J Malone. Profile picture
Apr 5, 2021 90 tweets 30 min read Read on X
"Appropriated identities and the new wave of dispossession – Canadian Dimension": canadiandimension.com/articles/view/…
it is very disingenuous to put Metis from the East in the same category of Joseph Boyden who I do believe from what I have read doesn't have an Indigenous family. I have tried to have this discussion with Pam many times, about her own father and well a lot of her family who had a
Metis identity. Frank Palmater in the RCAP reports, 432 Metis Circle Special Consultation, self identifies as a Mi'kmaw Metis from the Maritimes and now she has has regained her status and she is now recognized by her nation, has a community now and a law degree and NOW says
Metis were never in the Maritimes, when they had land claims here in the 70's and used to be in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians. Frank was from new Brunswick and was in the Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians of New Brunswick.
Metis and Non Status - Land Claims Research Set To Begin - MicmacNews-1977-11 - Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. ( Land Claims in the 70's Pam is a long long way from what you are claiming, "people claiming a Metis identity from Québec eastward to the Maritimes coincides with the
Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Powley in 2003" -- Pam, the MNC did not even exist in the 70's, the Native Council of Canada is who represented Metis in the 70's and they represented Metis people coast to coast. All these lies you are trying to spread are trying to
negate the identity of a people you do not want to recognize. in your old thesis , you even talk about the CAP Metis , because your father used to be a Vice President in the organization and he had a Metis identity. An empty shell of a treaty promise- R v Marshall and the
Rights of the Non-Status Indians - Pamela Palmater Dept of Justice -The off-reserve community- comprises both status and non-status Indians and Metis who do not live on reserves.
An empty shell of a treaty promise- R v Marshall and the Rights of the Non-Status Indians - Pamela Palmater Dept of Justice - went on to uphold the legitmacy of Metis political orgs in paragraph 30-, The Powley case was not a MNC Metis, they deny them, even though they litigated
the case and celebrated it when they won, now they deny that the Powley's are MNC Metis. And now they say nope, can you get much more convoluted than that?
Political Accord Implementation funding - CAP./ There are 2 National recognized associations for dealing with Metis in Canada. MNC and CAP ( who used to be the Native Council in Canada and before that the Canadian Metis Society a national organization who represented all Metis
in Canada.) Revisiting the Proverbial Tin Cup-A Study of Political Resistance of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia 1900-1969 - Sarah Brennan Masters 2000- Canadian Metis Society represented Non-Status First Nations.
Which is why Terry Lusty included the Union of Nova Scotia Indians, who included NonStatus and Metis , in their historical Metis associations. "Metis social- political movement-by Lusty, Terry,-1973- publisher - Calgary Metis Historical Society - up to 1970 , now all provinces
are involved." "Metis social-political movement-by Lusty, Terry,1973- publisher- Calgary Metis Historical Society-Metis Associations- UNSI." Metis were in the UNSI bylaws in Nova Scotia until the Chiefs took over an elected board, and kicked them out ..
MicmacNews-1971-02 - Here and There - Development of UNSI March 1969.
Dec1973- Mal-i-Mac News- What's Up- The Union of Nova Scotia Indians held their fourth semi annual general meeting Nov14-16-1973- topic was Pros and Cons of Non-Reg Metis and NonStatus Indian membership in the UNSI organization.
Mal i Mic news May 1973 - General Assembly - Federal Govts Attitude Changed - Tony Belcourt - President of NCC.
Mal i Mic news July 1973 - UNSI - represents everyone regardless of status.
Mal-i-Mic News December 1973- Metis and NonStatus Indians want recognition - it said Metis and NonStatus were caught in the middle. Your people call us Indians and our brothers and sisters call us NonStatus or Metis.
UNSI fonds - I think Ms Palmater forgets this is all recorded history through the society acts bylaws. doesn't stop them from lying about it though and praying no can actually be bothered to look !!
MicmacNews-1980-02.- 73 -74-75 - Native Council review - UNSI - Metis, children of NonStatus.
