In the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s, we were closer towards developing a Malaysian identity. Much like what Singapore has successfully done.
Singaporeans (even the Chinese) are Singaporeans first.
Then in the late 70s, we were inflicted with the "religious" creep.
We also had the "ketuanan" creep.
In between, we had the "language" creeps.
Now after 40 years of all this creep, we are becoming a creepy nation. Full of creeps.
Sadly all the creeps are still going nowhere. As more and more time passes they are becoming more and more disenfranchised and removed from the real world.
They are becoming less and less relevant.
Why can't these folks just be normal human beings?
Can you all just dress normal, talk normal, behave normal, live normal?
Get a real job, work hard, be polite to all your customers?
You are not Arabs.
You are not defenders of any type of faith.
You are not under threat from anyone except your own foolishness.
You are your own biggest enemies.
You are the biggest threat to all your neighbours – all of them.
You make yourselves incompetent, lazy, non-performing.
Recently, I raised the issue of child marriage amongst Muslims, and I asked this "scientist" how old he believed Aisha was when she was married to Prophet Muhammad. He said "9".
We "know" this because it is mentioned in the hadith that the marriage was when she was 6, but the consummation took place when she was 9.
Then I said I do not believe that because ...
1) the Qur'an has laid down guidelines on how to determine if a girl is eligible to marry (not the onset of menses - but the ability to manage their own finances, the ability to give their own consent, and the ability to enter into a legal contract) AND
Yes to freedom. If it were me, I'd say Samuel Paty is a martyr of freedom.
Imam Chalgoumi has been for very long years now the voice of respect and tolerance, always standing up for republic laws and values.
He's also a stark defender of the Jewish community, fighting antisemitism that others try to revive. He fights for the spiritual side against the political ideology some want to impose on France.
In a country where thinkers are assassinated,
and writers are considered infidels and books are burnt,
in societies that refuse the other,
and force silence on mouths and thoughts forbidden,
and to question is a sin,
I must beg your pardon, would you permit me?
Would you permit me to bring up my children as I want,
and not to dictate on me your whims and orders?
Would you permit me to teach my children that the religion is first to God,
and not for religious leaders or scholars or people?
Would you permit me to teach my little one that religion is about good
manners, good behaviour, good conduct, honesty and truthfulness,
before I teach her with which foot to enter the bathroom
or with which hand she should eat
Muslims, if you are being told this, please challenge the person telling it to you - even common sense tells you that following anything blindly is stupid, and Islam does not teach you to be stupid.
Not to mention contradicting the Qur'an in 2:171 (The likeness of such blind followers is that of a herd of sheep which hear the shepherd’s call, but hear in it nothing more than a sound and a shout. Deaf, dumb, blind, for they do not use their reason), ...
... 17:36 (You shall not uphold that which you have no knowledge of), and exhortations of the Qur'an to use Reason in 2:44, 2:76, 3:65, 6:32, 7:169, 10:16, 11:51, 12:109, 21:10, 21:67, 23:80, 28:60, 36:62, 37:138.
The Qur'an tells us in a specific verse to use the Qur'an alone.
17:46 - We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Qur'an alone, they run away in aversion.
Traditional Translation
17:46 - And We have placed coverings on their hearts and a heaviness in their ears lest they understand it, and when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur'an they turn their backs in aversion.
So which is it?
Is the Qur'an saying "Lord alone" or "Qur'an alone"?
To find out we need to look at the Arabic transliterations.