Judd Legum Profile picture
15 Apr, 72 tweets, 48 min read
1. Today is the most significant FEC deadline since the 1/6 insurrection.

We'll learn which corporations are keeping their promises and which are hoping people have stopped paying attention.

I'll be tracking the most significant filings in this thread.

Follow if interested.
2. @Toyota, which after 1/6 said it would be "assessing our future PAC criteria," donated $1,000 to @RepJeffDuncan, who voted to overturn the election results, on March 5.
3. This is the 6th member who voted to overturn the election that later received a donation from @Toyota:

@virginiafoxx (1K)
@CliffBentz (1K)
@RepAlexMooney (1K)
@RepBarryMoore (1K)
@RepChuck (2K)
@RepJeffDuncan (1K)
4. A new FEC filing from @RepTimmons, who voted to overturn the election, reveals that he received a $1,000 donation from @Toyota on 3/22

He's the 7th member to object to the certification of the Electoral College and then receive a donation from Toyota.
5. On 3/26, @RepAdrianSmith, who objected to the certification of the electoral college, reported a $2500 donation from @KochIndustries, according to a new FEC filing
@RepAdrianSmith @KochIndustries 6. After 1/6, the Koch political network said: "Lawmakers’ actions leading up to and during last week’s insurrection will weigh heavy in our evaluation of future support"

This apparently did not apply to
@KochIndustries, which is run by the same person, Charles Koch
7. On 3/31/21, @RepMikeJohnson, who objected to the certification of the electoral college, also reported a $2500 donation from @KochIndustries
8. I'm making this information available as soon as I learn it, but I will be publishing a complete summary and analysis of the first quarter FEC filings in my newsletter.

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9. One end-around these corporate pledges are trade associations. For example, @GM and @WellsFargo pledged to suspend all political giving

But they are both members of @AFSA_DC, which donated $1K on 2/22 to @RepTimmons, who voted to overturn the election
10. @joneswalker, one of the largest law firms in the United States, donated $1,000 on 3/31 to @RepBost, who voted to overturn the election results on January 6
11. Some news on @Pfizer which, as I documented previously, violated its pledge not to contribute to any of the 147 Republican objectors for at least six months.

12. Reynolds America (@rai_news) donated to the following Republican objectors in the first three months of 2021:

@RepJeffDuncan (5K)
@RepTimmons (2.5K)
@RepRichHudson (2.5K)
13. After 1/6, the Koch political network said: "Lawmakers’ actions leading up to and during last week’s insurrection will weigh heavy in our evaluation of future support"

@KochIndustries then donated 105K to the @NRSC, which is chaired by @SenRickScott, one of the objectors
14. @KochIndustries & the Koch political network are run by the same person: Charles Koch.

@KochIndustries donated to the these GOP objectors in 2021:

@RonEstesKS (5K)
@RepMikeJohnson (2.5K)
@CongressmanGT (2.5K)
@RepAdrianSmith (2.5K)
@RepRichHudson (2.5K)
@RepJimBanks (2.5K)
15. @Toyota also donated $5000 to the leadership PAC of Senator @CynthiaMLummis, who voted to overturn the election

16. @Hallmark asked for a refund from @HawleyMO after the 1/6 insurrection but, based on Hallmark's new FEC filing, it looks like Hawley has decided to keep the money
17. @Toyota has now donated to 8 Republicans who voted to overturn the election:

@virginiafoxx (1K)
@CliffBentz (1K)
@RepAlexMooney (1K)
@RepBarryMoore (1K)
@RepChuck (2K)
@RepJeffDuncan (1K)
@CynthiaMLummis (5K, via leadership PAC)
@RepRickCrawford (1K)
@Toyota @virginiafoxx @CliffBentz @RepAlexMooney @RepBarryMoore @RepChuck @RepJeffDuncan @CynthiaMLummis @RepRickCrawford 18. In an email obtained by popular.info, Toyota defends its contributions to Republicans who voted to overturn the election.

"We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members solely based on their votes on electoral certification"
19. The language Toyota is using is pulled, word-for-word, from a March memo circulated by the @USChamber, which was specifically designed to provide corporations cover when making these donations

I wrote about the memo here: popular.info/p/the-empire-s…
@USChamber 20. On 1/13, @Cigna said that it would "discontinue support of any elected official... who hindered a peaceful transition of power."