UNSI president supports claims - Micmac News 1980 06. - The president of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians says he supports the aboriginal claims of Metis and NonStatus Indians in the Maritimes, but he does not see their inclusion with the Status Indians in land claims
negotiations.-Maritime Abor. Land Claims Commission released May 13. The report suggested
that the 10,000 Metis & NonStatus Indians in the Maritime region should be included with Status Indians in land claim negotiations./UNSI supports Metis and Non Status Land Claims-1980 07.
MicmacNews-1975-02 - Two major meetings to be held this month in Yarmouth - Chiefs from 12 bands suspended the powers of UNSI executives , elected officers of UNSI. Change may be made to the constitution - AMNSI.
MicmacNews-1975-01.- UNSI Undemocratic - first they have taken away the peoples vote, now they have take away our popular decision, where did they get all this POWER. (12 Mi'kmaq chiefs overthrew the elected UNSI board)
final claim now ready - Micmac News 1979 07 - take note of this date, 1979, and see what is soon to happen to those Metis and NonStatus people.
Constitutional changes in UNSI after that board is overthrown by the Chief's-Micmac News 1980 - 06 - Metis is now not an indian. ( Metis are now no longer recognized or able to have a voice in UNSI, therefore they are not able to be in the Land Claims anymore either, now they do
not exist and are not Indians anymore." Darryl Leroux and gang are still trying to make sure that MNSI people do not have a voice. Pam now she is a recognized federal Indian Act Indians, now wants to make sure others do not have a voice either.
Micmac News 1973-12 - land claims worth more than 3-million - Indians involved do not want to be paid Money they want the land and later to be compensated for it's loss of use over past 100 years. ( IN 1973, Metis were still in the UNSI's bylaws)
MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Sec3.10 An Indian means, sec.3.12 A Metis.-
Union of Nova Scotia Indian Society Act. - Incorporated in 1970.
Micmac News 1973-12 - Equal representation - the idea of elected boards rather than the chiefs just taking over didn't go over too well - what is your children are told one day they are no longer Indians. ( Which is exactly what happened when the Chiefs tossed them out of UNSI)
Micmac News 1973-12 - Core funding continued from pg 6 - They said their organization is truly representative of all Indian people ( Status and NonStatus) and went on to put this proposal to the Secretary of State.
Micmac News 1979- 05- Metis Form New Association - The Metis People's Cultural and Development Society of Nova Scotia. Rheal Plourde developed the society, because he said - "Not once was I able to get representation for the Metis people because the council in actuality belongs
to the NonStatus woman." Mr Plourde criticized the council executive for what he called "deliberate obstruction" during his tenure as a Director.The Metis People Cultural & Development Society of Nova Scotia , incorporated in 1979.
"zone 3 - mr plourde was given permission to talk about the new Metis charter. 1979 06." "Micmac News June 1979- Zone 7 - Since Rheal Plourde of St Peters pulled out to form his own association there was need to elect a new board member."
Micmac News June 1979 - NO THREAT TO COUNCIL - President Viola Robinson says 75 percent of its membership is Metis because all children of a non-status Indian woman are classified as Metis. Plourde has had his membership revoked.
talking about the gov has divided the native into 3 different classes - the non status scene - MicmacNews-1977-12- Metis - offsping of nonStatus parents.
1977 - Non Status And Metis association changed its name to the native council of nova scotia.
A group made up of the members from the provinces Non Status and Metis association - MicmacNews-1977-02.
148861.Worsley13.pdf - AMNSIS - explains who we are NonStatus or Metis -LETTERS AND MINUTES, ROCANVILLE LOCAL #135, 1980S.
The People Who Own Themselves - Recognition of Metis Identity in Canada - Senate - YC28-0-411-12 - David Chartrand - families will eventually reclaim their Metis identity , as generations lose their status under the Indian Act over time.
Mal i Mic news May 1973 - General Assembly Held in Ottawa - 250 delegates of the NonStatus and Metis Associations across Canada who attended a 3 day National Assembly of the Native Council of Canada.
Mal i Mic news OCT 1973 - Michael McCabe says Secretary of State supports land claims research for Metis and NonStatus Indians- must not follow policies that keep Metis and NonStatus Indian people apart from their status Indian brothers.
Mal i Mic July 1974 - NB-PEI Achieve Unity - September 1973 the Metis and NonStatus People of Prince Edward Island met in assembly and joined with Metis and NonStatus of New Brunswick.
