The #IIT just released another fake investigation. This time they swallow the Saraquib, Feb 4, 2018 incident. It starts with pages and pages of useless info to arrive at "it did not explode" but "it exploded and we ignore it."
It goes on with a "chlorine attack" with fake sarin symptoms. In IIT world, you get closer to chlorine and feel sick. (No smell will prevent you from walking right into it.)
In IIT world you get constricted pupils without getting constricted pupils as testified by SAMS.
Next, IIT elaborates on the damage of both cylinders that allegedly where dropped by a helicopter in total darkness and hit soft soil in Nusra's backyard. This is where those cylinders faced a perfectly vertical deformation that left flower-like imprints around the valves...
...or the lack of it.
Here is the pink bubblegum that sealed the allegedly pressurized cylinder. Someone (most likely a White Helmet) took it away and measured the hidden broken valve. Was the cylinder found that way? Yes it was in the first daylight according to IIT.
And here it is in the first daylight, the broken valve sealed with bubblegum surrounded by the imprints of the Nusra field.
Note, that the FFM noted that Cl2 was stamped on it. And the FFM concluded that those flower-imprints were caused by mechanical force (in case someone would still believe that an explosion leaves a clover leaf pattern).
Here is the full expertise behind footnote 44.
And this is how the IIT ignores what doesn't fit the conclusion. And this is how the IIT prevents to write that the ignored cylinder was found next to the ignored crater 3 (the one caused by an explosion that did not occure).
Even the consulted weapons expert do not believe in the attachment of explosives. Instead, he believes in fields and flowers and that the always amateurish harnesses have fins that lead to a perfectly vertical impact (necessary for those imprints). A 45° angle won't do it.
So, here is what adds weight to the tip of a 280kg cylinder with fins so that it hits vertically. Or you use it around the valve when you don't have a fitting indurstrial propelling charge (that causes an explosion crater where no explosion was heard).
Finally, the IIT found an explanation for the sarin degradation products found in the soil samples (and the sarin symptoms reported by the SAMS doctor). It was a plastic grenade allegedly dropped in 2013 on the same town. French intel obtained the unexploded one from Nusra.
The cherrypicking goes on. Obviously the IIT had to clean up some "mistakes" of the SAMS doctor that are inconsistent with everything but a failed fake sarin attack.
How could the SAMS doctor know that the OPCW will find some traces of a 2013 plastic grenade, the IIT asked not.
And the wind blew north then south, the chlorine stood in the area and creeped up the 9m elevated shelter, the unnamed institute with the model says, despite the fact that photos show where the chlorine went. It went downhill with the wind in northerly direction.
In an 1:6 exaggerated view of the topography, it looks like this. The blue cube is the place where those fighters didn't hear an explosion, and from where they walked into the valley without smelling anything until they felt sick and got SAMS testified constricted pupils.
First the victims had to walk 600 metres to the highway, then they drove off sitting down. After an 8-minute drive, they were unloaded lying on the stretcher, washed with cold water and then had to wait.
Meanwhile, all hell broke loose with White Helmets and cameras at Sarmin Hospital (best known for SAMS Dr Tennari, who made Samatha Power cry at the UN, and his notorious Sarmin Coordinate Mediacrew involved in a lot of such incidents).
Here they are... in a strange way connected to the 2013 sarin plasic gernades that contaminated the ground of the entire town for 5+ years.
Not to mention that the same people were the first to come up with helicopter flight plans and sarin claims after the Douma hoax 4/7/2018 just a few weeks after Saraquib. SAMS plays a crucial role, it seems, in all these attacks of the "Tiger force".
And so IIT found that on 4 February 2018, a Mi-8 helicopter took off every 15 minutes during 14 hours of daylight*. And these were certainly not all flying in different directions. In other words, no matter when you claim an attack, someone was flying at that time.
*We saw the same pattern in Douma: fierce fighting, SAA on the advance, and then just before dark they decide to piss off the international community with a strategically completely senseless act.
And they don't even need valves in the cylinders for that.
Now that IIT has found the culprit, we'll never know how it was possible in the first daylight to turn the stump of a presumably broken valve out of the rusted thread. ...because without valve this ignored cylinder makes no sense at all, no matter how many fins are in the crater.
