds me of the second task." He smirked.

Fuvker. Jeongguk can't even pity him for a whole minute.

"What?" He huffed. Already, preparing for another shit.
"Talk more to Namjoon." He batted his eyelashes. The gesture would have been pretty enticing. Only if his words hadn't induced an heart attack.

"No" He shouted.
"You are doing whatever I say." Yoongi stated with authority. Fuvk Jeongguk and his tongue.

"Why?" He almost whined. Almost cried.

Mr. Kim was really really intimidating. He needed a two hour nap after every interaction. His nerves won't ever stop in front of him.
"I think he knew me, or I knew him. Whatever." Yoongi shoke his head. "You are already in the good books. You got selected in the club. So now talk."

And then what die. Die because of those piercing dragon like sharp eyes.
__ __
__ __

"You will burst out at this point." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

He was perched on the window sill. Legs dangling. Humming a familiar melody.

And Jeongguk, he was bursting already. Today was supposed to be his first day at music club.
No one other than Kim Taehyung had shown any interest upon his selection.

But it wasn't the students indifference. It was Lee sir's tormenting eyes in the corridor.

Jeongguk was sure he will die before even starting his first class. And maybe, maybe he preferred it more.
"Oh fuck off. He isn't that scary." Yoongi repeated for the hundredth time.

" You fuck off." Jeongguk retorted lamely.

His classmates too loud and busy to hear him. His seat was at the far end, near the window. He was pulling at his hair yet again.
It was a bad fuvking day. Right from the very beginning. Jeongguk had found his gym clothes in the trash can. His cubby was open, books lost.

Soo-Bin's ass-kissers were singing horribly. While Soo-Bin himself was sitting on his table.
Yoongi had scrunched his nose at the smelly gym clothes. Threatening to burn his step brother yet again. And Jeongguk had just sighed.

He had a bigger worry than Soo-Bin's childish behaviour.
"Class." Mr. Kim called out. Everyone scrambled to their seats. Followed by the class leader standing up, bowing him.

Mr. Kim nodded.
"Your homeroom teacher is absent today." He declared. Bringing a joyous smiles for the students. No one dared to move though.

"So, I'll be taking this class." Now everyone did exchange glances. "Don't worry I'm not teaching. You all can do anything except talk."
Jeongguk sighed. More time with his fuvking mind. Great.

"He isn't even scary." Right, he not only had his mind but a ghost with him too.

Yoongi was staring at Mr. Kim. Following his every fuvking move.

Jeongguk decided to do the most productive thing. Sleep.
__ __

"Everyone listen." Mr. Kim's voice boomed in the class.

Jeongguk jerked awake. Almost falling off his seat. A guy beside him jumped away shocked. He bowed, apologizing. Mr. Kim waited, eyeing him.

And Yoongi, he was laughing his ass off.
"Anyways." Namjoon cleared his throat. "Our new school counselor is here to meet you all."

A man in black suit entered inside. His deep brown hair styled perfectly. A black polygon frame rested on his nose. He adjusted his glasses.
He was slightly shorter than Mr. Kim. But his frame seemed to be wider. He bowed to their teacher before flashing a charming smile at them.

"Good morning." He started. Eyes wandering around the class. "Thank you Namjoon-shi but I really am not new. Just coming back again."
His eyes stopped wandering. Tilting his head to one side. Halting right at Jeongguk. Jeongguk straightened his posture unconsciously.

He could swear he saw his welcoming smile falter.
"You are always welcome here." Mr. Kim flashed his rare smile. Breaking the counsellor's trance. Jeongguk exhaled relived. His posture back to his lethargic self.
"Thank you." He bowed humbly.

"And you all are welcome to visit me anytime. Especially for your career related queries." He smiled again. But this was was a bit forced.

Jeongguk would have thought he was imagining it. He would have believed it.
Only if the counselor wasn't staring right at his soul. He shifted on his seat. Trying to avoid his gaze.

"Kim SeokJin. Room 201. The gate is always open for you." He stated, head tilting towards one side. And smile just a bit too tight. Jeongguk shivered under the cold gaze.
"Fuvk. I hate him" Yoongi blurted out. His hands fisted by his side. Chest heaving, as if he had ran several miles. The weirdest sight Jeongguk had ever seen.

He turned back towards Kim SeokJin. The councelor was talking with Mr. Kim. Eyes flicking back at him once.
Jeongguk's own eyes wide and mouth open with realization. Kim SeokJin wasn't interested in him. But the ghost who looked miserable beside him.

Any theoris... Or feedbacks are welcomed. Thank you for reading.💜
__ __
__ __

"Yaaaaaaaaahhhhh" Jeongguk shouted at the void.

Well, more like at the dark night sky. Yoongi covered his ears. Small button nose scrunching upward. His nose was a little bit adorable. But Jeongguk wasn't looking at it. Nope.
And that’s not the point. Jeongguk had just survived a literal hell. Lee sir’s gaze still prickling his skin.
“Be careful Jeon Jeongguk.” Lee sir had greeted him personally. “I am watching you 24/7. You were decent enough to make it here. Not good enough to stay.”

Jeongguk had shivered. The new shiny piano sitting in front of him. Suddenly a weapon of his slow death.
He had tried to say something. Deemed it right to nod along.

“He didn’t kill you Jeongguk. Stop fuvking screaming.” Yoongi scolded him. Stomping away from the railings.

“I could have died Yoongi.” He dramatically stated turning towards him.

“Well, you still could.”
He shrugged, winking at him. And that was a great help. Fuvking great for Jeongguk’s currently withering soul.

“Why didn’t you come?” He whined. Sometimes he surprised himself. He had never fussed. Never had longed for someone’s company.

“Because I can’t go there.” Yoongi stated rolling his eyes.

“Ahan” Jeongguk walked towards him.

“There are certain places inside the school restricted for me.” Yoongi shrugged. Sitting down by the wall. “And all places outside the school.”

Jeongguk crouched down before him. Yoongi sighed, playing with his lighter again.

“So.” He started, licking his lips. “You are telling me you hadn’t stepped outside the school for years.”

Yoongi nodded, eyes still on the flame. And Jeongguk shifted, sitting beside him.
No wonder Yoongi was so bored.

“And what’s the deal with the counselor?”

Yoongi snorted. He carefully placed the lighter inside his pocket.

“Nothing of your use.” He smacked Jeongguk’s head. And Gguk snorted. Sometimes they forgot Yoongi was a ghost.

“Then what is of my use?” Jeongguk cocked his eyebrow playfully.

“Saving your ass from Mr. Lee. And practicing with the best teacher ever.” He flashed a proud gummy smile.

“You? Best teacher?” Jeongguk was howling with laughter. He clutched his stomach hard.
“You doubt that fucker?” Yoongi got up. Giving him a very offended look.

“No.” Jeongguk bit inside of his cheeks. Trying not to giggle. “Why would I doubt the facts?”

And he lost it yet again. He was on the ground. Laughing his guts out.
“Fine. I hope Mr. Lee eats you alive then.” Yoongi strutted away from him.

“Yoongi wait.” He followed him. Still trying to suppress his amusement.

__ __
__ __

The first few days as the new pianist was traumatizing. Mr. Lee was scrutinizing him with his eyes. Watching him every second. His every move. Yoongi was outside the room most of the time. Wandering around, poking at places.
Scrunching his nose at smelly students. Messing around with Soo-Bin's minions. He would often make them trip. Or throw random stuff at them.

Soo-Bin did bully him often. But he was too low-key about it. For now. Jeongguk knew a big blow was on his way.

But he couldn't care less. For the first time in a while. He was happy. He was smiling with Yoongi's evil smile.

And maybe he was developing a friendship with Taehyung and Jimin. Jimin was still wary of him. But atleast he wasn't invisible.
Some of his club members had developed weird theories.

Theories about Jeongguk having a eerie aura. That the ghost was after him. And he was angry and ready to take his place back. Some had even concluded Jeongguk will soon be found dead in a ditch.
Jeongguk had rolled his eyes at them. Ofcourse the fuvking ghost was after him. But dumbass was too busy teasing him.

Taehyung had laughed it all off. Jimin hasn't. Yoongi had shrugged, throwing gang signs. Calling himself the legend again.
Jeongguk was on his way to the store room. Mr. Lee has patted his back. Honest to god his soul had left his body.

It took him a whole of ten minutes to breathe again. The realisation, maybe he was being praised. It came too late.
And now all he wanted was to tell Yoongi about it. He was about to enter inside when he heard it.

A hushed shouting. Someone was there. With Yoongi. Jeongguk's eyes got wide. He peeked from behind the door.
"This isn't you were supposed to do Yoongi." Kim SeokJin stated. His face contorted in a controlled rage. Voice still calm.

Yoongi folded his hands. Glaring at him.

"I am serious." He stepped forward. Taking a long deep breath, closing his eyes.
"What are you thinking roaming around like that?" Kim SeokJin glared at him, coldly.. Yoongi opened his mouth.

"And talking with that kid?" He scoffed. Making Jeongguk shiver.

"None of your business." Yoongi mirrored his coldness.

"It is." Kim SeokJin gritted his teeth. Startling Jeongguk. He got goosebumps all over his hands.

"And if you don't-" His eyes challenging Yoongi. "I will make sure you behave." He smiled. A tight lipped, suspiciously cold smile.

Then he turned around. And strutted out. Jeongguk quickly hid inside the adjacent room. Chest heaving rapidly.

It wasn't the cold smile or word that scared him. It was Kim SeokJin's eyes. Glinting with something he can't place. And it was the mortified glint in Yoongi's eyes.
__ __

“Gguk. Jeongguk” Yoongi was pulling his pants.

While he was hiding fuvking under the table. Jeongguk tried hard not to react. But when could he ever. Next moment Yoongi pinched his thigh.

He jumped a little, scowling. The guy before him glared at him. As Mrs. Choi stopped abruptly.

“Is there a problem?” She gave a stern look.

“N-no” Jeongguk stuttered. And Yoongi giggled. Jeongguk kicked him.

“I’m sorry.” He bowed, gritting his teeth. “There was an ant.”
Mrs. Choi stared at him for a moment longer. Before she was back with her biology lesson.
Gradually, Jeongguk crouched down. Yoongi was too comfortable in the small space.

“What?” He whisper yelled.

He didn’t answer. Opening his bag. Jeongguk looked around panicked. It’s not everyday bags open on their fuvking own.



He gestured him to look inside. Jeongguk frowned peeking in.
If Mrs. Choi sees him doing this. He’s dead.

He gulped hard. Nerves at full frenzy. He would be dead anyways. His bag was fuvking full. Full of fuvking packets of cigarettes.

“Yoongi.” He uttered horrified.

“Soo-Bin.” Yoongi whispered back. “Fuckers did-“
"Did-" Jeongguk prompted impatiently.

“Why the fuck am I whispering?” He cleared his throat, shaking his head. Looked around. The uttered a bit too loudly. “They did it while you were in gym.”

"And you didn't stop them?"
"Well, I tried. But they had too many packets." Yoongi huffed.

“How do I get rid of these?” Jeongguk was panicking.

He knew SooBin would play dirty. But this was a whole new low.
"Dump these in the store room. After this period." Yoongi bit his lower lip. "We don't know how long you are safe."

Jeongguk nodded. He got up, sitting straight. His heart still thumping hard in his chest. Soo-Bin really could do anything to make him quit.
__ __

"That fuvker." Jeongguk cursed. Counting fifty packets in total.

After Mrs. Choi's class he had sprinted towards the store room. Had thrown all the packets behind the piano. And had ran back to the class. Too much to avoid suspicion.
Yoongi was sitting on a table. Playing with his lighter. Saying nothing. He often did this. After his encounter with SeokJin two days ago. The silences were longer. He kept staring at the flame longer.
Jeongguk had tried confronting him.
But he avoided the conversation all together.

Yoongi's eyes flicked from his lighter to the packets.

"Oh let me burn them." He jumped off the table excitedly.

"No." Jeongguk shouted. There were still people in the school. Burning the same building twice.
Pardon him, but the idea wasn't a pleasing one.

"Oh come on." Yoongi huffed. "It will be fun."

He flashed his blinding gummy smile. But no, Jeongguk had learnt his lesson. Min Yoongi wasn't the innocent one, at all.
Yoongi opened his mouth to argue some more. He didn't utter anything though. Head tilting to a side. As he stared out of the window. Jeongguk turned around following his gaze.

"Fuvk." He cursed.

"Gguk hide." And Yoongi was shoving the pile of cigarettes to a hidden side.
Jeongguk was panting hard. Of all the people he had least expected him. What if Mr. Kim knew about cigarettes? He shuffled a bit more.

Yoongi had haphazardly thrown a blanket over the piano. Jeongguk was hunched down. Hiding inside the blanket. Peeking through small holes.
“I am glad you came here Seok.” Mr. Kim smiled. A rare, genuine one.

Bumping his shoulder with the other man. They were probably of the same age. He was a bit shorter than him. The cuffs of his sleeves rolled, hands in his pocket.
A distant look on his face. His posture was stiff as he examined the store room.

“Yeah.” His shoulder sagged, sighing. “I am glad too.”

“I didn’t think you will take up that offer.” Mr. Kim spoke softly, almost a whisper. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah” He nodded contemplating. “I came when you got the job, right?”

“Yeah. It’s been eight years.”

“Don’t tell me they still think this is haunted.” He chuckled.

A warm hearty smile. Literally, his mouth formed a heart shape.
“Unfortunately, yes. Stupid people” Mr. Kim laughed with him.

But they weren’t really that stupid. Jeongguk glanced at Yoongi from behind the piano. The fucker was standing right before Mr. Kim. Tilting his head, scrutinizing the duo.
“If hyung was here then he would have kicked us right on the balls for talking shit and wasting our time.”

“Or disturbing his beloved piano.” Mr. Kim laughed even harder.
As if on cue Yoongi did try kicking them. His leg making a swishing sound. The shorter one took a step back, skeptically observing the air. Jeongguk sucked in air. Trying hard not to snort.
“Or he would have kicked us for fighting and crying so much that day.” He said, eyes sad.

Mr. Kim’s laughter died in an instant.

“You know it’s not possible Hoseok.”

“Yeah, Joon.” The frown deepened.

“But if it was,” Mr. Kim started. “Which it really isn’t…”
Yoongi groaned throwing his head back. He hated word plays. Especially at times like these. Jeongguk know he could kick them now. Or worse, throw something.

“Then this is the best place he could be.” He pointed at the old, rusty piano.

“With his piano.”

Hoseok just nodded, looking at the piano as if it was the only treasure in the world.
They stood there in silence for a while. Staring at the piano. Jeongguk took a deep breath. He can't fuvking move. His legs were aching. It was damn time, he was crouching down for too long.

“Come on Priciplal is waiting.” Mr. Kim whispered, nudging him.

Still standing on his place. Both their eyes pinned on the piano. They didn’t want to leave. But then they took a tentative step back. And one more back. Finally, turning around and quickly walking away.
Jeongguk waited some more. Lying down on the floor like a starfish. He sighed. At last able to breathe.

From the corner of his eyes he could see Yoongi. Still standing in the same position.

His lighter flicked open in one hand. Only this time it was different.
He wasn't staring at the flame. Rather his hand was hanging beside him.

Jeongguk decided to tease him. Stopped another second. His mouth hanging open. Eyes wide. He blinked hard.

Yoongi was glitching in front of him. Glitching like a video with really bad connection.
But Yoongi wasn't a video. And he really shouldn't be fuvking glitching.

Jeongguk shoke his head. And it stopped. Yoongi was back to normal. Well, being a ghost.

"Yoongi you okay?" He asked getting up.
"Ofcourse." Yoongi scrunched his nose.

Blinking out if his unknown trance. He closed his lighter. Sliding it inside his pocket.

He did look fine. Did Jeongguk just imagine that glitching?
He didn't have time to contemplate. His alarm went off. He had a part time job to go. He bit his lower lip.

"I don't want to be late on the first day." He sighed, picking up his abandoned bag.
Yoongi was staring at the cigarettes longingly.

"And you are definitely not burning anything." Jeongguk warned sternly.

"Or what?" He challenged, smirking.

"Or I am not talking to Mr. Kim." Jeongguk smirked back. It was more important now. Mr. Kim surely knew Yoongi.
"Fine." Yoongi scrunched his nose. "I'll just be here getting bored."

"Don't be dramatic." Jeongguk tried smacking him. A useless fuvking habit. "I'll be back in the morning."
"Whatever." Yoongi rolled his eyes. Taking the blanket off the piano. "It's not like I am going anywhere."

Jeongguk smiled, jogging away from the store room.

__ __
__ __

"Yoongi." Jeongguk sing songed walking towards the store room.

His first day- or would it be night. Whatever. Yesterday was good. He was behind the counter most of the time.

"Yoongi." He called again. Waited for a irritated grunt. Still the silence greeted him.
An eerie silence. The cold, unsettling felling swirled inside his stomach.

Yoongi could be on the roof. He took a deep breath. Trying to calm this uneasiness.
It was just weird. But not that unusual. Yoongi hated to move in the morning. Too many people in the school. He hated the stench of teenagers. And fuvker got bored easily.

Jeongguk sighed. Stepping inside the store room. The sight before him did nothing to calm him down.
The room resembled a storm. The furniture were strewn around. Some broken, some upside down. In the middle of the chaos, stood the piano. Still intact. Untouched. Pure for the destruction encircling it

Jeongguk gulped hard.

"Yoongi." He softly uttered.
Terrified at the silence. His heart running wild. While his brain screamed. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.