Mal i Mic Aug-Sept 1974 - Elected into office - Metis and NonStatus Indians of New Brunswick - Gary Gould - Peggy Rydzewski.
Mal i Mic news Oct 1976 - Provincial Leaders Meet - Gary Gould-NB- Peggy Rydzewski -PEI- Viola Robinson - NS - for the Associations of Metis and NonStatus Indians.
Mal i Mic News Nov 1976 - NonStatus and Metis Indians Join Multi-Culture Association.
Literacy for Metis and Non-Status Indian Peoples: A
National Strategy - Metis National Council
Metis and NonStatus Indians homes. - Mal i Mic News January 1975.
Mal i Mic News January 1975 -Assisted Home Ownership Program Funded - The NB-PEI Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians Housing Program.
Will Goodon and Darryl Leroux - talking about eastern metis groups. -- as you can see they are full of shit. But they are being funded, I wonder why?
so not a new thing , Ms Tallbear .. Peters-Mercedes-MA-HISTORY-July-2018 - NCNS - Stu Killen - Royal Proclamation of 1763 states that any person with Micmac Ancestry is entitled to compensation for their loss of the use land and way of life.
Micmac News 1976 - aboriginal rights - metis and non status ns - Stu Killen - that any person of Micmac ancestry is entitled to compensation for the loss of use of land and way of life. ( notice the dates people )
Alan Semple - director of aboriginal and rights and lands claims research program - Gigmanag July 1978. - Hired by the 3 Maritime Associations of Metis and NonStatus Indians ( again look at the dates in the 70's)
Non Status & Metis Land - Claim - MicmacNews-1978-03 - start up program has begun on a Metis and non-status Indian land claim in the Maritime region. Mr Semple.
Native Definition Needs Expansion - Researcher - Alan Semple Land Claim researcher for the 3 Maritime provinces - MicmacNews-1978-06.
Gotta sell his book , made up on a totally non scientific concept "race" with his fabricated word .. "raceshifting" -- Race is a social construct, built on social premises and is totally subject to shift, what he says, makes absolutely no sense.
Darryl and MMF
MMF backs New Brunswick Metis Land Claims.
Rotten to the core - The Politics of the MMF - Sheila Jones Morrison ©1995 - In 1969 MMF represented only the 20 people who had created it .
"A-Social-History-of-the-Manitoba-Métis.png" "Page-126." talks about how all classes of Metis assimilated for survival. Printed by the Manitoba Metis Federation Press.
The Other Natives- the-les Metis- Winnipeg-MMF Press-1978 Metis- Until 1960's no student graduating identified as Metis, up until 1960s French metis identified as French-Canadian graduates.
more lies and stories to denigrate eastern Metis , veldon even has some grants with Mr Leroux to do so.
First the only fabricating going on here is the word "raceshifting" -- totally made up nonsensical word if you look at the meaning of race, unbelievable this is supposed to be academic work !! 2. The Metis in the East have had land claims since the 70's.
Make up your mind, you covering your ass ?
Darryl and Jarvis trying to use my disabled 11 yr old in their disgusting politics, 1. The genealogy quoted in that case is wrong , it is 10 generations for me, 7 for my great nan Evangeline Muise, 5 for my great great grandfather born before confederation to his uncles who were
signatories to the ratified 1725/26 Treaty ( Mathew Mius) and other chiefs married to my aunts and the 1761 Treaty ( Francois Mius) . I get my identity from my grandmother who got it from her mom and her dad, and her mom from her dad.
Darryl sharing Coopers case and talking about us, racially profiling us and denying us our human rights on our own identity, ethnicity and race. Gaslighting us and his followers actually called me a C*nt.
This man, the gaslighting, doxing and his violence against Indigenous women is absolutely crazy, where is the accountability?
This is the violence of Canada who funds this man through grants, who denies grants that would help research our people, and @CrownIndigenous who re-tweets his work, this is a coordinated attack to silence Indigenous people that Canada does not want to recognize.
it's disgusting, what is being done to people in the name of politics.
