The new Twitter cover picture of Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, tweeting under@ GruaAbuseArkive. She got it from her friend Jamshed Mahmood Raza, @azadjami1. M.Raza will be delighted to learn it is the place where Ms Akhtar got her 1st sexual experience when she was 33 years old.
Yes M.Jamshed Mahmood Raza, I have the written testimony of Ms Ramla Akhtar about this FIRST sexual experience at 33. I know it is crazy. But this woman is exhibitionist and inconsistent, too. She fooled you saying she was sexually abused as a child. But there is more.
Ramla Akhtar told you she was raped? It is not true either. Her sexual first experience was an adultery she provocated. It was the result of a determined flirt she initiated with a married gentleman. Crazy... she also wrote this to me. You can have the records.
You believed Akhtar for months. She did not tell you the truth. You are not the first one nor the last on. This woman loves writing tales about herself. You are a famous movie maker. But Akhtar will not help you to produce a documentary supporting women condition improvement.
She will help you to produce a fiction. A very bad fiction accusing innocent people for Ramla Akhtar's wrong choices. You will support her hate speech against an ethnic and religious minority. May be you will be at the origine of violences and even deaths?
That's what you want to be famous for M. Jamshed Mahmood Raza? I don't know. We are not from the same part of the world, the same religion and the same culture. In my country no serious people would play this dirty game.
I know M. Jamshed Mahmood Raza, you have been sexually abused. But what does it mean taking revenge on innocent people? I know, you think "I prefer to punish innocent people than letting guilty people free".
There is a guy who also said "I prefer to punish innocent people than letting guilty people free". He was a "Kmer Rouge" a genocider. He is charged with crime against humanity. Jamshed Mahmood Raza, this isnot the way civilized people conduct themselves.
Jamshed Mahmood Raza how will you explained that supporting Ms Ramla Akhtar, for months, you never tried to cross check her allegations while her story is debunked since June 2019.…
Jamshed Mahmood Raza, @azadjami1, how will you explain that supporting Ms Ramla Akhtar, for months, you never read how Akhtar's fictioon was a plagiarism of Wakhi legends. Crazy? Yes, this is crazy. And you consider this is true.…
Wow! Currently, my Twitter account is doing great in term of engagement. Pakistani radicalized 💩tramping 🪳 & homeless whore bullying under @ GruaAbuseArkive mentioned 66 times my account @BernardGrua in January. Biggest figure of the last 6 months & the number of the beast! 🤣
This psychopath still did not understand she is promoting her victims account while her own is ignored for more than 85%. Probably one of the junkest existing Twitter account... First she kills her account. And then?…
Every day it's getting worst. @ GruaAbuseArkive is now, for the first time, BELOW for 400 engagements for 3,200 tweets!
Just understand that 88% of her shit is just totaly ignored.
As predicted, Ramla Akhtar had to leave Gulmit, Hunza, to become homeless. This is not because she was attacked. It was because she decided herself to fight, physically, with local people, to insult them and to create tension within the local community.
Akhtar always charges other people with her own mistakes. But this time, she had a genious idea. Bring a French man to terrorist court! The despicable tramp will go to court? Why not? Authorities will clearly see how mad she is. Hopefully, they will save her biological daughter.
The creepiest part of Ramla Akhtar's plan was to embed the very naive RUSSIAN Olga Leonidovna Ozerova. Ozera announced she will support Akhtar by hiring 10 agitators to file a terrorism complaint in PAKISTAN against a FRENCH man. Ozera was stupid enough to sen a written blackmail
What? How can you steal info from Ramla Akhtar who never write under her own name? A freak who stoles the name of her victim @BernardGrua and make her Twitter ID @ GruaAbuseArkive (+ Twitter name+Bio) with it since more than one year? This is ridiculous.
Despite this situation, what are the so called "private info" from this whore which were used by her victim? None. On the opposite, Akhtar repeatly shares the same "private answers" she obtained after dumping insults during one week in a mail box, more than one year and half ago.
This is not a secret her thousands of Tweets under @GruaAbuseArkive is an evidence of what she does with these "private info".
#RamlaAkhtar, aka #RmalaAalam, always post the same garbage since more than one year. Those are exasperated answers she got after one week of continuous harassment. She shows them regularly pretending they are new and part of a repeated stalking. What a crap!
This garbage dumping does not work at all. But #RamlaAkhtar, #RmalaAalam, the pig-bull 🐷🐂 continues the same suicidial burden. Look, she celebrated recently 10,000 tweets with this profile. How many followers? 150. This freak does not interest anybody.
One year ago, Ramla Akhtar pretended she would mobilize bloggers and journalists in her hate campaign. Where are they? They just run away from this sticky account. Browse one day of her Twitter "activity", it is easy to understand this is the account of a psychopath.
@nantestourisme La cybercriminelle radicalisée, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam tweetant sous @GruaAbuseArkive est bien connue des services de police du Nord Pakistant où elle prêche l'affrontement ethnique et religieux contre une minorité montagnarde et contre leurs visiteurs étrangers.