On 3/31, @Cigna donated $1,000 to @ByronDonalds, who objected to the certification of the Electoral College
21. In February, @Cigna donated 15K to the @NRSC, which is chaired by @SenRickScott, who objected to the certification of the Electoral College
22. If this thread is getting to long and chaotic for you (understandable!) just sign up for my newsletter and I will summarize all of the FEC reports for you and put it into context in my next edition.

23. @steptoellp, one of the nation's most prominent law firms, donated $1000 on February 8 to @WarrenDavidson, who voted to overturn the election results on January 6
24. Another @Toyota donation: $1K to @RepBice, who voted to overturn the election results

25. @Toyota has now given to TEN members of Congress who voted to overturn the election.

The latest is a $1K to @RepSmucker on 3/23.
26. @RepGregSteube, who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from @Wawa (1K) on 3/16 and @Toyota (1K) on 3/4
27 @Toyota donated to 11 members who voted to overturn the election

@virginiafoxx (1K)
@CliffBentz (1K)
@RepAlexMooney (1K)
@RepBarryMoore (1K)
@RepChuck (2K)
@RepJeffDuncan (1K)
@CynthiaMLummis (5K)
@RepRickCrawford (1K)
@RepGregSteube (1K)
@RepSmucker (1K)
@RepCarolMiller (1K)
28. While this thread is highlighting corporate PACs that made donations to Republican objectors after 1/6, I want to note that, thus far, the filings show that the overwhelming majority of corporations are abiding by their pledges not to donate to the 147 objectors
29. In fact, it's clear that many companies that did not make public commitments to withhold funding from the objectors are doing so (for now). Many objectors have no PAC contributions or just handful of obscure PACs .
30. @ToyotaPolicy also donated 2K to @repwalorski. She's the 12 GOP objector to receive a contribution from Toyota this year.

31. @Toyota donated $1000 to @RepHerrell on 3/5. She's the 13th GOP objector to receive a contribution from Toyota this year.
32. On 1/13, @Cigna said that it would "discontinue support of any elected official... who hindered a peaceful transition of power."

On 3/16, @Cigna donated $1500 to @RepTomRice, who objected to the certification of the Electoral College
33. Rice is the 3rd objector to get funding from @Cigna in 2021

Cigna also donated 1K to @ByronDonalds and 15K to the @NRSC, which is chaired by @SenRickScott
34. And then there were 14. @Toyota donated $1,000 to @RepWalberg, who voted to overturn the election results.
35. @USRepGaryPalmer, who voted to overturn the election results, received contributions from @CSX (2K) and @Toyota (1K)
36. @DebbieLesko, who voted to overturn the election results, received $1,000 from @Toyota on 3/9

She's the 16th objector to receive a contribution from Toyota
37. One PAC that has given to a lot of Republican objectors is the National Association of Realtors (@nardotrealtor).

I'll pull a full list once everything is in.
38. @CSX donated 5K to the Scalise Victory Fund, a fundraising vehicle for @SteveScalise, who voted to overturn the election results
39. Scalise Victory Fund also reported a 5K donation from @Raytheon on 1/18.

@Raytheon pledged to suspend all donations after 1/6 but it's likely they sent this money before 1/6.

I will follow up with them to confirm
40. Another donation from @KochIndustries to a Republican objector.

2.5K to @RepJimBanks on 3/26

41. @Toyota donated $1K to @RepJimBanks. The company has now donated to 17 Republicans who objected to the certification of the Electoral College.
42. @CawthornforNC received no corporate PAC money, but he doesn't need it. He's willing to say whatever is necessary to rile up Republican grassroots donors. He raised $1 million in Q1.
43. GreenbergTraurig (@GT_Law), one of the nation's most prominent law firms, donated $1,000 on 3/31 to Congressman @michaelcburgess, who voted to overturn the election results
44. @Cigna donated 2.5K on 3/19 to @RepBillJohnson, who voted to overturn the election results.

Other objectors getting Cigna cash:

@ByronDonalds (1K)
@RepTomRice (1.5K)
@SenRickScott (15K via @NRSC)
45. @Toyota, which after 1/6 said it would be "assessing our future PAC criteria," donated $1,000 to @andybiggs4az on 2/26

Biggs is the 18th objector to get cash from Toyota
46. After 1/6, @CharlesSchwab shut down its PAC. But Charles Schwab, its founder and largest shareholder donated $266,300 on 3/12 to the McCarthy Victory Fund, a fundraising vehicle for @kevinomccarthy, who voted to overturn the election results
47. After 1/6, @CoxEnterprises said it was "revisiting our contribution policies and will take into consideration efforts to disregard the votes of our customers and employees"

On 3/1, Cox donated 2.5K to @RepLaTurner, who voted to overturn the election results
48. @Toyota also donated $1,000 to @RepLaturner on 3/26
49. @Toyota donated $2,000 to @RepDavidKustoff, who voted to overturn the election results.