I also meant to mention, while I am actually Indigenous and trying to get help for my disabled 11 yr old son, I have been dragged through the mud backwards by Jarvis Googoo, Darryl Leroux , Gail Morin , Robyn Lawson and numerous others of his followers. BUT Gail Morin who is not
Indigenous , is trying to get Tribal benefits through her deceased husbands Metis Heritage, and not a one of them has said a word, but when this was metioned they started re-sharing my son's Jordan' Principle case around again , like that proves what? That they are disgusting
and they pick and choose their causes, cause if they are totally ok with Gail who is not Indigenous getting indigenous benefits, why in the hell are they sharing the a 11 yr old boys file? Doxing him, Robin specifically screenshot it, so it would show his full name and then
claims she is not doxing him. Not too smart for a communications specialist. It is definitely being done in a malicious context, just gotta read the comments to find that. They have no lows they are not willing to crawl to.
and she keeps lying about the single Indigenous ancestor, as well .. her motive is to support MNC, but apparently they need to lie to do it .. it also doesn't explain the endogamy of my family or all the dispensations needed from the catholic church , that single
indigenous ancestor she is obsessed on, I go to several times through my grandfathers Joseph d'Azit children through both my great grandmother Evangeline Mius and also my great grandfather who also goes back to this ancestor, she is trying very hard to be disingenuous. I also
have several other Indigenous ancestors, but I don't need to lay out my dog pedigree for her , I have been through enough with them and Indigenous Canada. Robyn Boychuk is friends with this chick, who decided to come onto a private Facebook group I was in and try and well I
wouldn't say question because that is not what she was trying to do, she was trying to lay down a foundation that i am not who I say I am .. this has been a repeat pattern with them all. At least she didn't lie and say it was 14 generations like the case file and Darryl .. Robyn
herself who only knew this information because she was my son's intake worker , also popped up and had her say but according to twitter i am not allowed to share that, ironic considering she wasn't bothered with my son's privacy. All the illegal tactics used , just wow !!
Letter from lawyer to Indigenous Canada. Not one reply back .. 🤔
Quite the drama show huh ?

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Nov 4, 2024
@thewalrus Jean Teillets liberal cabinet ministers family identify as French Canadians, many Metis identified as French Canadians , when is the expose gonna be run on her ? Image
Read 20 tweets
Oct 28, 2024
Funny how I can't even see my own replies, guess they are not relevant eh @X
@X As I was saying about Randy Ranville and how many western Metis did not grow up in the culture, why MMF has to tell all these lies which are easily proven, I do not know. !! Image
Read 24 tweets
Jun 24, 2024
While I agree with a lot of this article. It is writing from a point that they are listenjng to lies and historical revision. I don't know the author so im not sure if its goal is to try and further erase the Eastern Metis or not.
Truth, Metis were in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians bylaws in the 70s. Which is close to the time frame that Western Metis were rediscovering and connecting to their own roots.

Read 14 tweets
Apr 25, 2024
@TimHoustonNS can you tell me how someone finds out what funding a company gets? Apple Valley Foods Inc, has made their employees take a week unpaid vacation in March, and they have just been told they need to do the same in August. WTH? This is a large company they are being
punished for being too productive? They have too many pies made and no buyers? But the contract workers from Mexico and the Philippines get to continue working and being paid. How is that legal when they are aren't even supposed to have those workers unless they can't find a
local person to do that job? But they can make the local people take weeks off whenever they feel like it because they are being too productive!! Jeff Sarsfield, why the hell are you punishing your employees for being productive? They now do not get to choose their own
Read 10 tweets
Apr 19, 2024
Do you think that whoever made the lying judgement about me being 14 generations had any merit in the decisions of this case?
I really would love to know how I can find out how this Red River Metis judge appointed by the Liberals came to that conclusion? No mention that my Great Grandmother Evangeline Mius was 4 generations from 2 Peace and Friendship Treaty Signatories.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 21, 2024
Ahh @CBCNews is at it again, all Indigenous organizations are self identified and you know that very well, including your beloved @MBMetis_MMF
Also, NunatuKavut, previously known as the Labrador Metis Nation, has been recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada. So not sure how you now call it an unrecognized Indigenous Organization.
Read 16 tweets

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