He patted his chest. Chanting it's okay, like a mantr.

Eyes scanning the room carefully. He wanted to run away. Find Yoongi on the roof. And shout at him for scaring him. Yoongi would be enjoying his little panic. Laughing to himself.

Jeongguk knew, his smirk would welcome him there.
He stepped back. A shiny, familiar item catching his eyes.

It was a silver lighter. Yoongi's lighter. The same Yoongi won't even let him touch.

Jeongguk crouched down. Picking up the lighter. It shined in the sun.
He rubbed his chest again. Biting his lower lip. Forgetting his previous mantr. Stopping himself to pull his hair out.

He wanted to scream. And cry. He blinked. The epiphany downing on him.

Yoongi would never leave his lighter. Never willingly.
__ __
__ __

Jeongguk had checked the roof twice. Looked at every single corner of the school. Still no sign of Yoongi. And with him no sign of Kim SeokJin. Jeongguk had ran for his room. Room 201 was empty. Jeongguk had peeked inside multiple times.
Tried to hold on to the counselor’s whereabouts.

But with Yoongi. He was gone too. Jeongguk was tired until break. Too tired to give a fuvk. Soo-Bin’s dumb ass-kissers had stashed their empty plates on top of his. He wasn’t eating before. Now he had given it up entirely.
His little corner was too big today. Too quiet, after so long. And this strange silence was eating him up.

The day had passed in a haze. Jeongguk had visited Kim SeokJin’s office few more times. Just to be informed the psychologist was on leave.
His stomach has churned unpleasantly. This wasn’t a fuvking coincidence.

The music class was painful too. Words vaporizing inside his brain. He just nodded along robotically. Taehyung had nudged him.
Making him raise his hand. He did that too. Never asked the reason. Too tired to open his mouth.

He tried to distract himself. Arranging and rearranging the aisles at the store. Noting down the expired stalk. Tasting new ramen flavours.
Still it was a miserable night. A sleepless, long one. He hoped tomorrow to be different.


__ __
Here's the trailer for my Ao3 one shot NamJin.
See the warning ⚠️ ImageImage
I made this FINALLY!!
__ __
The second day. Jeongguk had dreaded the silence. The store room taunting him. The euphoria he once felt was in ages now. It was swirled and scattered in the chaos.

Piano did nothing for his emptiness. Nor did the lighter, still heavy in his pocket.

It was the break time. He robotically ate his rice.

“Jeongguk.” Taehyung’s deep voice rumbled. Pulling him out of his emptiness.

He looked up. Jimin and Taehyung stood with their plates.
They sat down opposite to him. Making his little corner crowded.

“Eat fast we have practice after break.” Taehyung instructed. Practicality inhaling his own food.

“Practice?” He tilted his head, eyes wide.
Jimin and Taehyung both stopped midway.

“You put up your hands?” Taehyung pointed with his chopsticks, puzzled. “For the program. Jeongguk-”

“Are you okay?” Jimin blurted out in between. And he looked, worried.

Jeongguk could swear to all his existence, he wasn’t. He nodded nonetheless.

“Look if it’s about Soo-Bin, you can tell us.”

Jimin, for the very first time. Seemed to be concerned. Seemed to acknowledge his existence.

And Jeongguk, he was irked. Just a tiny bit.
“No, I'm fine.”

“Then what? You were really distracted yesterday. And you seem worse today.” Taehyung said with his mouth full.

Jeongguk wanted to snap. All of a sudden, he was visible. All of sudden they wanted to answers. He bit his lower lip. Eyes wandering off.
He tried controlling his annoyance. Jimin and Taehyung kept on saying something. But he was no longer listening.

His gaze landing on him. Kim SeokJin. The councillor wasn't in the office this morning. But he was here now.
Jeongguk got up abruptly. Making Taehyung and Jimin's mouth snap shut.

“I’ll come for practice.” He jogged off. Disposing his plate in the nearby bin.
Too afraid to think and hope. Jeongguk took a deep breath before opening the store room door.

“Yoongi” His voice trembled. The too full, empty room was silent. Yet again.
His heart rate sped up. He needed answers. And he needed them now.
__ __
“Where's he?”

Jeongguk demanded opening the door wide. Kim SeokJin cocked his eyebrow at him. Sitting on his chair, adjusting his glasses.

“Where's who kid?”

Jeongguk was shaking. Furious at SeokJin for acting so aloof.

“You know who I am talking about.”
He spit out. “You were gone yesterday. And so was he. Now you are back. But where is he?”

“Jeongguk” Mr. Kim stood up.

He froze. In his anger he hasn't noticed him. Although he was on the other side of the door. Still noticable. Only if Jeongguk had tilted his head.
He should have checked. He gulped. The anger replaced by dread. Mr. Kim had heard him. He would never believe Jeongguk.

“Who are you talking about?” He walked beside him. Intimidating eyes piercing his soul.

“Uh” And here he was, a stuttering mess again.
“Whoever it is. He will be back soon, kid” SeokJin got up. Collecting his stuff. As the bell rang behind them. Break was over.

“Yeah, don't beat yourself like this.” Mr. Kim patted his shoulder. A flash of concern in his eyes.

Jeongguk nodded.
Kim SeokJin gave stared at him. As if studying his whole being. He wanted to hide from that gaze. But held his ground.

Then both the adults were out of the office. Jeongguk bowing at them.

Soon. SeokJin had said soon. For now he had a suprise practice.
__ __
Jeongguk wanted to whack his head on the table. It was eleven in the night. And he was stuck with the same equation for far too long. People who claimed to love maths are the true threats to the society.
His day was bad anyways. Their new mentor for the program was Jung Hoseok. The same Hoseok, Mr. Kim had accompanied in the store room.

While their introductory session he had smiled warmly. Bowing and encouraging everyone.
But with him, he had stared for a minute too long. Jeongguk had shivered. The warmth slipping away.

SeokJin's eyes had followed him like a hawk. The third day since he was gone. And Jeongguk didn't want to admit it. Didn't even want to feel the silence around him.
But the truth be told. He missed Yoongi. He missed him with every passing second in that fuvking hell of a school.

He had tried practicing today. Alone in the store room. Without him the melody wasn’t sweet. He faltered at every step. An hour seemed like an eternity.
It was better to leave. Deciding on to joining his shift early.

He needed his mind off him. And he had maths sums to solve. The fuck was algebra needed in life.

“You need to add the other number, Jeongguk.”
A familiar voice pulled him out of hellish maths stupor. He looked up to a Mr. Kim looking at his notebook. Panicked he closed it. Cheeks reddening in embarrassment. Mr. Kim merely chuckled. Placing his purchase on the counter.

Jeongguk hurried billing them.

Looking everywhere except his teacher. Kim Namjoon stood clad in a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. Weird. His hair a bit messy. It was all weird.

“And give me one packet of cigarette.”
Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows. He had never took his teacher to be a smoker. But he also never imagined him in casual sweats. So whatever.

“Which one?” He asked studying different brands on the rack beside him.

“Hard one with less nicotine.”
Jeongguk looked more closely at the packets. He had absolutely no idea. He turned facing his teacher. Looking into his eyes for the first time.

“i- I really have no idea. Could you tell me the brand?”

“Then how do you even buy so many ciggerates?” Mr. Kim cocked his eyebrow.
Jeongguk felt his soul leaving his body


“The complaints about you buying and supposedly supplying cigarettes in the school.” He tapped his chin with index finger.

Jeongguk faltered. Dropping the scanner out of his hand. He blinked hard.
Mustering up all the courage he could.

“Who is complaining?”

“One was from your brother.”


“And I assume you both don’t have healthy relations.” Mr. Kim sighed. Handing him the dropped scanner again.
Jeongguk quickly billed all his stuff. Close proximity with his teacher was bad. Really bad for his health.

Just as he was done putting all the items inside a bag. Mr. Kim cleared his throat. Loudly.

“You wanted to know about Min Yoongi. Right?”

“Yeah, yeah I am.” He nodded furiously.

Yoongi will be back. Soon. And Jeongguk will hold this particular conversation against him. The fucker had the audacity to leave like that.
“Lets sit on the chair outside.”

Mr. Kim picked up his bag. Jeongguk followed him. Night time didn't have much customers anyways.

He did miss the night air. The air on the roof. His peace from there. His gummy smile and him.
“Yoongi hyung was my senior in school.” Namjoon started. Voice soft. He had passed one of his juice cans to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk was gulping it. Mind still not registering the flavour. He would do anything to avoid his teacher's eyes at the moment.
“We became friends in the music club. Hyung had this vast knowledge about music.” Namjoon tilted his head. Bending forward.

“You know they way he talked about his music or played his piano. One could stare for hours in awe.”

And Jeongguk knew what he meant.
Had experienced it himself. Heck, he was entranced evry single time. Binded unknown spell, only Yoongi knew.

“And he was Lee sir’s favourite.” Namjoon had a small smile. His dimples prominent.

“What? Lee sir is that old.” Jeongguk blurted out. Proceeding to bite his lower lip.
Mr. Kim gave him a pointed look. He gulped. Well it was about time he fucked up.

Then his smile only widened. Jeongguk took another sip of whatever juice he had.

“He was a new teacher at that time. And Yoongi hyung was his first student. The best pianist in his opinion.”
“Is that why he gives me those murderous looks?”

Damn, fucker can’t control the tongue. He bit inside of his cheek. Yoongi would have laughed his ass by now.

“Maybe.” He chuckled.
“Why did he select me then?”

“ Maybe because I recommended you.”

Jeongguk was shook. He blinked. Multiple times. Tried to gulp down that fuvking juice. Fuvking guava. He realised with utter disgust.
“And your song did play a great role. Why did you choose that song? It’s a bop from our time.”

“It’s the first song I ever learned.”

Mr. Kim hummed in understanding. Jeongguk waited for him to say more. And eventually ran out of his already scarce patience.
“So…” He took a deep breath. He needed to do this. For Yoongi. Or for his own curiosity. But more for Yoongi. Maybe.

“So how did he die?”
Namjoon visibly inhaled. For a moment it looked like he won't answer him. Or snap at him. His dragon like, fiery eyes were sharp at the edges. Jeongguk gulped down the gross guava juice. Regretting his existence.

But then Mr. Kim's shoulders sagged and he exhaled audibly.
“That old store room was our hide out. We had spent hours there doing practically nothing. And authorities weren’t this strict. So it was easy to spend a whole school day there.”

He smiled at the memory. Then coughed, shifting.
“But that’s old times. You are not going to do anything like that.” He pointed at him.

Jeongguk nodded obediently. Too quick. For someone hiding there for months now.
“And our present building was under construction.” He frowned. The old smile long vanished.

“That night he was there alone. And there were a lot of flameable items. No one knows how the fire started.”

His voice wavered.
“It was so abrupt. That was the only day we weren’t together in the store room. The three of us were going to be there. But we got caught up in a class.”

Namjoon was lost in his own mournful memories. Jeongguk doubted he was talking to him anymore.

He paused. Staring at his hands. As if regretting everything in his life.

“It was weird. One day he was there. We had plans for tomorrow. And the next he vanished in those ashes.” Namjoon mumbled to himself.
And Jeongguk grabbed the lighter in his pocket. He knew what Mr. Kim was talking. He had seen it himself. The chaos engulfing him. No one to turn to. One night they were bickering. Next day he was gone.

But he wasn't going anywhere. He said so himself.
He didn't like parting ways from his lighter. Jeongguk held it tighter. Until his knuckle was pale.

“Anyway.” Mr. Kim cleared his throat. Pulling them out of their shared misery.
“Lee sir was devastated. And later he shifted the school’s only piano. Yoongi’s piano. He still calls it his piano. He shifted to the store room.”


Jeongguk could imagine Yoongi smirking at this. The fucker was smug for his own good.
“I think he always had Yoongi hyung in mind and was unable to select another pianist. You really got one life time opportunity kid.”

The bell of the store rang. Jeongguk got up, running to the counter. He was quick to bill the ramen the customer purchased.
Eyeing Mr. Kim, now busy on his phone.

“I got to go. Provided too much information for today.” Mr. Kim declared, once he was back. Streched his hands.

Jeongguk got up bowing him. He too didn't know if he can handle anything else for now.
“Complete your maths work." Mr. Kim smacked at his head lightly. He nodded, cheeks red again.

"Also, tell me if Soo-Bin troubles you.” Mr. Kim patted his head before waving him good bye. A small smile on his face.

And for some unfathomable reason he felt warm.

__ __
__ __

Jeongguk was running. For his wallet. Perhaps. For his life. Definitely.

Soo-Bin’s minions were after him. Accusing him of snitching to the authorities. He didn’t. He really didn’t. Mr. Kim was wise enough to catch those minions instead of Soo-Bin himself.
He took a sharp turn. The closed shops inside the small alley surrounding him. He could hide. Eyes frantically searching for a place. His legs were aching.

Sweat drenching his shirt.
He took another turn to left. Just to be pulled in a dark corner. A strong grip on his wrist.

He tried freeing himself. Panicked. He tried pushing the guy away.
Ready to flee. He turned around. And bumped headfirst into another chest. They got him. Shit. Fuvk. This was it. The minions will beat him to pulp now.

Mustering up all his courage, he looked up.
“Jimin.” He gasped.

A pair of hands covered his hands from behind.

“Shh. They are near.” Taehyung whispered to him. Breath hot. Cooling his sweaty neck. He removed his hands slowly.

Jeongguk clapped his lips shut. Eyes wide.
Three of them huddled closer.

“Fuvker.” The first one cussed.

Stopping right in front of them. A trickle of sweat ran down his forehead. Tickling his nose. He scrunched trying not to sneeze.

“Let's go that side.” The other one pointed out.
He waited until the footsteps faded. Jeongguk jerked his head in both directions. Still trying to catch his breath.

“What the hell are you two doing here?”

“Exploring.” Taehyung chirped.

“We were passing by and saw you running. So thought we could help.” Jimin
“Help me?” He blinked, incredulous.

They nodded. Jeongguk couldn't understand why were they even doing this? Helping him. It was an alien concept.
“Why?” He blurted out.

Taehyung gaped at him puzzled. Jimin seemed to be prepared for the question.

“Jeongguk-” He started with the softest voice directed at him.
“Shithead is hiding there.” Came the minion's voice. Blaring all the alarms in his mind.

Three of them stared at eachother. Peeking out at once. His doom were running for him.

“Can you run?” Taehyung asked him. He nodded at once.
He was running his whole life. Some more won't hurt.

“Follow me.” Taehyung gestured. He darted for the other other side. Jimin behind him.

Jeongguk followed with giving a second thought. He could ask all the questions in the world later. But he needed to save his ass.
The two minions did follow him for a while. But soon they lost the trail. In all honesty Jeongguk would be lost too.

Taehyung took too many turns. His legs were about to give up now. But he sprinted faster. Catching up with them.
Another turn and they were out of the maze. Running side by side. It was Taehyung who flashed a smile at him first. Jimin shoke his head. Smiling along.

Jeongguk don't know when it started. But soon they were a mess of guffawing mess.
Finally, Taehyung stopped. Hand on his knees. Jeongguk was trying to catch up his breath.

He liked around. They were inside a deserted building. A window half broken. A wall half gone. Grey walls, with moss around it.
The wall behind him was different though. Colorful. It was covered in art. Doodles or graffiti of sorts. Too beautiful in this ruin.

Jimin was sitting against that wall. Trying to catch his breath. And Taehyung was on the ground. In the middle, laid out like a star fish.
They stayed in their positions. It was so quite to hear insects nearby.

“Why don't you ever complain about them?”

Taehyung broke the silence. Making imaginary drawing in air. Jeongguk sighed, sitting down.

He cringed at the thought of washing that fuvking dust.
But then he saw Taehyung. Atleast, he will be spending less time than him.

“I tried in the beginning. A lot of people did.” He started. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Jimin moving closer.
“But he only got warnings at first. He is one of the top most students here. Ofcourse school will be lenient.”

Taehyung sat up. Jimin was beside him by now.

“Then he started threatening everyone. So even if I complain or someone else complain. There was nothing to back me up.”
Or the fact his mother pleaded him to suck it up. Or that his step father warned him. They didn't need to know it though. No one did because all he was supposed to suck it up. And survive.

He peeked at both of them. Could see several questions coming his way.
“And you helped me because?” He cocked his eyebrow up.

Taehyung glared at him. As if knowing his tactics.

“Thought it was right.” Jimin shrugged. A bad attempt at being nonchalant.

Jeongguk wanted to shout. Just like one day he felt like ignoring his existence.
And the other talking to him. But he didn't. He was too tired to hold any other conversation. Hold anymore strong emotions. Or let them out. So he sighed nodding.

They were quite again.
“I bet you didn't know about this place.” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

Fuvker can't keep quite for a whole minute.

“I did.” Ofcourse he didn't.

“Liar” Taehyung giggled punching him in the arm.
“Yeah, there's no way you could have known it.” Jimin said smiling.

“I'm not lying.” He weakly defended himself.

“Fine.” Taehyung folded his hands. Eyes lighting up.

Jeongguk gulped. He hadn't seen that evil kind of glint in so long. Yoongi had been gone for five days now.
Jeongguk hadn't stepped inside the store room in past two days. He missed him. Missed him so much that he can't.

Mr. Lee had scolded him twice. He was playing it all wrong. Mr. Jung had only corrected him politely.

“Show us your secret place.” Taehyung nudged him.

He smiled. A tight lipped smile.

“I don't have a secret place.”

