2.Most eukaryotes have 2 splicing machineries: the major & minor spliceosome. The minor spliceosome recognizes <0.5% of the introns in the human genome. Since their discovery, biological roles for minor introns have been enigmatic.
3.In work co-led by @DaichiInoue5, Jacob Polaski, and @TaylorJ_MD we identify that deletion of the minor spliceosome regulatory protein ZRSR2, frequently mutated in MDS and AML, enhances hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal.
4.We mapped ZRSR2 responsive introns across patients and mouse hematopoietic cells using RNA-seq and anti-ZRSR2 eCLIP-seq to find a subset of ZRSR2 regulated introns.
6.We then performed a CRISPR functional enrichment screen to identify those ZRSR2 regulated splicing events which may be associated with clonal advantage in hematopoietic cells.
7.This revealed a surprising discovery of mis-splicing of the minor intron of the CUL3 adaptor regulating RAS GTPas abundance LZTR1 in ZRSR2-mutant MDS and AML.
8.With wonderful help from @castel_pau & the Frank McCormick lab (@frankpmccormick) we found that mutations within LZTR1’s minor intron itself was transforming to hematopoietic cells and present in Noonan Syndrome (@noonansyndrome, @Noonan_Syndrome) as well as Schwannomatosis.
9.Moreover, in analyzing LZTR1 minor intron regulation across the pan-can #TCGA dataset, @chewomics (@csi_singapore) identified widespread impaired LZTR1 minor intron excision across cancers (the basis for which we are actively working to understand now):
We identify that loss of LZTR1, an adaptor of a Cullin-3 RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex responsible for degradation of RAS GTPases drive hematopoietic stem cell expansion and leukemia in vivo.
LZTR1 loss upregulates non-canonical RAS GTPases RIT1 and MRAS in hematopoietic tissue and we also identify that leukemia-associated mutants RIT1 which escape LZTR1-mediated degradation, similarly result in myeloid neoplasms.
Non-covalent BTK inhibitors are promising therapies for CLL patients as they overcome the BTK C481 mutations which cause resistance to covalent BTK inhibitors such as ibrutinib. Previously however, resistance mechanisms to non-covalent BTK inhibitors in patients were unknown.
Thanks to @anthonymatomd leadership in trials of pirtobrutinib (thelancet.com/article/S0140-…), we applied bulk & single cell genomic assays (thank you @MissionBio) to identify acquired BTK mutations outside of the C481 residue, associated with clinical resistance to pirtobrutinib.