But let's not kid ourselves, the same floral pattern, the same deformation, the same yellow grass.... Whether IIT ignores this cylinder (the unaudible explosion, the missing smell, the unseen helicopter...) or not, if this cylinder doesn't make sense, neither does the other one.
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Since February 19, 2022, Zelensky has been gambling with the options "either nuclear weapons or NATO." Both are a no-go for Russia and ...
...may have been the last straw that caused Russia to decide on a direct invasion.…
Since then, Zelensky has been repeating this demand in an unteachable manner, signaling again and again that Russia's concerns were by no means unfounded. But the story spread by Ukraine about the Budapest Memorandum is largely distorted.…
The Banderist Melnyk is a walking embarrassment who in March 22 insulted and abused German politicians and political scientists who spoke out in favor of any negotiations.
As early as January 22, Melnyk called for the resignation of a German naval general who was of the opinion that the EU and the US should speak with Russia on an equal footing.…
The opinion of the German general reminded Melnyk of the Nazi occupation. He said “Ukrainians unconsciously felt reminded of the horrors of the Nazi occupation, when Ukrainians were treated as subhuman”. At the same time, he denied the OUN-B/UPA involvement in the Holocaust.
@ronzheimer Richtig, er hätte die Rolle der einst stolzen Demokraten stärker betonen sollen, wie auch die Rolle von Merkel, Hollande... bis Boris Johnson, welcher ohne Zweifel von stolzen Demokraten geschickt war.
@ronzheimer Kirby beschreibt die Friedensbemühungen folgendermaßen 👇. Wohlgemerkt Minsk war geltendes Völkerrecht und wenn ich mich recht entsinne, haben Sie diese Politik der einst stolzen Demokraten stets wortreich mitgetragen.
@ronzheimer Es waren aber nicht nur die einst stolzen Demokraten + Poroschenko + Hollande + Merkel, es war auch deren verbündeter Rechter Sektor in der Ukraine, welcher Zelenskjy sofort mit Mord drohte, als er einen Minsk-Versuch unternahm. Und Zelenskjy hat sich unterworfen.
Auf die Nachfrage von @FabioDeMasi ob der Verdächtige Wolodymyr Z. von den deutschen Strafverfolgungsbehörden in das Schengen-Register eingetragen wurde, hat die Leyen-Kommission (EU) eine geradezu verblüffend dumme Antwort. Magnus Brunner (Österreich) sagt, ...
"die Kommission habe keinen Zugriff auf die Daten des Schengener Informationssystems und könne daher nicht überprüfen, ob eine Person ausgeschrieben sei".
Und er fährt fort, die EU könne auch keine Daten eingeben, korrigieren oder löschen, wenn sie bereits darin enthalten seien!
Kurz, wenn der Eimer beim ersten Tropfen überläuft, dann ist die Leyen-Kommission nicht imstande zu ermitteln, ob dieser Eimer leer oder voll ist, denn es passt ja nichts mehr rein.
...und loswerden will. Sie könnte also auch sagen, die AfD ist vielleicht "rechtsextrem", aber Hitler - das waren die Kommunisten. Und wenn man das Nazi-Problem los ist, was ist dann schlecht am Rechtsextremismus? Der Rest ist doch ganz liberal - oder national neoliberal.
Nun hat aber Hitler kein einziges Unternehmen, sei es Krupp oder IG Farben, verstaatlicht. Hitler hat nicht für Arbeitsplätze und faire Bezahlung gesorgt.
Hitler hat die Unternehmen dazu verpflichtet, die Aufrüstungsziele und Kriegswirtschaftspläne zu erfüllen. Im Gegenzug...
#DOUMA chemical attack 2.0
Before Jaish al Islam left Douma, they had buried the bodies from the alleged April 7 chlorine attack in an unknown location on April 8.
Now it is claimed that the Syrian government buried the dead in secret. How is that possible?
On April 9, Jaish al Islam jumped on the buses and Russian military police took control.
As early as May, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), an opposition network, accused the Syrian government of stealing the bodies.