“Don't shit us.” Taehyung rolled his eyes.

“Ofcourse you do.” Jimin squinted his eyes, playfully.
Jeongguk got up shaking his head. Checking time in his phone. He was late for his part time. For fuvking five minutes.

“I'm going now.” He waved at them.

“Tomorrow you are showing your place.” Taehyung shouted from behind.

He shoke his head. Sprinting away.

__ __


Any guesses where's Yoongi?

__ __

“Is it just me or does that counsellor really is staring at you?” Taehyung placed his plate on the table. Jimin tilted his head at the counsellor.

Jeongguk’s little corner wasn’t that crowded today. It just seemed, less silent. He shrugged his shoulders.
“You are showing your place today right?” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

Jeongguk nodded. A part of him didn't want anyone in their place. Part of him wasn't ready to be alone again. And the old store room was soulless for way too long now. Literally.
"Come on." He ushered them towards the old building. They still had some time untill break ends.

"Jeongguk, we aren't supposed to be here." Jimin hesitated behind him.

"Oh fuck, just walk." Taehyung pushed him forward.
Jeongguk took deep breaths before entering inside. As if showing his own bedroom to strangers. He was disclosing his secret.

He stepped inside. The silence once again welcomed him. It's been seven days. His small buds were dying. Withering with every breath.

He wasn't a delusional person. But waiting for him, he wanted to be.

Every time he stepped inside with hope. Hope of watching him play again. Hope of his gummy smile again. And everything inside him got crushed again.
He had hoped for Yoongi to be here. To shout at him for bringing people inside his storeroom. He sighed at the silence.

"This place looks like the embodiment of chaos." Taehyung commented. While Jimin whistled before saying.

"And we aren't supposed to be here."
"Why?" Taehyung was genuinely confused.

"Because-" Jimin started. Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "This is the haunted place."


Taehyung shrugged. Earning a smack on his head. While Jeongguk chuckled.
"Nothing's cool about it." Jimin too stepped in. "Jeongguk you know about the happenings right?"

"What happenings?" Jeongguk cocked his eyebrow. Challenging him. Taehyung was honestly curious.

"The ghost, guys. People have heard him play piano here." Jimin whisper yelled.
Taehyung blinked at him before laughing right at his face. Jeongguk shoke his head, smiling.

As if the ghost will hear him. He wished, Yoongi did hear them.

"In this fuvking mess, I doubt that Jimin." Taehyung barely managed in between his giggles.
"Make fun of me now assholes." He folded his hands. Slightly pouting. "But I know it's true."

"Jeongguk do you ever believe in ghosts?" Taehyung ignored Jimin all together. Making him huff.

"Maybe." Ofcourse he did. He had met one.

He had pinched himself several times. Yoongi wasn't some wild dream at night. He was real. Sometimes he couldn't believe it.

"What about you Taehyung?"

"Maybe." He shrugged. "If there's really one here. I would love to talk to him."

Then he proceeded to walk further inside.
"Hello, old ghost let's be friends." He started singing.

Jeongguk snorted. Yoongi would definitely kill Taehyung at that. He was a legend the fuvk. Not old.

"I hope he haunts you both." Jimin grumbled. Moving a table before him.

"Okay shortie." Jeongguk smiled.
Jimin kicked him. Jeongguk kicked him back. And they were in for some kind of never ending game.

"Oh look." Taehyung's voice came from behind the piano.

Jimin kicked him one last time. Running towards him. Jeongguk followed.

Taehyung's eyes were fixed on a single spot. Fingers pointing at it. Jeongguk crouched down for a closer look.

It was a black mark.
Pieces of black ash around it. The stain was big, starting from under the piano. Ending till the piano stool.

"Some guy really did burn here." Taehyung whistled, grazing his fingers on the mark.

Jeongguk grabbed the lighter inside his pants. As if holding on to reality.
He needed to talk to SeokJin again. Was that why he was staring? What the fuvk has that counsellor did now?

__ __
Ok I need to know this. Ik I'm playing a big shot considering I'm a small account. And interactions are really rare....but

Tell me is this getting boring?
__ __
__ __

He was in the old store room, yet again. Playing the piano in the silence of the night. He had been able to play it right. After so long. The silence, still disturbing wasn’t unbearable today. Eight days since he was gone. It was a better day.

Mr. Lee didn’t scold him today. Mr. Jung seemed okay with his recital. Taehyung and Jimin had given thumbs up during the practice. He wasn’t mentally present in the classes though. Mr. Kim had asked him various questions. Jeongguk had skittered around the answer.
He would say he had managed to survive. Yoongi would have said he's a fuvking looser, while he wheezed out a laughing fit. Kim SeokJin wasn’t in the school today. Jeongguk had took multiple trips to his office.
Still no sign of the councelor. And the mysterious black, burnt mark was still present beneath him. But that’s okay. Today the silence was okay.

“And for a second I thought those rumours were true.” Mr. Jung scoffed. Startling him.

He was at the door. Hands folded on his chest. Jeongguk almost fell off his stool.

Jeongguk got up from his stool. Eyes casted down, hands fidgeting with his shirt.
He was caught in the action.

“Students aren’t allowed here. Am I right?” Mr. Jung asked sternly. Jeongguk nodded, biting his lower lip.

“And do you come here often?”

“Sometimes. To practice.” He murmured.

Mr. Jung just nodded. His warm eyes burning with silent rage.
“I appreciate your dedication Jeongguk.” He sucked in a deep calming breath.

Moving his hands to his pocket. As if trying to be less intimidating. Maybe it was working. Maybe it wasn’t at all. Jeongguk gulped, anticipating the next words.
“But I will appreciate it more if you don’t come here to practice. Our music room is available at all times.”

Jeongguk nodded scurrying away from the piano.
“I would keep that in mind.” He mumbled. Grabbing his bag from the floor.
“Aren’t you scared of this room possibly be haunted?” Mr. Jung scanned the room. Similar to the first time.

“Not really.” Jeongguk shrugged, inspecting the room himself. Mr. Jung nodded, gesturing him to follow.

Jeongguk slinged his bag on his shoulders. He saw a spark from the corner of his eyes. He turned around to find nothing. Nothing but darkness and silence. He sighed, gripping the lighter in his pocket.

“Jeongguk” Mr. Jung called him. He took one last look, before jogging away.
__ __

It’s early in the morning. A fuvking shitty one. Soo-Bin had ordered him around for his cigarettes. Jeongguk had to be extremely careful.

But now he was exhausted. And the only helping thing would be the old store room. He wanted to slump against one wall. And sleep.
Jung Hoseok had scolded him yesterday. He knew he was jumping on the axe again. But he was too exhausted to care. He craved for the silence of the store room. Where Yoongi’s memories echoed soothingly in his mind.

He kicked the dirt. Entering inside the store room. Stomping at the dust particles to bounce back on his already dirty shoes.

He paused at the sight before him. Blinking at the chaos, still the same. Silence still lingering beside him.
But behind the piano he could see burned ashes swirling in the air. Black, slightly golden at the edges. His eyes widened, as he rushed towards the spot.

All those ashes were originating from the same spot.
He can’t believe his eyes. Can't believe he could see Yoongi. Again. He was on the ground. At the ending edges of the black mark. The sun made him glow golden, black in ends of his burnt clothes. Yoongi’s eyes were closed.
Hands gripping his knees tightly, his legs tugged to his chest. He was shaking. Hard.

And Jeongguk feared going near him. One step and he will disappear again. And Jeongguk will be left alone, again.

“Yoongi.” Jeongguk whispered. Afraid, he was imagining him.
Yoongi’s head whipped at a lighting speed. His eyes glassy. He tilted his head to a side. As if struggling to place his name.

“Jeongguk.” His hoarse voice greeted him. A weak whisper. Something Jeongguk had never heard.
A tear slipped out of his eyes.


Jeongguk crouched down beside him.

“Yoongi” He called him. Tried touching him for some frustrating seconds.

“SeokJin” Yoongi croaked out before closing his eyes again.

And Jeongguk, he ran for the councelor.

__ __

“He-” Jeongguk was panting. Hands desperately clutching at the door for support.

Kim SeokJin merely cocked his eyebrow at him.

“He’s b-back.”

Jeongguk finally manages. A flicker of trepidation did cross SeokJin’s stoic expression.

He was staring ahead of him, unmoving.

“He’s calling you.”

Jeongguk said more firmly this time. Yoongi’s weak, hoarse voice haunting him.

The frozen spell over Kim SeokJin broke, he got up. Jeongguk followed him, lungs burning. Legs begging for some rest.

“How long has he been here?”

The counsellor asked crouching down before him.

“He was like this in the morning when I arrived.”

Jeongguk bit his lower lip. Yoongi wasn't moving.

“Okay kid, now step away.” SeokJin said with no space for arguments.
Jeongguk stepped away. And the next moment Jin was touching Yoongi. His palm resting on his forehead. Jeongguk blinked, shaking his head. He was surely hallucinating.

But he wasn't. SeokJin's hand was still on Yoongi. Solid, touching.

He wanted to cry.
Why? How was he touching? He was about to question him. When Yoongi screamed in pain.

A nerve retching pain.

“Stop it now.”

He pleaded SeokJin. The counsellor was muttering something. His one hand holding Yoongi’s hand, other firmly pressed on his forehead.

In about five miserable minutes, Yoongi gasped. In relief. His brain supplied before he could panic again.

Yoongi’s breathing was ragged. As if he had ran miles. But Yoongi never runs.
“What the fuck did you do?”

He glared at SeokJin. Pushing him away with all the little strength he could conjure. Knees tucked in both hands, he shifted further away. He was shivering.

“Come back I’m not done yet.” SeokJin drawled, clearly bored with the attempt.
“Answer me Kim SeokJin.” Yoongi demanded stubbornly.

SeokJin’s eyes skimmed at him. Noting every small detail about the ghost. Warming for a passing moment.

“Believe me Yoongi, if it was in my hands. I would have done it long back.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
His words were cold. Piercing as if Jeongguk was caught in between a thunderstorm. The unchanging, constant in the store room.

Without another word SeokJin made his way to Yoongi. Back to his old position. This time he didn’t resist. And Jeongguk watched entranced.
Yoongi sagged, holding on the last specks of energy in him. Jeongguk shifted his weight from right foot to the left. Repeating the process. Countless times. Until he can't take it anymore.

“Where were you?”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He whispered. More to himself. But in the deafening silence, they heard it. Their heads whipping at him. As if they had forgotten him. Strangely it hurt. To be forgotten by Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at him with sad eyes.

“I saw it all.” He sighed. “My death.”
SeokJin's eyes went wide. The next moment he schooled his expression. Pursing his lips together, skeptically observing Yoongi.


Jeongguk prompted. Yoongi’s eyes gleamed with something. Something Jeongguk didn’t want to know. But he ought to. Because, because it was him.
“For how many days was I not here?”

“eight days.”

Yoongi sucked in a deep breath. Closing his eyes before speaking again. Jeongguk furrowed his brows.

“I have been burning for the past eight days. And watching myself burn before me. Again and again.”
Yoongi informed them. Glaring accusingly at SeokJin.

“What do you mean?” SeokJin rolled his eyes. Hand now hovering over Yoongi's forehead. Making Yoongi hiss in pain.

SeokJin smirked before placing it back. Yoongi muttered muted curses at him.
Jeongguk knew what he was mouthing. He had heard them countless times. Other times it would have made him cackle. Not now.

“Yoongi?” He slowly pronounced.

“I know how I died.”

Came a dreadful answer. He was suddenly moving along with the thunder storm.
Not sure if he wanted that particular piece of information.


He blurted out nonetheless. He shouldn’t ask. He couldn’t endure his pain now. How could he bear the pain of him dying? But then he was already dead for so long. The wouldn’t hurt that much. Or Would it?
“I-” Yoongi blinked at him. Licking his lips. His eyes flicking at SeokJin for a second. “I burned myself.”

“No.” Jeongguk whispered.

“Are you sure?” The counsellor enquired. Seemingly breathless. But not as much as Jeongguk was.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I have been burning for a week. I am watching myself lighting up that fire again and again.” He was calm. Weirdly calm for Jeongguk’s erratic heartbeat. “ofcourse I am sure SeokJin.”


Jeongguk licked his lips. Yoongi’s words were burning him too.
Leaving behind their ashes for him to cry over. The ashes melting his skin gradually. It’s not possible.

“Why? But no one knows?”

His throat was clogged up. Words barely stumbling out.

Yoongi shrugged. The fuvker had audacity to shrug.

“I don’t know.” Yoongi whispered.
“But there should be something, Yoongi why?” He frantically walked up to them.

SeokJin’s warning, sharp eyes did nothing to stop him.

“There is-” Yoongi chewed on his bottom lip.
Jeongguk reached out for him. His hands passing his like thin air. Yet again. And SeokJin's one hand remained on his. A new found frustration Muddled his brain further.

He just wanted to touch him. Once.

“What?” He tried distracting himself.
“There’s a note hidden inside the piano.”

“What note?” SeokJin sat expressionless beside them.

“I saw myself hiding it. Maybe a last letter?” He bit his bottom lip. Guilty, embarrassed, sad or maybe everything at once. Jeongguk would never know.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He got up searching at every nook and corner of the old piano. He opened the jammed lid even further. Dust greeted him. He made a mental note to clean it. Yoongi would kill him if he saw that in his beloved piano.

He looked closely. It was empty.
He encircled the piano. Inspecting every inch of it. Found a small envelope. Tucked in between the dents of it's fourth leg. He pulled it out with a little effort.

The paper had turned brownish yellow with time. The dust clinging to it just like the ashes were clinging him.
“This can’t be true.” A tear slipped his eyes.

The envelope was sealed with wax. That intelligent fuvker.

“Yoongi.” He whispered, brokenly.

“You won't be able to open it without tearing it apart.” He supplied.

Jeongguk didn't think when he started sprinting this time.
His body knew where to take him. His mind was burning, churning with the ashes he carried.

“Jeongguk wait.” Yoongi shouted behind him. Groaning another moment.

“Yoongi don’t move.” SeokJin gritted in response.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He didn't stop. His vision was blur. Maybe he passed one of Soo-Bin’s lackeys or Soo-Bin himself. Maybe he heard his name called out. But he didn't stop.

His ears were ringing. Yoongi’s words resonating, echoing with a greater force. A force he can't push away.
The envelope was heavy in his sweating palm. His lungs were burning, like the ashes inside his heart.

However, strong the fire inside him. Eyes were brimmed with salty water. He was panting, pausing before him. Kim Namjoon. He didn't know his destination but his legs sure did.
Tears streamed down without warning. Without any care. He opened his mouth. And gasped. Grasping at the last strings of the words. He licked his lips. Mr. Kim stood up alarmed.

“What happened Jeongguk?”

Mr. Kim’s both hands were on his shoulders.
Anchoring him. These anchors weren't enough. He wasn't caught in between the thunderstorm anymore. There was a storm swirling inside of him. And it was fire. He was afraid this fire will burn him down to ashes. Melt his entire being. And he would never get the answers he sought.
“Here drink some water.” Mr. Kim guided him to the chair.

Jeongguk waved frantically, refusing him.

“I-” He can't sit. Not right now. Even if his legs pleaded, he can't.
He wiped away tears. Clearing his throat. Enough for his voice to be watery. Mr. Kim waited, concerned.
“I found this.”
He dropped it on Mr. Kim’s hands. The envelope had started burning him too.

“What’s this?” Mr. Kim inspected it closely.

Taking his time to study the wax seal on it. But Jeongguk didn’t have time. Not when he was turning into ashes.

“He burned himself.”
Jeongguk sniffed. Staring at his palms. He was waiting for the fire.

More tears came. His own words piercing inside his skin. Small pores giving way to the fire inside.

“Who?” Namjoon asked brows furrowed.

“Please open it first. Please”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He was bawling. Words no more coherent. He was bawling because Yoongi had died, way before Jeongguk existed.
Yoongi had burned himself and forgot about it. He cried because he can’t sate the fire inside of him. His heart cried because Yoongi burned alive. And no one saved him.
Mr. Kim carefully opened the envelope. His eyes wide with realization.

“Jeongguk.” His voice was stern, intimidating.

For the first time it didn’t scare him. The lilt in his voice saddened him. He hiccuped more tears.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Where did you find this?”

“Old store room, in the piano.” He choked out.

“No” Mr. Kim whispered. Eyes scanning at the letter once again.

“Is it true? Sir?” he pleaded. Pleaded for Namjoon to deny it. “Did he really did that? Sir?”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He tried taking the letter from him. But the next moment, Namjoon was out of his seat. His long legs fast in the corridor. Jeongguk followed him. His eyes zeroing only on his teacher.

He didn't think Namjoon was aware of his presence anymore. Does he feel it too? The burning?
The music room before his eyes.

Mr. Kim busted in. Without hesitation, without warning. Much like Jeongguk did earlier. A dreadful epiphany downed on him. It was true. He knew it was. Yoongi never lies to him. But it was solid now.

[yoonkookau] #yonkookau
“Sir.” Mr. Kim called out loudly. Voice broken at the edges.

“Yes?” Mr. Lee’s eyes furrowed upon his appearance.

“Is this true? Did- did you know?” Mr. Kim waved the open letter before him.
“What is that Joon?” Jung Hoseok steeped closer and grabbed it.

“Sir, did he really burned himself?”

Mr. Kim started. Loosing his composure. Jeongguk could hear the watery edges in his voice. Similar to his own. Mr. Lee furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Yoongi hyung. Was that really an accident?”

