“Dear #BroncosCountry — These past three years have truly been a dream come true and the best three years of my life. From having the honor to wear the iconic chaps, representing the team in Australia, Guam, and Mexico, cheering at the Hall of Fame Game, and being voted the 2019
“JDBC Instructor of the Year” and 2018 “Most Inspirational”, I am completely humbled and full of thanks to this program.
I have lived out my dream cheering for the best team, fans, and community in the NFL. I feel so blessed to share the Mile High Field and so many unforgettable
memories with my very best friends and the most incredible women around.
The Denver Broncos Cheerleaders have given me so much, it has brought back my confidence, and helped me grow immensely as a strong woman and taught me the value of sisterhood and Legacy. Thank you to my
unbelievable coaches for taking a chance on this small town Utah girl, to my husband for never missing a game and believing in me, and my family for their endless love and support. I will continue to carry out the Legacy of DBC throughout my life and in my next adventure of being
a mom! I will be leaving a piece of my heart on the field and with my team and cannot wait to cheer them on from the stands! I love you DBC & Broncos Country!” - DBC Erica S 💙🤍🧡