Pieter Borger Profile picture
Apr 8, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read Read on X
What are DNA vector vaccines?

Astra-Zeneca, but also Jansen Pharma & the Russian Sputnik V are DNA vector vaccines. But what are they and are they dangerous?

DNA vector vaccines are made of DNA viruses, usually Adenoviruses, but with the virulence genes removed.
I believe that there is a potential risk with these vaccines, namely the integration of the DNA vector into the genome. It is negligent to claim, as the EMA does, that the benefit of vaccination is greater than the risk without informing people of the existing long term risks.
It is generally believed that Adenoviruses are harmless to humans: at most, they cause a common cold.

In the DNA vector vaccines that are used to immunise against COVID19, the spike gene of the SARS-CoV-2 has been inserted into the genome of an Adenovirus in the form of DNA.
In this way, the "Spike" gene (DNA containing the information for the spike protein) can be introduced into a human cell and the spike protein can be produced. To understand how this works & where the dangers of DNA vector vaccines lie, we need to better understand this process.
An Adenovirus (on which these DNA vector vaccines are based) has to go to the nucleus of our cells in order to reproduce itself, because only there its DNA can be transcribed into mRNA. Unlike mRNA vaccines, DNA vector vaccines are designed to go to the nucleus on their own.
DNA vector vaccines are thus present in the same compartment as our own DNA.

Statistically speaking, Adenoviruses & the DNA vector vaccines based on them "do not" integrate into the genome. Nevertheless, this happens in a very small percentage: in 1 to 5 per thousand cells.
One per thousand may not seem much, but how many cells/cell nuclei are there in the muscle into which the DNA vector vaccine is injected? And in your body? After vaccination with DNA vector vaccine, surely everyone has a genetically altered cell somewhere in their body.
Hopefully, the genetically altered cell will be recognised and sent into apoptosis (= aborted). If not, over time unexpected neurological, immunological and metabolic abnormalities may occur due to a disturbed genetic context.

DNA vector vaccines have NEVER been tested for this!
We know that DNA virus vaccins integrate in the genome. Therefore, I strongly recommend against vaccination with a DNA vector vaccine. I myself would never voluntarily take these shots.
Doctors, who made the Hippocratic Oath, should read up on the potential dangers of DNA vector vaccins and reread that oath before they start vaccinating people...

For references watch:

For information on RNA vaccines and their potential to integrate in the genome:

• • •

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Jun 29, 2024
Het is jammer dat de experts, @MarionKoopmans, @c_drosten niet even wilden uitleggen waarom gevaccineerden na 6 maanden nog steeds opgezwollen lymfeklieren kunnen hebben.

Ik had hun eerder al een hint gegeven: antigeenpresentatie. Wat betekent dat?
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In de lymfeklieren worden de stukjes antigeen getoond aan T cellen, die een interactie aangaan met de APC. De leidt tot activatie van de adequate immuunrespons, vaak een B-cel activatie die eveneens de APC bindt om de productie van de juiste antilichamen te induceren.
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Apr 24, 2024
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Ik zie dat hier ook terug bij de sceptics, zoals @KlaasvanDijk5 en @pjvanerp, en hun "covid experts".

Hun visie is werkelijk...
...om te huilen en heeft met wetenschap niks te maken. Het is scientisme.

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...omdat de wetenschap daarbij door waarnemingen en reproduceerbare experimenten wordt onderbouwd.

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Mar 11, 2024
No, my dear modern apes (which you are not), the difference between man and chimp really is 15-17 % on genetic level. It was described in the first chimp-man comparison in Nature 2005, but as genuine pseudoscience not reported.
Always check the methods...
2,4/2.8 x 100% = 15%.
The huge difference of 15% was confirmed by Tomkins and independently by Kronenberg et al in 2018 as reported in Science (below). So, Tomkins and I, we are right.

I discussed the 15% difference on several platforms and found it always denied by darwinians. I reported it in my 2009 book Darwin Revisited. In this book I falsify and refute all Darwinian hypotheses and introduce a novel theory of organic change.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10, 2024
Beste mensen, er wordt op Twitter weer heftig gediscussieerd over HCQ. Mensen die HCQ in diskrediet willen brengen, kunnen dat met science. Mensen die HCQ in krediet willen brengen kunnen dat ook.

Mijn stelling "Science is dead" is weer verder onderbouwd.
Niet te vergeten deze gefraudeerde paper waar het allemaal mee begon om HCQ in een kwaad daglicht te stellen (van een mij welbekende prof uit Zurich, die er overigens nog steeds gewoon werkt - frauderen mag blijkbaar op de academia):

En dan deze meta-analyse in NAture (), die door niemand word gelezen die hem aanprijst. De methode is dubieus, want selectief. Tevens zwaar gesponserd door pharmaffia en dus ongeloofwaardig (sponsors staan altijd helemaal aan het eind): nature.com/articles/s4146…

Read 7 tweets
Dec 30, 2023
Het veel gehoorde „immune escape„ betekent verder niks dan „vaccin werkt niet“.

Laat u niks wijsmaken. Corona vaccins hebben nooit gewerkt. Niet tegen SARS-CoV-1, niet tegen MERS, niet tegen verkoudheid HCov.
Natuurlijk bestaat er ook immune escape, maar niet door één mutatie in het Spike proteïne.

Waarom niet?

Omdat het Spike in stukjes wordt geknipt alvorens het aan het immuunsysteem wordt aangeboden. Één mutaties maakt dan niet uit.
Iedereen met een beetje verstand van immunologie weet dit. Waarom virologen u dit niet kunnen vertellen is mij een groot raadsel. Het is eerstejaars immunologie.

Read 5 tweets
Jun 23, 2023
The Corman-Koopmans-Drosten PCR-Test paper, published in @Eurosurveillanc we showed in 2020 to be inadequate to function as a reliable diagnostic for SARS2, and which we advised to be retracted...is now indexed at @retractionwatch!

@MarionKoopmans @c_drosten @rivm
The problems with this test, which caused a PCR-demic, are manyfold as mentioned in the retraction-watch data base.

What is going on, @MarionKoopmans, @c_drosten?

I think, many people would like to know.

PCR demics are know to science, as it happened before.

The cause is: blind faith in bad science (which is common nowadays due to lack of real knowledge).

Read 5 tweets

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