Mr. Lee’s mouth was agape in realization. He snatched the letter from Mr. Jung.

Jung Hoseok was frozen. His hand still holding the ghost of the letter. Mr. Lee read the letter. His eyes growing sad.
And Jeongguk wanted to snatch it. Read it too. But he was afraid. Too afraid that he won’t survive. The burning inside him was already consuming. Ebbing out of little piercings on his skin.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“How did you find it?” Mr. Lee asked.

“Jeongguk found it inside the old piano in the store room.” Mr. Kim pointed at him.

Jeongguk shifted, wiping away stray tears. The attention overwhelming him.
“Did you have any idea?” Mr. Jung asked sternly. Almost accusing Mr. Lee.

“We-” Mr. Lee inhaled deeply. “We had suspicions because the origin of the fire was still unknown. Police did search. But we found nothing and at last the case was closed with it being an accident.”
“But wasn’t those flammable construction equipments?”

“It was the cause of the fire spread. But it wasn’t the origin Namjoon.”

Jeongguk bit down his lower lip. The lighter still present in his pocket burned. With a new kind of epiphany his tears burned too.
The evidence was never found. Because the evidence was lost with Yoongi. Yoongi’s inseparable lighter. The tool of his doom was a comfort to his lost self. He held onto it just like he held onto his afterlife.
Jeongguk grabbed the lighter inside his pocket. He should give it to them. Let them know the truth. The whole of it. He wiped more tears, inhaled deeply.

Before he could move forward. A hand grabbed his. A cool touch on his burning skin.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Two fingers pressed behind his neck. The two fingers were making him dizzy. His world fading before him. He closed his eyes. All the tiredness burdening his eyelashes.

“I apologize for interrupting.” Kim SeokJin spoke from behind him. A sickly, sweet voice.
Jeongguk didn’t have energy to turn back. Didn’t have will to push him away. His eyes were closed. His hands went slack beside him. Body giving in to sleep. Knees giving in, back colliding with a strong chest.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“But I think Jeongguk isn't well.” SeokJin was polite.

And Jeongguk was floating away. The burning subsiding down. As the cold fingers were cooling it too. For now. The two fingers cooling his skin. He felt more hands holding him. But he was too far gone to care.
__ __
__ __

Jeongguk had crusts in his eyes. Waking up from a deep, unknown but strangely comforting slumber. It took him several seconds to grasp at his surroundings.

He was on a bed. The walls were cream coloured. And there was a curtain, similar to the ones in the sick room.
He blinked recollecting the past memories. With fire slipping inside his veins again. He remembered.

He sat up. His head spinning with abruptness. It was dusk outside. He had been sleeping all day. He rubbed at the back of his neck. Still reminisce of cold.

“Easy there.”

He flinched at the voice. Kim SeokJin was on a chair. Sitting cross legged at his left side. His eyes were on him. Following his every moment.

“What did you do?”

His voice was hoarse, dry with disuse. Or maybe from all those tears.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Juxtaposed to his inner fire he was calm. Or numb. Maybe tired, maybe all of it together.

“Drink some water first.”

SeokJin offered the glass. Jeongguk complied. His parched body couldn't take it anymore.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
SeokJin’s eyes wandered off the setting sun outside the window. For several minutes they didn’t utter a word. The silence fueling the fire.

“So” He promoted.

“So” Kim SeokJin cocked one of his eyebrow. Adjusting his glasses on his nose.
“How- Who are you?” Jeongguk sighed. For just fuvking once can his mind co-operate. Too many questions. And no answers were frustrating him.
“What did you do to him? And to me?”

“I’m a mediator.” SeokJin supplies simply. Smoothing non existent wrinkles on his tie.
“Sort of connection between the dead and living.”

Jeongguk was staring at him. Eyes big, mouth open enough for a fuvking fly. SeokJin smiled smugly. Satisfied with the reaction.

“Now what was the second question?” He blinked feigning innocence. Jeongguk scrunched his nose.
Evil. He decided. Kim SeokJin was pure evil.

“Yeah.” His eyes glinted. “I did nothing to Yoongi. I too am intrigued with the happenings. But to you-”

He leaned forward. Jeongguk leaned back, appalled.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“-I just made you sleep.” He swirled his two fingers in the air. Smiling smugly at his own conceited actions.

Jeongguk was in awe. But he won’t show it. Can’t let the evil win. Wouldn't let Kim SeokJin win. He wondered what all he could do.

“Why?” He asked instead.
“Because-” He paused, tilting his head. Eyes staring past him. Jeongguk wasn't really sure, he wanted to hear it. But when was he ever. “ -your little brain can't handle that much pressure.”

Jeongguk groaned. What the fuvk was he even expecting from this evil counsellor?
“Now that you are awake, Excuse me, I need the answers for that fuvker.”

SeokJin stated with a tinge of frustration. Jeongguk wanted to argue. He can’t fuvking call Yoongi a fuvker. Only he can.

He stood up. “You should go home.”
Jeongguk was calculating the time. He still had an hour before his shift. He could meet Yoongi. And sit beside him after a long, long time. After a long, long time.

“And-” SeokJin halted. His tone laced with final warning.
“-you are not going to meet Yoongi now. Your brain needs to rest. The far away you are from him the better.”

Jeongguk made a humming sound absent-mindedly. Still calculating his time.

“It's the last warning.” SeokJin's gaze held the finality. “Or-”
He smirked, swirling his fingers in the air again. The spot on his neck tingled, a shiver ran down his spine. Jeongguk huffed in annoyance. Evil. Yoongi was right, Yoongi is always right.

“Fuvk I hate him.” He muttered, flopping on the bed again.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Thoughts? Thoughts? 👀
Thank you for reading 💜

__ __
__ __

“Something is wrong.” Yoongi sniffed right at someone’s neck.

Jeongguk scrunched his nose in distaste. Cafeteria was just some steps away. And this fuvker wasn’t moving.

“You are weird.” Jeongguk muttered. The fucker was doing this right from the morning.
Sniffing at random places. Peeking at other's stuff. Suspiciously looking at people. Jeongguk had cursed multiple times. He had kept walking. But Yoongi was poking around. Things kept hanging in mid air. Gguk had to snatch and put them down.

He was fuvking loosing his sanity.
“Yoongi move.” He threw his pen at him.

The break was already half gone. Jeongguk had to go to the music room after this. And this ghost wasn’t helping at all.
Jeongguk huffed turning around. Fuvking fine. He will walk inside without him them. He took one step forward.
And two backwards.

SeokJin was staring at him. Hands crossed. His glasses low. His dress coat absent. White shirt’s cuff folded neatly.

Jeongguk gulped. SeokJin merely cocked his one eyebrow. Yoongi came beside him as Gguk took one more step back.
Yoongi mirrored his stance, smirking. Challenging him. Bad fuvking decision. SeokJin remained apathetic. Jeongguk wanted to run away.

“Get in Gguk” Yoongi said. Flicking his middle finger at SeokJin.

Jeongguk shuffled in. He made sure to avoid the councellor's gaze.
Yoongi sat down beside him. Still sniffing, poking and scanning at things. Jeongguk was sure it was a side effect of disappearing. It messed with his non existent mind.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Jeongguk are you okay?”

Taehyung came barreling. Almost spilling his soup on him. Jimin shoke his head behind him.

“yeah. Why?” He blinked confused.
Yoongi was too distracted to care. Suspiciously watching them. When will this fuvker stop?

“We saw you yesterday.” Jimin started. “The whole school did actually.”

Jeongguk nodded. Eyes wide at them. Heat crept up his neck. As embarrassment engulfed him.
“And then you fainted.” He sounded concerned. Taehyung stuffed his moth with rice. Nodding with Jimin.

This caught Yoongi’s attention. They hadn’t talked about yesterday. None of them want to. It was too much.
Jeongguk had shown up at store room like every other day. Yoongi had tagged along like every other day.

“Yeah we saw Mr. Kim and councellor carrying you.” Taehyung pointed at the councellor, scrached his head. “Something is weird about him though.”

“I like him. Keep him.” Yoongi whispered beside him.

“Are you okay now?” Jimin asked.

“Yeah.” Jeongguk nodded.

“And Soo-Bin is totally doomed.” Taehyung singsonged.

Snatching away Jimin's kimchi. Jimin smacked him with his chopsticks.
“Soo-Bin why?” Dread swirled in his stomach.

“You complained about him yesterday. Didn’t you?” Jimin furrowed his brows.

“No?” He almost shouted. "Who told you this?"

“There’s this rumour that you were running for Mr. Kim yesterday. And-” He bit his lip.

“You complained. So he and his minions are in principle's office right now.”

“Shit” Jeongguk looked at Yoongi. Yoongi was equally confused.
Whoever or whatever it was. Jeongguk was doomed. Soo-Bin will not let this go.

Maybe he could avoid him for today. Let him cool down. Then explain. Maybe. Or he could talk to Mr. Kim. He facepalmed. He is so fucked.
“Yah” Yoongi shouted.

“What?” He shouted back scowling.

“What?” Jimin and Taehyung echoed back. Jimin's hand on his chest, Tae was coughing with mouth full of rice.

Jeongguk grimaced, biting his lower lip. Fuvking ghost.
“Give my lighter back Jeon Jeongguk.” Yoongi shouted. He was unfazed by all that drama.
“You fuvking theif.”

Jeongguk could swear Yoongi would be the reason of his death one day.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

He could proudly sate he had survived the practice today. Mr. Lee was scolding every single living thing.

Mr. Jung was too distracted to correct anyone. He kept staring at absolutely nothing.

Jeongguk still had spare time. He will just sit in the store room.
He hoped Soo-Bin will be better by tomorrow. He was near the old building. It was already dark.

“Jeon Jeongguk”

He breathed in a long deep breath. Mr. Jung was behind him. He had caught him second time.

Worst of all. The warm glint in his eyes was absent.
“Ye-yes” His voice was just more than a squeak.

Mr. Jung observed him. Hands folded, mouth set like stone.

“I want to talk to you about something.”

“Yes sir?” He fidgeted with his pen. Wished for Yoongi to be watching through the window.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Is he in there?” Mr. Jung whispered with urgency.

Jeongguk had shaken his head furiously. Even if his brain hasn’t comprehended a single word. It did know the threat.

“Jeongguk.” Mr. Jung stated more sternly. Staring right into his soul.
That’s cruel. Why were all his teachers so intimidating?

“Wh- who?”

“Min Yoongi.”

Jeongguk bit his lower lip. Mr. Jung sucked in a deep breath. Taking a step back.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Can I talk to hyung?” He let out softly.

“But sir”

“Please.” It was slower, softer.

“Even if you knew him. He doesn’t remember you.”
Mr. Jung furrowed his brows.
“He doesn’t remember anything before his death.” Jeongguk scrunched his nose. Still fidgeting with his pen.

“I still want to talk.”

Jeongguk sighed. Yoongi will definitely kill him.
__ __

“Hyung” Mr. Jung was staring right at the piano. Yoongi was glaring at Jeongguk. Flicking his lighter, on and off. And Gguk, he stood grimacing at the two.

Caught in the middle. He wanted to run. But Mr. Jung had asked him to stay. To convey Yoongi's replies to him.
Once again Jeongguk had successfully jumped on the axe. Only this time he had a ghost lingering right above him.

Yoongi will eat his ears off. Jeongguk could feel that. He sucked in a long breath. Prayed it to not be among the last ones.
“Jeongguk told me you don’t remember anything.”
He smiled. Eyes glistening with tears.

Jeongguk gaped at him. Yoongi’s tilted his head at him.

“How have you been hyung?” Mr. Jung continued. His voice watery.
“Lit.” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jeongguk snorted. Mr. Jung blinked at him. Fuvking hell. Yoongi really wants him dead.

“He said fine.”

“He uttered some shit.” Mr. Jung cocked his one eyebrow. Tilting his head. Disturbingly matching Yoongi's stance. “Right?”

“Ah, he does know me.” Yoongi scrunched his button nose.

“He said lit.” Jeongguk murmured, embarrassed.

“I was going to curse at you hyung.” Mr. Jung chuckled. “But I won't.”

The teary glint was back. His warm smile turned into a melting frown.
His eyes scrutinizing the piano. Yoongi moved closer. Slowly as if he would make sounds.

And then, Jeongguk gasped.

Mr. Jung was on his knees, head bowed. Yoongi jumped back before clearing his throat. Fuvker folded his hands again.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I’m so sorry hyung. You were suffering and I didn’t notice.” A tear slipped down his cheeks. He sniffed.

“Its not his fault. It’s not anyone’s.” Yoongi sighed.

“He says.” Jeongguk inhaled deeply. Trying to compose himself. “Its not your fault. Not anyone’s.”

“That doesn’t justify it, hyung. I always saw you so strong. My mind can't fathom. That you, my Yoongi hyung could be having a hard time.“ A tear slipped out of his eyes. “-and we didn’t care. We never bothered.”

“It's been years.” Yoongi rubbed his forehead.
“And you were all alone here.” Jung Hoseok was bawling. Jeongguk was frozen, eyes wide.

Yoongi crouched down before him. Tilting his head to observe Mr. Jung.

“Fuvking hell.” Yoongi turned towards him. “Come here.”

Jeongguk crouched down with him.
“Go hug him.”

Jeongguk gaped at him. He shoke his head. Yoongi smacked him. Only for Jeongguk to feel cold air at his head. Fuvking ghost freezing his pretty head. Wait. Cold.

“Come-on.” Yoongi whined beside him. “It hurts watching him cry like that Gguk. Go hug him.”
Jeongguk shuffled around. Awkwardly hugging Mr. Jung. His tears damping his shirt.

“Tell him-” Yoongi started. Sitting right beside them. “I am okay. It's okay. He can stop hurting now.”

Jeongguk repeated.

“Tell him, he can let go and-”
Jeongguk paused mid sentence. Yoongi's hand hovered on Mr. Jung's head. He tried ruffling his hair, saying his words.

“He says ("I'm proud of you Seok.")” Jeongguk whispered. Mr. Jung looked up for the first time. Jeongguk pointed at Yoongi's direction.

“Thank you hyung.”
He smiled. Yoongi smiled back. His gummy smile. Jeongguk had seen after a very long time.

They stayed there for a while. Hoseok's tears now dry.

“I will ask Namjoon to come here too but-”

“He won't believe it.” Mr. Jung and Yoongi stated in unison.
With a last bow Hoseok was gone.

“Mr. Kim will believe one day. You are staying anyways.” Jeongguk shrugged picking up his bag. “Right?”

Yoongi made a non committal sound. A sound that reverberated in his head. A familiar warmth settled inside his stomach.
“I'm late for my part time.” He announced, rather loudly. More for himself. Yoongi nodded.

“Bye Yoongi.”

“Call me Hyung you ungrateful fucker.” Yoongi shouted, as he ran out.

__ __

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

Jeongguk tip toed inside the house. It was midnight. He had prayed for Soo-Bin to be asleep.

Atleast his dark room was a good sign. He reached for his room. Pushing it slowly.

He stepped in sighing. He is safe for now. Maybe tomorrow he won't face his wrath.
Jeongguk threw his bag on the bed. Trying to switch on the light. Instead he was punched towards the wall.

Soo-Bin's elbow on his chest. Knocking the air right out of his lungs.

“Be ready Jeongguk. I'll make your life a living hell.”He whispered. Flicking on the switch.
Kicked Gguk away. And left his room.

Jeongguk chuckled. Bold of him to think he could escape. Bold of Soo-Bin to make his life a living hell. It already was a hell.

And Jeongguk, he was burning. Fading ashes in this world.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

⚠️ ‼️TW‼️⚠️

-sucidal thoughts/tendencies
-mental abuse..(maybe)
-this au contains constant themes of these and sometimes I won't know when to put the warning so proceed only if you are comfy with these.‼️

(if anyone finds this au randomly.)
__ __
Jeongguk woke up with a pounding headache. A similar fire swirling inside his stomach. He had taken long breaths. Gulping down the anxious lurches.

The day sure was going to be hell. Soo-Bin had promised. But nothing he can’t take.

Caught in a attempt to skip breakfast. His mother had scolded him. Soo-Bin’s father had threatened him.

“I’ll not pay for your expenses anymore. Be grateful I’m even paying for a trash like you now.” He had rumbled. “One more harm to my son and forget any future aid.”
His mother had glared. And his side of the story remained in the dark. Again.

Jeongguk had nodded. Soo-Bin had smiled, grossly wide. Whispered it was just the starting. Starting of pathetic, vile and nauseous low blows. Just a bad day. His brain had supplied.
He made his way to the old store room. Yoongi was an anchor to his melting self. And he wanted to hold on. Play piano and loose the world in it's melody.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“All these years I had made sure the truth was hidden.” He halted hearing a voice.

Unmistakably Mr. Lee’s. Stern, imposing and guilty.

Jeongguk’s eyes were wide. Yoongi wasn't in the room. Mr. Lee had never stepped inside the store room. Never in last two decades.
“I hope you’ll understand. It was for your best. And mine, Yoongi.” Mr. Lee placed the letter to its original place.

The music teacher patted the piano twice, contemplating.

Jeongguk’s head was spinning. The fire inside his stomach burning more intently.
Mind running for the possibilities. He needed to find Yoongi. Now.

And he was sprinting. For Yoongi.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jeongguk collided with someone in the corridor. He bowed, apologizing. Saw Jimin standing opposite to him. But Jimin didn’t stop. Didn’t even spare him a glance.

And maybe he did something wrong. Again.

“He’s a bit off since morning. Nothing to worry.”

Taehyung had patted on his shoulders. Both of them fading away. Submerging in the crowd unknown to him.

He patted his chest. Just a bad day. Repeated it like a mantr.

“Hurry up fucker.” Yoongi had thrown a pen at him. He had smiled. The burning receding. For now.
Mr. Kim’s class was no less than a torture. Yoongi had been commenting, making him stifle his giggles. Then the fucking ghost had the audacity to ask him to pay attention.

Jeongguk had tried asking him. About the letter. Tried informing about Mr. Lee. But all that in vain.
Fuvker was good a redirecting his questions. Flashing his gummy smile, scrunching his nose, avoided the subject at it’s best.

And to make the best out of this day. Mr. Kim had scolded him. Asked his presence in the staff room later.
His dragon like, burning eyes burned Jeongguk’s courage too.

All Yoongi did was laugh his utterly silent laugh.
The morning wasn’t getting any better with his piano practice too. He still had no idea what the fuck he was practicing for.

The crucial information somehow escaped his fuvking brain. Every single time he tried to chase it.

Jimin was practicing his vocals at a far corner. Away even from Taehyung. That strangely comforted him. Jimin wasn’t angry with him. It must have been a bad timing in the morning.

Just a bad day.
Mr. Lee was normal. Too normal for the deed he pulled off. For the little secret he hid for so many years. Could it be true? Could he be the reason behind it all? The fire did it’s own somersaults inside him.

Yoongi wasn’t answering him. Then he’ll answer himself. Just read that fuvking letter.

Mr. Jung had smiled warmly, hearty at him. Indicating yesterday wasn't his imagination. His smile cooling down the fire slightly.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He had excused himself early. Still unwilling to witness Mr. Kim’s impending wrath. But better now than later

“He should be coming back now.” Mrs. Choi had informed him. Asked him to wait outside the staff room.
His nerves were wrecking with the fire inside him. Nothing was difficult than to wait for his own doom. Impatiently he was thrumming his feet on the ground.

Blinked twice at the familiar ghost entering room 201. He had rubbed his eyes. And the figure vanished.
Jeongguk scolded himself. Yoongi would never visit the councellor's office.

His anxious imagination was getting ahead of himself. But the fuvking imagination prodded him to check. To be certain.

He took two steps towards the office.
“Jeongguk” Mr. Kim had called him. Halting his steps. He grimaced, bowing.

Kim Namjoon was about to end him. Jeongguk had spent unnecessary time staring out of the window. It’s not his fucking fault maths is the worst thing to exist. Or Yoongi was funny.

__ __

To his surprise. Mr. Kim had asked him to talk to SeokJin. The teacher hadn’t voiced it. But Jeongguk had seen the reflection of the past events. His worry that Jeongguk was delusional. His concern because Jeongguk was talking about his dead friend.
The same dead friend Mr. Jung believed was the ghost. But Mr. Kim denied. With his every breath.

Jeongguk was certain Yoongi would have cursed him. Maybe dropped his things just to embarrass him.

He smiled. His finger tips loosing the burnt ashes.

Lunch was a usual trip to the land of Hades. Soo-Bin’s ass kissers dumping their half juice boxes at him. His shirt was used to the washing by now.

Yoongi tripped them on their way out. Cursing, flicking his lighter at the dumb fuckers. Asked Jeongguk to fuvking retaliate.
He had shrugged. Gulped down the last of his rice with Soo-Bin’s father’s words.

He needs his money. Need that trash to get out of his own dump ground. So he sucked in one more time. Just one more bad day.

__ __
“Jimin.” Jeongguk had called him again. Navigating in the crowd.

This time Jimin stopped. At his very first call. Jeongguk smiled. Encircling his hand around his neck. Taehyung stood beside them. Shifting from one leg to another. Looking rather uncomfortable.
Jeongguk blinked at him in confusion. Jimin freed himself from his loose grip. Looking equally uncomfortable.

Jeongguk took a deep breath. Just a bad day. He repeated the mantr.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Jeongguk let’s not talk. Okay?” Jimin stated closing his distance with Taehyung.

Inching farther away from him. Jeongguk gulped the fire inside his throat. Igniting another ball inside his stomach. And he, he stood there frozen. Melting inside, still like a statue.
“It’s not your fault Jeongguk.” Taehyung softly said.

“Soo-Bin won’t let me live Jeongguk. I can’t take his bullshit for the second time.” Jimin stepped back. “So yeah, bye.”

And they were walking away from him.
One more step away from his life. Taehyung looked back once. Apologetic eyes at him. The kind of look his mother gave.

But Jeongguk didn’t move. He was melting inside. Slightest of movement and he will crack down. His being burning into ashes.
So he stood there, watching them disappear. He understood the torture. Understood Jimin. Understood Taehyung for taking his side.

But what about him. His part of understandings.
Remember when Soo-Bin said that thing about hell, we are going in one too.

I need to see your reactions. To decide if I should update more today or not.


Also you could read this. I'll probably delete in sometime.
__ __

“You can take your money and go kid.” The convenience store owner had declared.

“What? But I’m just ten minutes late.” Jeongguk was panting. He had spent too much time frozen. Watching people pass by. Wishing this day could end. Even forgot his part time job.
“It’s not that kid.” The owner responded. Taking out poster for a new part timer. Jeongguk gaped at him.

The day was progressively proving it’s point. Even getting better at it.

“Then what is it? I’m sorry if I missed out any responsibility.” He blabbered.

“Look, I know about you selling cigarettes to minors. Even taking yourself. Students from your own school are complaining.” The owner sighed. “And I really don’t want any trouble with authorities.”

“B-but.” He pointlessly tried to defend himself.
Got nothing from his melting brain.

“Just take your money and go. Be grateful I’m not cutting off your last month’s wage.” The owner waved his hands dismissing him.

He sighed. Stuffing his pay inside his bag. The owner had still paid him fourteen days less.
Brain still unable to dwell on the happenings. He needs to find a new part time. Far away from this fuvking store.

Fortunately this day will be over soon. He could sleep it off. And tomorrow, the burning will be gone.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He won’t be slipping away. Won't feel so caught up in between those cracks. He would be able to breathe again. Breathe without those ashes infiltrating his lungs.

“Heard to lost your job.” Soo-Bin pushed him harshly. The ashes rose in his lungs.
⚠️ violence/ bullying ⚠️
It wasn't over. Not yet.

He should have known. Should have seen it coming. Ofcourse it was that fuvking asshole.

“He lost friends too.” One of his ass kissers stated. “aww” The other one patted his head.
Jeongguk swatted his hand away. Soo-Bin pushed him once more. Elbow on his chest, Jeongguk coughed at the impact. His minions had high fived.

“Told you I’ll make it hell.” Soo-Bin marvelled at his pathetic victory. Then tilted his head towards his minions.
One of them snatched his bag. Other held both of his wrists tightly. The fire swayed, flaming high. They trashed his books on the ground. Picked up his wallet. His payment. The only money he had for next few months.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“We can in the game room for a week now.”

“Give it back.” Jeongguk lurched at them. Shocking them for a second.

But they were three. He was one. Only his weak, alone self one. They pinned him again. Eliciting a grunt from him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Fighting back.” Soo-Bin scoffed. “Looks like you forgot dad’s warning.” He inched closer to him. The ashes suffocating him. Air around him drenched in embarrassment and anger.

“Try doing that again and I’ll tell dad.” He released him.
Jeongguk’s knees gave up. It was too much to stand. His legs were melting too. The new found, familiar anger fueled his burning. Flames rising high. He can’t take it. He needed to do something. To cool it down.

“That’s the only thing you can do coward.” He spatted at him.
Eyes challenging them. A bad fuvking move. Worst than this hellish day.

Then next moment Soo-Bin was glaring at him. But the fire didn’t stop then. Jeongguk stood up, punching him right at the nose. His minions gaped at him in shock.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Soo-Bin staggered back. His eyes wide. Jeongguk himself was oogling his own hands. He had never really punched anyone. Not with this impact. Soo-Bin had blood dripping from his nose. His eyes equally red.
Jeongguk gulped. His melting brain wasn’t comprehending.
Wasn’t telling him to run. He was frozen yet again.

“You fucking asshole.” Soo-Bin seethed, pushing him. His minions kicking him to his knees. One of them grabbed his hair. Pulled it.

“I was going easy on you. But you don’t fuvking deserve it. He stepped on his right palm.
Crushing his fingers with his chunky shoes. He twisted his leg. Making Jeongguk scream in pain.

“You should apologise and maybe he will forgive you.” One minion murmured. Jeongguk don’t want to. The rage was still burning.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
But then he thought of her. His mother requesting him to stay quiet. To co-operate. It was good for them.

The fear drives the human beings.

His mother had a fear of not surviving. Jeongguk had a fear of letting her down. Fear of his actions having repercussions for her.
All humans were just small, fragile beings fearing their doom. And so was Jeongguk.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I’m sorry.” He drank his pride with the hot lava threatening to erupt out of him.

“Okay.” Soo-Bin said. Twisting his leg one last time. Jeongguk hissed in pain. “Hope dad allow you at home.” He smirked at him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
They left him there. His chest heaving. Head hurting. Hands burning with new found pain. There was blood and dirt on his palm. Maybe one of his fingers got twisted. He sat against the wall. Closing his eyes. Wished to disappear. Wished this day would just end.

Wished for this fire to consume him without hurting this much. Turn him into those ashes boring into his soul.

At last he opened his eyes. Mustering last of his energy. He needed to check on his mother. Make sure she was okay.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Updating schedule? Idk her. Haha
Just wanted to clarify here Soo-B!n isn't in anyway related to t×t. It's just coincidence.
And sorry for any editing mistakes. ✋🏽

I don't say it. But please interact with me. It's a good motivation.
If u are going to be a ghost or silent reader Ghostie Yooni will haunt u at 3am.

Thank you for reading.💜💜 I hope you are still interested?
curiouscat.qa/bultorune93 🌼
His mother had pulled him inside. Shushed him into silence.

She was cleaning his wounds.

“Why did you fight him Jeongguk?” She had asked. The whispered lilt not giving her much space for the scolding.

“He was taking away my money eomma.” He huffed.

Hissing when she applied the antiseptic. His fingers stung at the reminisce of the pain.

“Then you should have let him. Should have asked me for the money later.” She glared at him. Securely bandaging his hand.

“And where will you get money from?” Jeongguk stood up.
Voice louder. “From that man. He will just debt you more. I worked hard for that money.”

“Why are you making this difficult Jeongguk? I know it's not the best. But atleast we have a house to live in. So, just endure a little.” She pulled him down. Shushing him.
He cursed. The fire raging higher. If only his biological father hadn't left them. If only they had a family. If only his mother knew how to fuvking work and not push her son in a hell. Every single day.

“What do you think I’m doing for so long eomma?”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
The fire could never stop. Burning never ends. Never for him.

“I know. I know my son. Just one more year. Then you can go to college.” She pleaded. Desperation floating in her eyes. He shoke his head.
That’s too long. He’ll be ashes till then. The fire will never respite him.

“I can’t.” He got up. Leaving the room.

“Jeongguk listen to me.” His mother started with utmost determination. Determination shown only to stop him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Always to stop him. Oh, how much he wished to see it otherwise.
“I have been doing that my whole life.” He mumbled.

“And you will listen again.” She held his hand. Caressing the bandaged palm. One of her hands caressing his cheek. An action so rare. He could cry.
“We need to survive Jeongguk.” Desperation, determination familiarity of a guilt swam in her eyes.

Survival. The only thing his mother had taught him. So he nodded. Agreed to survive once more. Chose it against the fire. Chose ashes against the air in his lungs.
The day wasn’t ending. He can’t point out the worst part. Everything was bundled at one place. A package, he was exhausted to open again.

His legs taking him to the only place he could breathe in. The only place he could be free of ashes.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“You need to be definite Yoongi.” Kim SeokJin was speaking. Yoongi stood before him. Unaware of Jeongguk’s presence behind the door.

“Yes. I am.” Yoongi bit his lower lip.

“I’ll ask you again. Once the deal is done you can’t back out.” SeokJin instructed.
“Do you want to leave Yoongi?”

“Yes.” Yoongi sighed. “I can't be near him anymore.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Every syllable of his words resonated in his brain. Sparring with the cracks. The lava, he lost hold on.

Yoongi can't stand him anymore. Tired with Jeongguk. His mind like an empty room left to dust. It echoed the words. And he was slipping. The fire left all bounds.
This time, he didn't even try to hold it. Didn't even feel the rage.

Yoongi was leaving. And he can't he near him.

Jeongguk almost tripped on his way. His path unknown. His newly bandaged hand was bleeding again. The purity of the white bandage now tainted in crimson.
Yoongi was leaving Jeongguk. Alone. Like he always was. Left alone.

All he wanted was to outlive this day. To stop the scorching heat. Halt the melting. And to breathe without those ashes threatening to clog his entire soul.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He was there. At the school’s rooftop. Standing on his railings. Shining night Seoul beneath him. The moon was too bright. Lonely. Just like him. Stars had left the moon too.

He blinked at the moon. Watched the city lights flicker beneath them.
The moon was calling him. His hands burning to ashes. His lungs bursting out with them.

One more step and he can be with moon. He could fly with those ashes. And the moon will let him in. Let him fade away with it. Let him disappear in the dark of this lonely night.
Because the moon will disappear too. And this time it won't be lonely.

He took one step forward, for moon.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
nirvana. Image
Talk, ask questions, shout at me here. It took a long time to make that moods cuz I wanted it to be perfect 😔💜
__ __
“Jeongguk” He heard. Blinking out the entrancing moonlight.

Yoongi stood there. Huffing. As if he had ran up. Funny because Yoongi never runs.

“What are you doing Jeongguk?” Yoongi carefully stepped closer. His voice soft. Eyes concerned.

“Why do you care?” Jeongguk scoffed in his watery voice.

“Jeongguk come down. Let’s talk.” Yoongi licked his lips.

“I don’t want to talk Yoongi. Not to anyone.”

“Okay no talking. We will just sit. Come down Jeongguk.”
“No.” Jeongguk turned away. Breathing the ever present ashes in. Soothing moonlight calling for him. And it was quite again.

Yoongi must have left him. Left him like he was planning to.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
But then he sensed it. Yoongi's cooling presence beside him.

He was playing with his lighter. On and off. The flame illuminating his face. That flame better than the one inside him.
They quietly stood there. Yoongi finally putting the lighter away. A tear slipped down his eyes.

“Jeongguk do you really want to die?” Yoongi asked tears smearing his face. The lilt in his voice so broken.

Gguk nodded.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“You can’t die Gguk.” He whispered.

“Why not?” He whispered back. Ashes swirling, burning his insides. “You are dead too.”

“That’s why I am saying it Gguk.”

“What Yoongi? You can have this peace and I can’t. Why?” Jeongguk shouted.
“Because it’s nothing peaceful.” Yoongi shouted back. Getting off the railing. As if Jeongguk was burning him too.

He sat down. Head on his hands, aggressively wiping his tears off.

Jeongguk gaped at him. Yearning for his cool.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I just wanted to be warm Gguk. I thought this, here I will be warm.” He choked out. “But it’s just colder Gguk. Don’t do this please.”

“No one will care.” He whispered. Yoongi looked at him ready to say something.
“Everyone has better things to do. Better places to be. I am not even an option Yoongi.” His voice cracked. He gulped. Holding onto his widening cracks. Lava inside of his oozing out.

“Taehyung will always choose Jimin. Jimin will always choose Tae. And- and” A sob escaped his mouth. “My mother she will always choose survival. Everyday she chooses survival over me. An you Yoongi-”

He stepped down, pointing at him.

“You will leave. Like everyone does.”
“Gguk i-.” Yoongi started.

“I heard you with SeokJin.” He sat beside him. Hating the soothing cold.

“I can’t stay Jeongguk.” He sniffed.

“But you promised me.” He protested weakly. Too tired to stop himself. “You promised you will be here. Always.”
His melting mind did nothing in his favour. He was supposed to be angry. To burn like that fire inside of him.

“But I’ll be with you Gguk always.” Yoongi slurred out.

And yet he was melting. Melting like that oozing hot lava. And maybe-
“I will be alone here.” He rambled. “And I don’t even know where you’ll go. And you will be alone there Yoongi. So so alone.”

“We can be alone together, Jeongguk.”
Maybe it was better than the fire. His tears less painful, more real than that fire consuming him.
So he cried. Cried, as he lost the fire he held for so long. The lava burnt his insides. It was flowing away. Sated by his tears. He was crying because he wasn’t alone.
Because Yoongi understood him. Because Yoongi said they will be alone together. Together.

Yoongi draped a blanket around him. Covering him. He blinked at him. Yoongi’s eyes reflected the pain in his heart.
“It’s my hug for you.” Yoongi mumbled sitting beside him again. His coldness breathing for Jeongguk’s still burning self.

“I am tired. So tired Yoongi.” His words were no longer coherent.
His long pent up burden. The river he had held for so long. It’s slipping away. The walls of the dam threatening to fall down. He bit his lip. Yoongi kept looking at him. He didn’t dare look up. Can’t see his weakness. Can’t see the sympathy.
“I know. I know I’m tired too. Gguk. I’m too.” Yoongi tried patting his shoulder.

“Will this stop? This burning?” His eyes heavy with the day's charge.

“It will one day.”

“Did it stop for you? The coldness, the emptiness you had?”
Yoongi hummed. Deep in thought. The moonlight casting it's hues on him. Painting his blue paleness in dim yellow. His eyes shining with a lore unknown to Jeongguk.

“It did.” Yoongi mumbled. Lost in his past.
Eyes sad, mouth still curved in the ghost of a smile. He observed Jeongguk, whispering;

“But I didn’t stay to find it out.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jeongguk sniffed, biting his lower lip. Didn't make a sound. Yoongi went back to staring at the moon.

His eyes heavy with exhaustion. Nerves still thrumming with the burnt ashes.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

“Yoongi?” He mumbled with last of his energy. Eyes still closed.

“Why did you die?”

“Jeongguk i-”

“Please tell me. Please.”

“Will that make you stay?” He sighed.
“Maybe?” He opened his eyes.


He went quite. Playing with his lighter again. Jeongguk waiting for him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“In my last days. I was unable to play piano.” He started. Averting his gaze from the lighter.

“I thought I lost it. I thought I would never be able to play. It felt so empty, I couldn't breathe. And-” Yoongi shoke his head. Pressing his lips in a thin line.

“-and one day I thought of how good fire would feel. It was so fuvking cold and empty. Jeongguk. It was just supposed to warm me up. And then-” Yoongi stared right into his heavy eyes.

“-everything will be fine. I won't be broken anymore. I could just fix myself up.”
“No one knew you were struggling?”

Yoongi shoke his head.

“Mr. Lee?” Jeongguk asked skeptically.

“We had a big function coming up. He thought it was just the pressure.” Yoongi shrugged. “And maybe it really was.”

Jeongguk's melting brain and even more exhausted self
To Jeongguk's melting brain and even more exhausted self, the information was incomprehensible.

“But I forgot one thing Jeongguk.” A tear slipped away from Yoongi's orbs.

“What?” He bit his lip harder in anticipation.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I forgot that we human beings are fragile. We aren’t things that could be fixed.” Yoongi sniffed wiping his tears away.

“We are humans, we heal. Gradually, at our own pace. But we all DO heal. Because healing is inevitable just like the pain rooting inside of us.”
“-And I forgot how powerful and consuming the fire could be. It was too late until I realised. I was already ashes Jeongguk.”

Yoongi's face crumbled in pain. Face smeared in tears. Gguk tried gulping down his own.

“I can't let you be ashes too. Gguk please stay. For once?”
“But no one will ever choose me. Yoongi why should I choose me?” He sobbed with him.

“I will always choose you Jeongguk. So you choose yourself too.” Yoongi's words were barely comprehensible.

And Jeongguk? He cried quitely.
Yoongi’s tears weren’t of the old familiar sympathy. His eyes were glassy. Resembling a broken glass. Broken just like him. Yoongi wiped his own tears.

He hadn’t mattered. Ran so hard, fell too deep. All these years and he hadn’t mattered to anyone.
Always thought he would dissolve into the air one day. Ashes of him flown away. And no one would care.

And maybe one day he will.

But Yoongi was here. And he was crying for him. Telling him to stay. So Jeongguk sat beside him. Tears making their own way. He cried with him.
His fire lost in the tears. He didn't know when he slipped away. When his mind gave in to the melting. His eyes closed, body limp.

Someone lifted him up. He could hear a conversation. But he was calm. Away from the scorching heat in the darkness. He gave in to the sleep.
a/n Image
Say something, I'm waiting for you~~
__ __
“Good morning.”

Jeongguk heard, opening his eyes. The light blinding his sleep induced orbs. He blinked at the broad shoulders before him.

SeokJin was sitting in his white formal shirt. Precisely folded at his elbows. Hair brushed back eyes downcast at him.
He held a cup. Sitting cross legged before him.
The clock told him it was 2 in the noon. And this man was ready to walk on a ramp.
This was a dream. The fuvk he will be in Jeongguk's room. He closed his eyes again.

“I hate you.” Jeongguk mumbled in his sleepy haze.

“Feelings are mutual, kid.”


Jeongguk sat up. His head hitting at the bed’s headboard. Eyes bulging out. He rubbed the fuvking sleep out of his brain. Mouth hanging open. It wasn't his fuvking room.

“tstsk....... cussing right after waking up.” SeokJin got up with his own fashionable ease.

“Freshen up there.” He continued, pointing at a door to his left. “Then meet me downstairs.” He tapped his chin, successfully closing his mouth.

And before Jeongguk could even form words in his brain. His supposed enemy was gone.

With every splash of water the previous day came back to him. Soo-Bin, Jimin and Taehyung, his mother and-

He sighed staring at his changed, white bandage. Fire lost, ashes long gone.

And Yoongi.
Descending the stairs he saw SeokJin in the kitchen. His back towards him. An opportunity to slip out. The front door was near.

He took a step towards it.

“Sit and eat.” SeokJin commanded. His hands full of bowls and chopsticks.

Agh, Jeongguk hated him.

“I’m not hungry.” He declared with his head held high.
His stomach rumbled. Protesting against him. Can't even trust in one's own body now a days. Fucking hunger.

He didn’t remember his last proper meal. Didn’t remember the last time he was hungry enough to eat. Right now, the food on the table did make him hungry.

But what if SeokJin put something in it? What if he drugged him and sent Yoongi away? Worse, what if he’s a bad cook? And all that aroma is just a deception.

And- and in reality the food will be shit and make Jeongguk throw up.

He bit his lower lip, contemplating.
“Your stomach wants it too.” SeokJin smiled, cocking his eyebrows irritatingly.

Only when he was seated, Jeongguk observed the room. The yellow chits in every nook and corner. Incomprehensible words written in red ink. Accompanied by weird beads one could find in temples.
“What are those?” He asked adjusting his chair.

“Oh, they are enchantments.” SeokJin stated as a matter of fact.

Jeongguk blinked at him, mouth hung open.

“For ghosts.” Jin stated nonchalantly.

“There are ghosts here??” Jeongguk shirked, almost falling down the chair.
“Yeah, that’s where Hyun-shi sits.” SeokJin pointed at the chair beside him. Smiling at the chair, Hyun-shi. Fuck.

Jeongguk gulped. Eyes bulging out. He shouldn't be here. Should have ran out when he had the chance. Bad fuvking decision.

Kim SeokJin will be his doom.
“You see ghosts everywhere?”

“Yeah, every single one of them.” SeokJin shrugged, serving his portion of rice. “And why are you spooked? You talk to a ghost everyday.”

“But-” Jeongguk passed him the kimchi with left hand. “That’s just Yoongi.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Don’t tell me you weren’t scared the first time you saw him.” SeokJin stuffed his mouth with stew and rice.

Jeongguk shrugged. Concentrating on his food. His right hand was hurting. Fuvking Soo-Bin, now he can’t hold a chopstick.

After two failed attempts he took a spoon.
“Wait.” SeokJin blinked at him. Sharp, observing eyes dancing on him. “You didn’t know Yoongi was a ghost.”

Fuck. Jeongguk was shaking his head hastily. Bad fuvking move. SeokJin guffawed. Jeongguk hoped he chokes on the rice.

Defeated, he huffed. And fuck the stew was good.

“I was distracted at that time. It wasn’t a good time.” He meekly defended himself. SeokJin had stopped laughing. But still had mirth in his eyes.

He fuvking hates him.
“And now?” SeokJin asked. His eyes loosing it’s mirth.

Jeongguk shrugged.

“Jeongguk how do you feel now?”

“Better than yesterday I guess.”

“Good.” He nodded.
Jeongguk chewed his rice more than it was needed. Had a hard time gulping it. The counsellor was blissfully eating his meal.

A new veil of fire engulfed him.

“Did you-“ He stole a glance at SeokJin. “Were you there? Hearing?”

SeokJin stopped mid bite at that.

His eyes softer at the edges. “I was there until you stepped down. Later on Yoongi made me pick you up.”

“You would have let me sleep there.” Jeongguk scrutinized him. Gulping down a big portion of stew at once. Damn, this guy knew how to cook.

SeokJin shrugged. Tilting his head, he smiled. An evil one. “Maybe”

“And Yoongi?” Jeongguk bit his lower lip. Stomach churning with the memories of the night.

“What about Yoongi?”

“He’s going.” He whispered. The weight downed on him. His own words burning him.
SeokJin stopped eating entirely. Placing his chopsticks down, he sighed.
"Yeah Jeongguk”

“Are you happy about it? You wanted him gone right?” Jeongguk knew he was overstepping boundaries. But it was about Yoongi. There are no boundaries when it comes to Yoongi.
And SeokJin was the reason he was going away. Jeongguk knew he was.

“Oh yes I am.” SeokJin folded his hands on the table. A small smile stretching on his lips. “One less headache from my life.”

“You are emotionless.” Jeongguk muttered. Food abandoned. He can’t eat with that ugly fire. And he hates SeokJin.

“So I have been told.” He smiled at him. Eating the last parts of his meal.

Jeongguk tried distracting himself. Staring at the empty seat. No fuck at Hyun, the ghost.

He shoke his head.
“About Yesterday.” SeokJin cleared his throat. His eyes meeting Jeongguk’s just in time. “I need to tell the school authorities.”

Jeongguk stopped breathing. Everyone will know. He can’t let them know.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“But I’m fine.” He protested weakly.

“I know you are.” SeokJin’s ever piercing gaze softened. “But Jeongguk I can’t let that pass.”
Gguk didn’t know he was biting his lip until now. The pain registering late to his sleepy brain. His eyes pleading silently. SeokJin sighed. His posture less stiff, eye brows less intimidating.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I have informed your mother earlier. She came here when you were sleeping.”

“She- she knows? Why did you tell her? She will be worried.” Jeongguk rambled on. Abruptly standing up.
“Sit down.” SeokJin held his shoulder.

Pushing his gently to sit again. Jeongguk bit his lip again. The counsellor himself sat down beside him. On Hyun, the ghost’s seat. Lying fuvker.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Jeongguk your mother should know. And it’s better sooner than later.” He said rather softly.

He hated him. Hated that she knew because of him. Gguk was doing just fine. Just one more year and it would have been okay.

He hated that somewhere he knew SeokJin wasn't wrong.
“She said she will be there in school and she will talk to your step father today.” He added. His gaze following Jeongguk’s every squirm.

“How much does she know?” His heart was thumping out of his chest. The fire swirling inside him.
“I told her I found you on the edge of the terrace. She connected the dots herself.”

“And what if no one believes?” He mumbled, biting his lip. Past events gnawing at him.

“Believe in…” He prompted.


[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“l’ll make sure they not only believe you but take actions.” SeokJin stated firmly.

Maybe this time it will be different. Jeongguk dared himself to hope. Once again. Maybe he can win this time. He hated SeokJin, but hated Soo-Bin even more.
“And it’s up to you who will be inside principal’s office with us tomorrow.” SeokJin assured him.


“Yeah, tomorrow.”

“Isn’t that early?” Gguk blinked at him.

“It's already too late.” SeokJin sighed.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Who are you going to tell?"

“Your homeroom teacher.” SeokJin shrugged.

Jeongguk fisted his palms. His fingers hurting with the pressure.

“Can you-“ he gulped, fuzzing his hair up.

His right hand hurting with the abrupt movement.

“Can you tell it to someone else instead? She didn’t believe me earlier.”

“Is that so?” SeokJin cocked his eyebrow. His jaw hardening for a passing moment. “Who do you want me to?”

“Namjoon sir.”

“Okay I will.” He nodded, grabbing his phone. “But your homeroom teacher will be there too. Is that alright?”


“Okay.” SeokJin hummed tapping on his phone. “So there will be the principal, Me your mother and Namjoon-shi with you.”

“That’s it? Will it be done soon?”

“I’m not really aware of the whole procedure. But you can go out after you put forward your side.”

“Okay. Can Yoongi come?” He blurted out.

SeokJin gave him a look. “Tell him to behave or” He swirled his fingers in the air.
“You are cruel.” Jeongguk huffed. The back of his neck tingling at the reminder. He shuddered.

He got up, picking up his utensils in the process. SeokJin gestured him to leave it.

“If you want we can talk more frequently.” The counsellor looked at him expectantly.
“As in counselling sessions?” Jeongguk cocked his eyebrows.

SeokJin nodded.

“ I'll think about it.”
“Go straight to home kid.” SeokJin patted his back.

“After meeting Yoongi, I promise.”


“You told me he will go soon. I need to see him.”

Jin sighed, resigning to his phone again.

[yoonkookau] #yoobkookau
Jeongguk was at the door. Wearing his shoes. Another enchantment hanging above him. The light flickered, a gush of wind blowing right through his ears.

Maybe he saw other footwears changing their places automatically. The fuck the place was haunted.
“Hello, Namjoon-shi” He heard SeokJin. “I need to talk about something important. Do you have a minute?”

And Jeongguk was out of his house.

It's the beginning of the ending. Stay tuned.
__ __
“Shouldn’t you be at home.” Yoongi squinted his eyes, accusing him. The flame in his lighter flickering. Wind was stronger today.

They were at terrace. Again. The sun disappearing behind the red clouds. Seoul was still awake, moving beneath them.

Silhouettes of people merging into one big swarm.

“Shouldn’t you be dead.” Jeongguk retorted.

Scrunching his nose in the end. Eyes disappearing in a smile. Yoongi was scrunching his button nose, taking full offence. His lighter abandoned for the time being.
“You-” He pursed his lips, squinting his eyes. “Fuvking stay away from SeokJin.”

He was trying hard not to laugh. Yoongi particularly emphasized hard, scornful pronunciation of ‘SeokJin’. And Jeongguk lost it.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
A rare moment where he was laughing at the ghost. Yoongi huffed, his concentration back at the sky.

Jeongguk calmed down. Yoongi stood closer to him. Colder than he remembered.

“He told my mother.” He whispered.
Yoongi side eyed him. Placing his lighter in his pocket. Listening.

“And tomorrow they will have talk with authorities.”

“For the first time he used his brain.” The ghost sighed.

“So-” He bit his lower lip. “You are coming inside with me.”

Yoongi shrugged. “Ofcourse”

“But he said, you need to behave.” Jeongguk winced.

“Ofcourse” He rolled his eyes. Cursing SeokJin under his breath.
Jeongguk cursed with him. Telling him about all the enchantments inside the house. Narrating about Hyun-shi.

SeokJin never used those enchantments on Yoongi though. He had told Yoongi that he was just annoying. Fuvking undeserving of enchantments.
Yoongi dramatized his injured 'ghostie' pride. Jeongguk had once again tried to smack him. But fuvking bad habits.

Now he had a dramatic ghost and two painful palms.
“You will tell me before you leave. Right?” He whispered.

“Yeah” Yoongi breathed, his smile tight. A tinge of hesitation in his voice. Jeongguk decided to ignore for his own well being.
“ Bit that's for later. After that Soo-Bin we need to do more things.”

“Like?” Jeongguk blinked at him.

“Taking care of Jimin and Taehyung.”
“Taking care?”

Yoongi smirked, flicking his lighter. Jeongguk shoke his head, smiling.

“You can’t threaten them into friendship.”
“Oh I will. I’ll burn them if they didn’t comply.” Yoongi stated with determination.

“Oh shut up. You keep these empty threats of burning people. You weren't able to burn trash-.” Jeongguk pouted his lips, making quotations in the air. “-cuz we shouldn't hurt mother earth.”
“I don't talk like that. And I can burn stuff-” Yoongi, pouted in offence. Making Gguk stifle another giggle. “I mean, I burned me.”

He smirked. And Gguk, he suddenly got colder beside him.

“Not funny.” He glared at him.

“Was pretty lit you know.” Yoongi smirked, fvcker.
“Yoongi.” He almost whined. Stopping the urge to hit him. Lucky ghostie fvker.

“Anyways, come on.” Yoongi was marching away from him.

“Where?” He followed.

“To practice piano.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“But my hand?” His fuvking fingers were aching.

“Practice waits for no one.” Yoongi shouted, already descending down the stairs.

“You fuvking suck as a teacher.” Jeongguk huffed. Yoongi skipped several stairs at once. Fuvking ghost privelage.

__ __
__ __
Mr. Kim was frustrated. Jungkook could hear it even outside. Could imagine his taut jaw. And those intimidating eyes. A shiver ran down his spine.

He was frustrated himself.

And Yoongi, fuvk his ghostie privileges. That fuvker had abandoned him. He had walked inside unphased.

Jungkook wanted to listen too. That’s unfair. It’s his freedom day. Or so he hopes it to be.
He had been stuck here for an hour. After confirming his 'allegations'.

Apparently, the ‘members of the committee’ were worried about him. Standing in a room with his bullies could be traumatizing. Jungkook had rolled his eyes. He was fuvking living with his bullies.
That meeting inside was actual medicine. But no, he was devoid of it. Like always.

“Jungkook?” His homeroom teacher peeked out. Gesturing him to come inside.

Fuvking finally.
He took a deep breath. Yoongi had taught him. He shouldn't appear to be exited.

Inside he stood in the center.
The Principal in the midst of the Sofa. The U-shaped sofa full. Starting with his mother on the left. And ending with his step dad.

Mr. Lee sat along with two more senior teachers. Beside them unknown, intimidating people.
Mr. Kim, Kim SeokJin and his homeroom teacher were behind him. And Soo-Bin occupied the corner. His minnions standing beside him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jungkook bit his lower lip. Eyeing Yoongi. The ghost seemed to be rightfully bored. His legs dangling on Principal's shoulder. While he was glaring behind Jungkook.
“Jungkook they have some questions for you.” SeokJin patted his shoulder.

Yoongi's eyes flickering at them.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Jeon Jungkook” A senior teacher started. “Have you complained before?”


“To whom?”

“My home room teacher.” He pointed at her, gulping.
“And what did she do about it?”

“She said-“ He bit his lower lip harder. Staring at Yoongi.

“Tell them.” Yoongi scrunched his nose. Hopping off his previous position. Eyes still on his homeroom teacher.

Jeongguk took a deep breath. Could see Mr. Kim nodding.
“She said I should rather study than to waste her time.” He mumbled, observing the intricate patterns on floor tiles.

A familiar, soothing cold engulfed him. A familiar fire inside him.

“B!tch” Yoongi muttered.

SeokJin cleared his throat, loudly. Jungkook suppressed a snort.
“I see.” The Principal frowned. The lady beside him took notes. Rather urgently.

“Do you have any clarification?” He demanded from his homeroom teacher.

“Yes.” She spluttered. “They- No one else ever said anything even if I asked and Soo-Bin has good grades. Unlike him.”
Jungkook squirmed, embarrassed.

“Excuse me.” Mr. Kim was seething. “Sir, I kindly request you to take actions. Not only against the bullies but for the ignorance of the incharge teacher for-”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Sir-“ His homeroom teacher interjected.

Namjoon was glaring. His dragon like eyes burning. Jungkook gulped, hard.

“B!tch has a nerve. I would like to see those burning.” Yoongi muttered glaring. His hands halfway for his lighter.

SeokJin subtly held his wrist.
“—as I said earlier no other student had complaints. Keeping Soo-Bin's grade in mind we should take decisions, within the school’s interest. And I did ask about it, Namjoon-shi you can’t call me ignorant.”

Mr. Kim's jaw was about to snap. The Principal rubbed his forehead.
“Sir, I want to say something.” SeokJin stated.

Finally, releasing Yoongi's hand. He cursed, rubbing his wrist. Strangely too red against his pale skin.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Soo-Bin was glaring at him. Fuvking asshole. His step dad sitting uncomfortably.

His mother, guilty. She had cried again. Promised him. A promise to find a better way.

Jungkook dared to hope.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“It's been more than an hour now. We need a conclusion at this point.”

He moved closer to Jungkook. Yoongi hissed, squinting his eyes.

“And about your statement on school’s interest-”
SeokJin took a deep breath. Eyes flicking at Yoongi. Wandering at everyone. Stopping at Mr Lee. Gaze scrutinizing him.

“I hope you don’t want to hide a suicide for the sake of school’s interest. Again.”

Jungkook gaped at Mr. Lee’s paling face. Yoongi shifted beside him.
He fuvking knew about the letter. And now, now Namjoon too.

His eyes loosing the heat. Jaw loose. Rage lost in betrayal. Namjoon gaped at his teacher. He clenched his feist.

Yoongi eyes softening at him too.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Lee sir would perfectly understand, what happens when a student’s mental state is overlooked. Right sir?” SeokJin smiled. His small, crooked, utterly sweet smile.

For once not creepy for Jungkook. And Mr. Lee shifted uncomfortably.
“I would like to discuss it with the committee.” Mr. Lee declared. Always so proud.

“State your suggestions before leaving.” The Principal prompted.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Soo-Bin should be suspended along with his friends. And Jungkook’s class to be changed by tomorrow.” SeokJin demanded.

“I told him for the class. You should have another homeroom teacher while I burn this one.” Yoongi whispered proudly.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
His homeroom teacher took Soo-Bin and his minnions with her. Bowing Jungkook got out too.

Yoongi waddled behind him. Mumbling about best opportunity for a fire.

“What did I say about behaving?” SeokJin gritted his teeth. His fingers on Yoongi's nape.
Yoongi cursed and kicked at him. Only for the counsellor to roll his eyes.

And Jungkook was conflicted. He did deserve it afterall. But he was his friend. And they both hated Kim SeokJin.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“SeokJin-shi” Mr. Kim opened the door, abruptly. Surprising them.

Yoongi smacked his hand away. Hiding behind Jungkook. Still cursing and planning multiple arsons.

“Jungkook go back to class.” Namjoon patted on his back. A tight smile on his face. Jungkook bowed.

“Were you saying something?” SeokJin asked.
Yoongi mocked him as they walked away. Kook snorted.

“Yes, about that suicide statement of yours-”
__ __

“Oh fuck you scared me.” Jimin jumped. One hand on his heart.

Kook was going straight for his class. Seriously.

But a ranting ghost and two known idiots made it difficult. Jimin and Taehyung were at the backside. Peeking inside through window. In the meeting room.
“What are you both doing here?” He asked.

Yoongi peeked inside himself. Fuvker. Tae shushed him. Gesturing him to follow.

“If someone asks we are in washroom.” Jimin whispered. Walking behind him. He opened his mouth, just to be shushed again.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“We just wanted to know their decision.” Jimin sighed.

Taehyung closing the washroom door. Yoongi narrowly slipping in.

“From our time there we know Soo-Bin will not attend this school anymore.” Taehyung stated.
“How long-” Jungkook licked his lips. Shaking his head. “-how do you know what’s happening in the meeting room?”

“The whole school knows what’s happening there Jungkook.” Taehyung shrugged.

He stiffened. Yoongi stepped closer. Hands folded, glaring at him.

“About Soo-Bin. No one really knows what it is about.” Jimin squeaked. Smacking an embarrassed Taehyung.

“And you both?” Jungkook mumbled.

“Oh well two more people to set fire on.” Yoongi sighed. Unfolding his hands. Kook sighed in defeat.

“We know a little.” Tae mumbled.
“You didn’t come yesterday. And we were worried. And Soo-Bin looked too happy. So we went to staff room to ask about you.” Jimin rambled. “And there we saw that committee meeting form on Mr. Kim's table.”

“And we just wanted to know you are okay.” They both synchronised.
Jungkook bit his lip. They cared. Cared enough to be worried. Enough to spy on a meeting.

He was warm. Not with the familiar fire. With an unfamiliarity. Hope. Maybe he could hope.
He eyed Yoongi. The ghost observing him, scrunching his cute button nose.

“If I hadn’t been so scared and have said something, you-“ Jimin shoke his head. “We are sorry Jungkook please give us one more chance.”

“Take your time.” Tae added softly.
“I can always fulfill my deed.” Yoongi shrugged. Jungkook glared at him.

He swears if only he could hit him.

“What you gonna do?” Yoongi batted his eyelashes. Tilting his head. Smiling his gummy, evil smile. “Fire me.”

Fuvking ghost.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __
__ __

If maths were a person, it would be Soo-Bin. Loathsome, arrogant and utterly stupid. Someone who blamed others for their own problems. Made others solve their own problems. And when they were incapable, it deemed them unworthy. Stupid.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jungkook slumped in his seat. If maths were a person, he would have let Yoongi burn them. But no maths wasn’t a person. It was his greatest suffering.

He was stuck for a while now.
Banged his head multiple times. Tried to intimidate it. Have completed everything else. Except this miserable fuvking sum. And he can’t understand what he was doing wrong. Tired he was banging his head again.

His shift wasn't ending anytime soon.
The past week was a blur. Left it's bitter sweet taste with him.

Jungkook had found another convenience store. Far far away from the previous one.

To his thriving luck, he was now in Mr. Kim’s class. With Jimin and Taehyung.
It was okay.

Soo-Bin had been ‘transferred’ to another school. Along with his minions.

His mother had been trying. Which was more than okay.

[yoonkook] #yoonkookau
He was still practicing for the program. And it wasn't unknown anymore. It was a talent show his school hosted. Apparently, the participants could get scholarships.

Kim SeokJin had suggested counselling a lot of times. And Yoongi had threatened to burn more people.
Every passing day he was okay. With every passing day hope warmed him.

But with every passing day, Yoongi was colder. Got paler. Yoongi knew it. Jungkook felt it. Still they said nothing. Did nothing.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
They played piano every day. Yoongi pestered him everyday. The ghost had a party in Mr. Kim’s class. He scribbled on the board behind him. Dropped his things. At times he creeped out an unsuspecting Hoseok too.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
But Mr. Jung understood at some point. His fun ended there. And now the fucker had the audacity to whine.

Jungkook banged his head once more.
“You are multiplying instead of dividing Jungkook.”

He heard. Whipping his head at the voice.

“Ofcourse you will bang your head.” Namjoon ruffled his hair.

He scrunched his nose, bowing. He mumbled welcome. Red in the hue of embarrassment.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
How does Mr. Kim always stumbles upon him? And that too when he is stuck? He should just stop studying.

Jungkook rubbed his face with both hands. His teacher busy in picking up the items.
Later, he billed the items. Like Bolt.

“That’s for you.” Mr. Kim gave him a juice bottle. Kook blinked owlishly at him.

“Nice doodles.” Mr. Kim smiled his rare dimpled smile. Kook gaped at him. Extending both his hands to receive the bottle.

Listening, but not really.
“Your hand is healing well?” Jungkook nodded. “Good. I am looking forward for your performance on Friday.”

“Friday?” Jungkook blinked. His glitching.

“Our Talent show...” Mr. Kim blinks back at him.

Oh. He really should try listening. For fuvking once.
“See you in class tomorrow.” Mr. Kim said, already at the door. Kook bowed at him. Still in a trance.

He sat back. Staring at the notebook. He was supposed to fuvking divide. Fuvk maths and everything associated with it.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Well, except Namjoon. He’s nice. He’s helpful. Intimidating, sure. But a good teacher.
The bell rang again. Mr. Kim hesitantly stepped inside.

“You forgot something?” He asked getting up. Meticulously hiding his notebook this time.

“Uh yeah.” Mr. Kim took a deep breath. His shoulders sagging. He licked his lips. “Hoseok did tell me.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He blinked. Twice, thrice. Multiple times until the epiphany hit him.

“And you don't believe him.” Jungkook scrunched his nose. His voice smaller. Fidgeting. “Or me.”

“Maybe I don't want to believe.”

“Ahuh” Kook uttered. His fuvking loose mouth.
“I don’t want to loose him twice.” He voiced. Eyes shining. Watery.

And Jungkook stood there. Agape. He didn't want to loose him either. But he will. Soon.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __
I'm dumb I just wasted one of the best dialogues.

"I don't want to *lose* him twice."

I hate it here (TT)
__ __
“You okay there?” Hoseok patted his head.

Jungkook nodded biting his lower lip. His hair as chaotic as his thoughts. The program was bigger than he could ever fathom.

“Nervous?” He sat beside him.

“What if I mess up? Or worst, forget?” He winced at the thought.
Hoseok smiled. His kind smile. Still glowing in back stage's dim light. “I can guarantee you don’t.”


“Hear me out.” Hoseok shushed him. “You can easily get a scholarship sponsored. You are that good even with those injured fingers.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jungkook sucked in deep breath. Inspecting his hands. Scarlet scars fading.

“And” Hoseok looked around. Squinting his eyes at thin air. Then whispered in his ear. “Is Yoongi here?”

Jungkook chuckled. “He went to grab the best seat.”
Cursed the ghost once again. “Told me to not be nervous. Apparently, I can’t fail with the best teacher in the world.”

Jungkook had asked him to wish him luck. And that fuvking ghost.

He had replied.

“Jungkook, I gave you the gift of my skill. What more luck do you want?”
Hoseok laughed loudly. Almost falling over the chair. His hands on his stomach.

“I was going to say the same thing. You know his hyung always called him cocky.” He uttered in between his giggles.

“His hyung?”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Yeah, YoungJae hyung was way more older than us. Yoongi hyung frequently teased him. Told him that his future son or daughter would have the best music teacher in the world.” Hoseok’s eyes were soft. Nostalgia swimming in them.

“His son is around your age.” Hoseok continued.
Straightened his back. Shrugging out of the memory. He winked.

“But Yoongi wasn’t always this dramatic. I guess death does change people.”

Jungkook gave him a small smile. Hoseok winked at him. Getting up.
Jungkook took in a deep breath. Yoongi promised him.

He will be right in front of him.

“Come on get in line.” Hoseok stood up patting his back. “We are next.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jungkook was on the right corner of the stage. A spot light just above him. Taehyung was behind him. And Jimin across him.

He could see Yoongi’s faint blue glow. Smiling at him. Jungkook smiled too. Scrunching his nose. As Yoongi's button nose scrunched too.
Everything will be alright. He chanted. His fingers dancing on the piano. As if they were made to do so. Maybe they were.

He closed his eyes. Imagining Yoongi sitting beside him. He was ethernal behind the piano.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
The best pianist Jungkook could ever know. The worst teacher he already knew.

The performance ended. Still lost in the melody. Kook opened his eyes.

Smiling at crowd. Yoongi was clapping. Mr. Kim too, not far from him. And Hoseok, he stood behind the stage cheering them up.
Farthest corner of the auditorium. Kim SeokJin stood, hands folded on his chest. Jaw taut. Checking the clock. Expression rather grim.

Jungkook squinted his eyes. Trying to make sense. But then he was being pulled.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
All club members in a line, bowing. He ended up between Tae and Jimin.

“That was cool.” Taehyung whispered. Still high on adrenaline.

“Yeah.” Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

Jungkook smiled in agreement. Hopes less daunting. Light shining upon him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He stood straight. Smile disappearing. Slipping faster than it came.

Yoongi was gone. And so was SeokJin.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __
I need to make an important decision for epilogue. Choose.
(Please don't vote if u haven't read this au until now!!!)
Send me your questions, comments or really anything about the au. I will answer!!

Also, just two more updated and an epilogue is left.🥺💜

__ __

Jungkook had ran. Hoseok had followed him. Alarmed. Shouting at Tae and Jimin to stay put. To call someone. He didn’t have time to hear.

He was panting. The store room was silent.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Emptiness prickling his skin. Silence burning his insides. He halted right in front of the piano.

Yoongi’s lighter was on top of the piano. But he never leaves his lighter.

Jungkook took a wary step ahead. His hands shaking. Biting his lower lip harshly.
He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. A small note was beneath the lighter.

Carefully pocketed the lighter. He gulped. That fuvker was playing games again. Trembling hands unable to unfold the note.

Could hear Hoseok calling for him. Louder, faster footsteps toward him.
But the line on the note. Buzzed it all out.

𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓑𝔂𝓮 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴-𝓪𝓱.
-𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He held back a lump in his throat.
He can’t go like that. He promised.

The sun was setting already. Yoongi loved the dusk. Jungkook took a sharp breath.

Maybe, maybe he was waiting for dusk again. Maybe Kook had hope.

And he was sprinting again.

Narrowly escaping Hoseok and Mr. Kim.

They called for him. But he didn’t have time.

Jungkook was running. Skipping two stairs at once. He had one minute. And three more floors ahead. His legs were aching. But he can’t stop. If he halts now, he will lose him. Forever.
“Yoongi” He shouted, stepping on the terrace.

Jungkook can’t lose the last chance. He can’t go without a goodbye. He had promised.

“Yoongi” He shouted again. Heaving. His heart thudding.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Yoongi” This time louder. Even for his ringing ears.

But he can’t see him. Can’t find him on the terrace either. He bit his lips. Hoping. For a last goodbye. He can’t steal that.

“Kook-ah” A raspy voice called him.
He stood at the terrace door. Both hands in his pockets. His raven black hair floating. And a too pale skin, glowing. Wearing an old, worn out school uniform. His eyes gleamed.

Shining in the pain stuck at Jungkook’s heart. Tears trickled down his cheeks.

“You are bad.” Kook whined. Stomping in his direction.“You promised me.”

“I did tell you.” Yoongi smiled. A tight lipped one. Gesturing towards the note. Kook still held onto it. Still hoped.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Fuvker” Jungkook glared. His blurry vision didn’t allow much.

“Jungkook” Mr. Kim came running.

His eyes frantic. Perhaps worried Jungkook will do something. But he will never. It’s because he promised him.

And unlike some ghosts he knew how to keep promises.
Kim SeokJin was behind him. He stopped Mr. Kim from stepping further. Holding his wrist. Jung Hoseok followed the duo. Panting, eyes wide at them.

Jungkook blinked at them. Tears running down his face.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Ugh, see this is why I left a note. ” Yoongi scrunched his nose. “Now you are crying.”

“I’m not crying.” Jungkook sniffled. Frantically rubbing the tears away. Fuvking tears. Betraying him.

He covered his eyes. Left hand fiddling with the lighter. His pocket heavy with it.
A shy of of cold air passed by his wrist. He moved his hand unconsciously. The cold metal lighter not soothing enough.

Seeking a comfort. The comfort soon to be ripped away from him. But then something touched his hand.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He whipped his head up. A cold hand holding his. His breath hitched. Eyes wide.

Yoongi was smiling, eyes welled up. His hand holding Jungkook’s.

He gasped. Echoes of gasp accompanying his. But he didn’t look back. Can’t look back.
Yoongi wasn’t the reflection of the pale blue moon. His skin still glowing. More humanly, less ghostly. Hand warmer.

Jungkook held his hand tighter. Pulled him closer. Right hand encircling his shoulders. Hugged him. For all the time he could. For all the times he couldn’t.
Yoongi hugged him back. Standing on tip toes. He placed his head on Kook’s shoulder.

Jungkook held even tighter. Yoongi’s cold slipping away from him. Jungkook didn’t want him to slip away. The cold once so soothing, lost. Yoongi will be lost too.
He sobbed. Both his hands on Yoongi’s waist. Face on his nape. His tears soaking his shirt wet.

“You promised you won’t cry.” Yoongi whispered. One hand cardling his hair. And Jungkook, he was melting.

He was melting and Yoongi was burning.
“But you will be alone.” He blabbered. Voice watery, words lost.

“Kook-ah” Yoongi gently pushed him away.

Jungkook reluctantly faced him. Arms still around his waist.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Yoongi sill caught in between his arms. Both his thumbs on his cheeks. He gently wiped the tears.

“I will be with you, always.” He uttered. His own voice hoarse.

“How?” He frowned. Sniffled some tears away.
“In the flame.” Yoongi took retrieved the lighter.

Lighting it. Eyes filled with mirth.

“And when you burn something” His evil, endearing and the most annoying gummy smile. “I’ll be evilly cackling.”

“Fucking arsonist” Jungkook huffed.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Pulling him into a hug again. His head back on his nape. Yoongi slipped the lighter back in his jeans.

Yoongi smelled of smoke. The one where coal left it’s ashes. Tingling his senses. Not suffocating. Not choking him up. Making him want more. To be in the moment.
But he was burning. Why are they always burning? Jungkook held tighter. A moment more.

“Joon-ah.” Yoongi shouted.

Jungkook side eyed them. His teacher’s eyes still wide. Hoseok's one hand on Mr. Kim’s shoulder. Tears in eyes.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Take care of him for me.” Yoongi said. Authority still dripping from his voice. Eyes softer, nodding at Hoseok. His baritone dropping. “And take care of yourself. Both.”

Namjoon nodded. More tears slipping down his cheeks. Hoseok smiled sadly.
Yoongi’s own eyes were watery. And he called Jungkook the crybaby.

“Good bye Jeon Jungkook.”

He was burning. The edges of his clothes disappearing in thin air. A golden lining at the end. Ashes in the air.

“Bye Ghostie Yooni.” Jungkook blabbered.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Yoongi tip toed again. Kissing his forehead. And Jungkook melted.

Min Yoongi was turning into ashes. And Jeon Jungkook was melting.

His lips warm on his forehead. Touch of Yoongi’s lips still hovering.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
The ashes turning into flower petals. Yoongi was floating away. To the moon. The moon will take care of him. Both of them shining in their blue paleness. He won’t be alone there.

Just like Jungkook won't be alone here.
Tears still streaming down his eyes. Jungkook’s legs gave up. A petal fell in his hands.

He knew it will be painful. Knew it all along. Farewells always are. But knowing doesn’t stop the pain. Never did.

He cried with his hands covering his face.
“Seokjin-shi what are you doing?” He heard Mr. Kim.

Didn’t have the energy to look up.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
I did cry.
You all must have some questions. A lot of them. I had deliberately left some things. But I won't and until you ask. So I'll be waiting..... (What do you think will happen??)

“Namjoon-shi please leave my hand.” SeokJin was gritting.

“Not unless you tell what are you doing with those enchantments?” Namjoon firmly stated.

Jungkook opened his eyes. They were blurry before him.

“My work.” SeokJin stated, jerking his hand away.
“And what exactly is that?”

SeokJin glares at him.
Mumbling something to the enchantments in his hands.

Jungkook tries to concentrate.Hoseok was as distraught as Jungkook. Blinking at both of them.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I may not believe in ghosts or magic. But I do believe you aren't supposed to do stuff after he is gone.” Namjoon continued.

Hoseok stepped forward examining those enchantments.

“Yeah, well I just need to fulfill my duty.”
“What-”Hoseok started catching up. His brows furrowed. “What duty SeokJin-shi?”

SeokJin sighed rubbing his forehead. He took out some more enchantments.

“Erasing Yoongi from Jungkook’s memory.”

Mr. Kim blinked speechless. Hoseok stood agape.
Jungkook heard him. Loud and clear. His brain tried comprehending it. Warning him.

He did try to move. But he can’t. Something was holding him. He didn’t have strength to fight back. Tears still rolling down his cheeks.

A piercing headache clouding his senses.
“But you can’t do that.” Hoseok frowned.

“Why are you even doing it?” Namjoon.

“Because-” SeokJin was breathing hard. Emphasiding his words. Holding back something. “It’s a deal Namjoon-shi. Yoongi secured a deal with me.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“What?!” Namjoon exclaimed.

“But it’s wrong.” Hoseok’s frown deepened.

SeokJin sighed. Crouching down to Jungkook’s level. His eyes raking him. Kook blinked at him. The cloud making it difficult.

Maybe he was mistaken. Maybe he was not.
But Kim SeokJin's eyes were void of the edge. The annoying mirth he carried. And this couldn't be right.

Then SeokJin turned back to the teachers. Jungkook tried blinking the clouds away. Tried to stop that piercing. Tried speaking.

Nothing worked.
“Deals as in?” Hoseok prompted.

SeokJin took a deep breath. Sticking enchantments on Jungkook’s both hands. His forehead.

“Their last wish. They will leave for good and I will fulfill the last wish. The deal makes their descent less painful.”

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Painful?” Jungkook slurred. Delirious now. His eyes droopy.

“Yeah” SeokJin’s eyes softened. He stuck some more enchantments on the exposed skin. “If Yoongi hadn’t made that deal-”

SeokJin sighed turning towards the teachers again.
“-his departure would be in the same way he died. He would have gone through that same pain for hours.”

“And his last wish for Jungkook to forget him?” Hoseok sounded broken.


“Why?” Namjoon whispered. Voice cracking at the edges.
“I don’t think I need to explain that to you Namjoon-shi” SeokJin hissed. His eyes fierce. Taking a deep breath. “You know the grief of losing a friend. Twice.”

SeokJin cupped Jungkook’s face. Mumbling incoherent words. The headache less painful.

“But it’s different for him.”
Namjoon gulped.

“The pain of losing someone you weren’t even supposed to meet. Yeah cuz they are gone now. But their memories stay. Tormenting happy memories.” SeokJin’s eyes shined. Watery.


“Enough. Please step back. He's hurting too.” SeokJin huffed.
“The power will fulfill the deal. I can only decrease his pain.”

The cloud engulfing him. Headache shooting higher.

Hoseok stepped back. Pulling a hesitant Namjoon along with him.

“It’s not fair to him.” Namjoon was mumbling.

“I know Joon-” Hoseok started.
“I hope you will be as happy as that fucker wanted you to be.” SeokJin whispered. Closing his eyelids with his hands.

Then everything Hoseok said just muddled around. Jeongguk was floating.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Yoongi’s face dancing in front of him. His laugh resonating. Travelling through a dark alley.

Jungkook could see Yoongi in small windows.

First time he saw him. His annoying, evil, gummy smile. His piano. His calm as he played it. They were together in some of them.
There was a light at the end. Jungkook didn't want to go there. He wanted to pause. With soothing smiles. He couldn't stop. His body moving on their own accord.

Fingers gripping a window tightly. Inside they were playing an old song. Yoongi's fingers dancing on the piano.
Kook singing quitely. He smiled at them. They smiled back. Waving at him.

“Come on Jungkook-ah.” He heard his raspy voice. Looked at the light.

Yoongi was calling him. A gummy smile plastered on his face. His cute button nose scrunching. Jungkook scrunched his nose too.
“Oh fucker hurry.” Yoongi extended his hand. Jungkook’s eyes flickered between his gummy smile and his hand. Yoongi was standing on the other side of the door.

His light was calling him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He laughed sprinting towards him. Holding his extended hand. Really holding it.

He ran with him. Yoongi never runs. But this time they did. Together.

“Where are we going?” Jungkook shouted. The wind gushing beside him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Towards the light.” Yoongi shouted back. Kook reeled in another fit of giggles.

“I can see that fuvker. Bit where?”

Yoongi halted. Examining him. His eyes soft.

“Where you will always smile.” He whispered. Pulling Jungkook along with him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
don't hate me pls🥺
__ __
“Sorry I’m late.” Taehyung bursted inside the café.

“Again.” Jungkook shouted from the kitchen.

They took morning shifts every Saturday. It had been Taehyung's idea. Jungkook should have fuvking denied it. Just like Jimin did. With a very valid reason. Jimin had practices.
Jungkook should have taken the clue. But no. He is fucking dense at times. Maybe all the time.

He had nodded. Extra money won’t hurt. He could save for next semester and rent. Life in University was unpredictable. Unprepared student was a lost comrade.

The only problem with his part time? In winters it was a fuvking torture. Waking up at six am was a nightmare.

And opening the café at six-thirty am? It was a horror movie came to life.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“I’ll handle the coffee machine.” Taehyung shouted.

Over enthusiastically putting the apron wrong. Jungkook sighed. The baker snorted beside him.
University had been good. A sigh of relief after school. The people were good. Taehyung and Jimin were in the same University with him. Just different majors.

Ever since he woke up. His world had been gradually shifting.
It had been confusing. His memories disoriented. They had found him on the terrace. Unconscious.

He did remember running there. Didn’t remember the reason. Remembered the strange sadness. Woken up from a lucid dream. A part of his memories got away. A part he held on.
The parts, he didn’t know Mr. Kim got less intimidating. The part where Tae and Jimin were beside him. Or the part where the sadness floated away.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

“Do you know what daffodils symbolizes?” Namjoon had asked him that day.

Jungkook had shaken his head.

Watching his own feet. They were on their way. To visit someone important to both of them. Mr. Kim had insisted. As school’s pianist Jungkook should visit his senior.
But he didn’t expect a cemetery. A day after his graduation. He didn't expect to visit someone gone.

“For hope, Jungkook.” Namjoon handed him the flowers. “Daffodils are the best flowers you could give him.” He smiled. A little sad.
__ __

“Maybe it’s better to forget certain memories Jungkook.” Kim SeokJin had ruffled his hair.

Smiled, winding up their last session. He was going. Again.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Tae was relieved, called him creepy. A little bit suspicious. Jimin could get his career advice from someone else now.

The counselor did say questionable things. Knew answers to almost all questions. But he wasn’t creepy. Weirdly enough.
The parts with Mr. Jung and Mr. Lee. The old music teacher retired early. And Jung Hoseok, he became the new music teacher. His smile was warmer. Especially for him.

His small corner not so alone. Soo-Bin took the darkness with him.
There were times he was lost. Trying to grasp the memories gone. It wasn’t all. Just some bits of it. Bits where he was too sad. Or too happy. Maybe he was missing something important. A part of him.

But maybe, SeokJin was right.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
I split epilogue into two...it was getting longer than u thought. So I'll do it in two updates. So, see you all tomorrow.🥺💜

(yes, I want to hold on a little longer.)

Don't you all think 🌼 looks like a daffodil? Image
“It’s seven, Kook.” Taehyung shouted. The café was officially open.

On Saturday’s the rush was less. Less sleep deprived zombies. Kook took his position behind the counter. Scrolling through his phone. Mr. Kim had replied to him. A thumbs up and 'good work' on his test scores.
The bell started ringing. Announcing the arrival of pure rush. The aroma of oven baked goodies surrounding them. Mind and hands working on autopilot.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
__ __

It was 9am. Jungkook was immersed in changing the playlist. The café tuning in, it's own mellow rhythm.

Saturday's laziness settling in. There were some people with their laptops. Their own University students with friends. Hungover people regretting their lives.
Kook was changing Tae's playlist. For the sake of the hungovers. Or that's what he said. Taehyung had glared at him. Letting him change it anyway.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“One Americano, medium, to go please.” He heard a raspy voice.

Eyelids droopy. Still sleep addled. His mint hair bright enough to make him stand out. His plaid shirt wrinkled. Height shorter than Jungkook.
He had a cute button nose. Rosy red at the tip. Red hues shading his cheeks too.

The guy cleared his throat. Jungkook was staring. He waved his hands. And Kook gaping. Undettered.

One blink. And he was out of his trance. He scrambled away in panic.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“Coming right up.” He shouted behind him.

Red in embarrassment. Tried to clam down. His heart beating too fast.

The voice had been familiar. He trued placing it. Tracing it back. Any hint of it. But maybe it was locked away too. Got away with the lost part.
He got back to the counter. Drink held carefully. Tightly. As if it could save him from embarrassment.

The guy was typing in his phone. Jungkook cleared his throat. Handing him his order. Bowing. Anything for avoiding eye contact.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
The stranger took it. Mumbling a thank you.

He walked away. His footsteps fading. Jungkook took a deep breath. Finally looking up. Embarrassment sipping away.

But then, he fuvking turned. And Kook almost chocked. Almost. He was a strong man. Or guy, whatever.
“How do you know my name?” He asked, showing him the cup. Scrunching up his button nose.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Kook tilted his head. Blinking at his own handwriting. The name beautifully written at the side.

𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲

He didn’t know. Didn't know when he wrote it. Couldn't even remember it He blinked at his own hands. Then back at the cup. The stranger still staring at him.
“Ah hyung-” Taehyung came barreling into him. Jungkook lost his balance. Tae pulled his hand. Sticking close to him. “-ofcourse I told him.”

“Ahuh” Kook squinted at him.

Then he wouldn’t know for sure. Tae rambled a lot. Losing some parts was inevitable.
“Ofcourse.” The guy, Min Yoongi, snorted.

“This is Jungkook.” He pulled him closer. Their shoulders bumped.

“And this is Yoongi hyung. He was my senior in school, from Deague.”

“Ah, just senior.” Yoongi cocked his eyebrow.

“Friend.” Tae mimicked him. Giggling.
And he smiled. Min Yoongi smiled. He had a sweet, beautiful, maybe eternal gummy smile. And Jeon Jungkook was melting.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jungkook bowed. Trying to keep the red away. Fuvking embarrassment. His locket hung out if his apron.

“Unique locket.” Yoongi pointed out. Amused, mirthless eyes at him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
He grabbed the lighter. Hanging in a long, silver chain. A peculiar choice of locket indeed.

Didn’t really know where he found it. It was just there.

It calmed him. Lulled his over bearing thoughts.
The flame soothing him. Yellow merging with blues and oranges. Reminding him of hope. Of his still alive self.

He never said it. It was a stupid thing to say. But the flame burned a warmth of familiarity in him.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Jimin called him an arsonist. He didn’t care. Didn’t care when or where he got it from either.

Jungkook would have been embarrassed. He almost was. But then he took another look at Min Yoongi.

“Yours is just as unique.” He smiled, challenging him.
A single piano key was hanging in a similar chain.

“I know.” Yoongi challenged back. No one dared break the eye contact.

“Anyways-” Taehyung uttered. A bit too loudly. Breaking the tension between them. “Yoongi hyung, this is the friend I was telling you about.”
Yoongi observed him. Feline eyes challenging. Sipping on his drink.

“See you at the auditions in the club tomorrow, kid.”

He waved at Taehyung. And then he walked away.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
“See you soon hyung.” Taehyung shouted.

He got back at his coffee machine. While Jungkook stood there. Staring at the retrieving figure. Until he was gone.

“He is in the music club? Selection committee?” Kook followed him shortly.
“Yep, one of the best in music club.” Taehyung poured fresh coffee.

“Woah-” Kook's eyes were big. “-so is he the rumoured 'genius'?” He asked in awe.

“Yep.” Taehyung was preparing another order.

“And he knows all instruments?” He could hear his own eagerness.
“I guess.” Tae squinted his eyes. Thinking. “He doesn't know one.”

“Which one?”

If curiosity could be a human, it would be him. He wished it to be a piano. Crossed his fingers. Bit his lower lip. And looked at Tae with his big eyes, even bigger now.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
But Tae just smiled. Fuvking evil. Passed him the orders. Jungkook hurriedly handed them.

Maybe it was rude. But he was in the middle. Of a fuvking discovery.

“Piano.” Taehyung winked at him.

“Oh cool.” He had advantage.


Jungkook frowned.

Taehyung turned around. Sighed. “He wanted to learn piano. But his father was against it.”

“Why?” He furrowed his brows. Tilting his head.

“Apparently some family history.” Tae shrugged. Passing napkins to him. “Hyung’s uncle used to play piano. And he died young.”
He winced before continuing. “In a tragedy. His father had promised something, about the piano to him. And hyung already reminds of his uncle a lot. Or something like that…”

Jungkook gaped at him. Didn’t know how to respond. He hadn’t lost anyone. Not anyone he remembered.
“So Kook-ah he won’t be lenient. But I know you can impress him.” Taehyung flicked his forehead. Working on the coffee machine again.

Jungkook grabbed the lighter again.

[yoonkookau] #yoonkookau
Ofcourse he will win. He learned his piano from the best. Or that's what Hoseok and Namjoon had told him.

He flicked the lighter again. Stared at his flame again. Smiled, accepting the challenge in Min Yoongi's eyes.

__ __
I always connect the dots!!
(In case u forgot or got confused..go back to Hoseok and Kook's convo about Yoongi's brother.... before the program.)

Sorry for typos!! And I changed Kookie's spelling for obvious reasons!!

Here's some more I wanted to say.... Image
I'll complete this now!! I know I'm a procrastinator!!

• • •

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Feb 6, 2022
•| secrets |•

When one asks namjoon about his first meeting with yoongi, he would smile dumbly. His dimples on display, he would narrate the first time yg talked (cursed at him) to him.

It was an ordinary school day. nj's head was submerged inside two books at once. Image
At the far corner of his school library, he had created his own solitary castle. Yg was his senior, a twelfth standard 'cool' senior. And nj, he was awestruck.
Yg was looking for some book, nj was looking at him. In his hazy, awestruck self he didn't know when he had covered the distance between them. He had collided directly with yg ( already irked yg).

Yoongi had scowled, "Fuvking watch your way nerd".
Read 88 tweets

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