He's the 20th Republican objector to receive cash from Toyota.
50. @Toyota sent 1K to @RepPatFallon, who voted to overturn the election results. That makes 21 Republican objectors for Toyota.
51. I'll be taking a break for a bit but will pick this up later! Thanks to everyone who has been following along.

If you are interested in a concise summary of the first quarter FEC filings, plus context, sign up for the newsletter.

52. Congressman Glen Thompson (@CongressmanGT), who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from @JohnDeere (5K) and @KochIndustries (2.5K)
53. The @USChamber donated $1,000 on 3/31 to @RepCarlos, who voted to overturn the election

The Chamber praised corporations who cut off support to GOP objectors on 1/6.

But in March, it released a memo saying cutting off funding on the basis of that vote was "not appropriate"
54. @RepCarlos also received contributions from @Holland_Knight (1K), which said it was indefinitely suspending all political donations after 1/6, and [wait for it] @Toyota (1K)
55. @RepRichHudson, who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from Reynolds America (@RAI_News) (2.5K), @KochIndustries (2.5K), and @Toyota (1K)
56. @RepRonEstes, who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from @KochIndustries (5K) and @Toyota (1K)
57. @Bethvanduyne, who voted to overturn the election, received $1,000 from @Toyota on 3/31.

She's the 25th GOP objector to get cash from Toyota.
58. @RepLoudermilk, who voted to overturn the election, raised just $17,000 in the first three months of 2021.

$3,000 came from @Toyota
59. @RepMoBrooks, who appeared at the Stop The Steal rally on 1/6 and said it was time to start "kicking ass," received no corporate PAC money
60. On 1/13, @Cigna said that it would "discontinue support of any elected official... who hindered a peaceful transition of power."

On 3/31 @Cigna donated 2.5K to Congressman @GReschenthaler, who objected to the certification of the electoral college
61. @Toyota donated $1,000 on 3/5 to @RepRalphNorman, who voted to overturn the election
62. @RepArrington, who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from @Cigna (1.5K), and @nardotrealtor (1K)
63. The @USChamber donated 1K on 3/30 to Congressman @SteveChabot, who voted to overturn the election

I wrote about the Chamber's political strategy here: popular.info/p/the-empire-s…
64. @RepMichaelGuest, who voted to overturn the election, raised less than 10K in the first three months of 2021

2K came from @Toyota
65. @Toyota donated $1,000 to @RepBenCline, who voted to overturn the election.

More than 20% of the House members who objected to the certification of the Electoral College have received cash from Toyota
66. @RepHartzler, who voted to overturn the election received 1K from @Toyota
67. @RepHarshbarger, who voted to overturn the election, recieved contributions from @Holland_Knight (1K) and @Toyota (3K)
68. Packing it in for the night. Will finish up tomorrow.

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Twitter is great but without the newsletter I wouldn't have the time to do this work.

69. @RepMarkGreen, who voted to overturn the election, received $1,000 from @Toyota on 3/19
70. @USRepLong, who voted to overturn the election, received contributions from @Cigna (1K), @Toyota (1K), and @realtors (1K)
71. Thus concludes my initial review of the FEC filings of the Republicans who voted to overturn the election on 1/6.

I probably missed stuff, but over the next few days the FEC processes this data and it becomes more searchable.

Thanks for reading!
72. The two donations from @Holland_Knight were disbursed in 12/20 and only reported in 2021 because of a delay in when the check was cashed. A firm spokesperson tells popular.info that Holland & Knight paused contributions after 1/6 and that remains in place

• • •

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15 Apr
UPDATE: @pfizer pledged not to donate to any of the 147 Republican objectors for at least 6 months and then donated $2500 to @RepAdrianSmith, who voted against certification, on 3/17

Pfizer has ignored my inquires about the donation, but I've obtained an internal email w/answers
@pfizer @RepAdrianSmith 2. According to an email obtained by popular.info, @Pfizer says the $2500 donation in March to @RepAdrianSmith, who voted to overturn the election, was "made in error and has been cancelled"
3. There is still the issue of the leadership PAC of @MikeKellyPA, one of the 147 Republican objectors, who reported receiving a 2.5K donation from @Pfizer on 2/11

I'll let you know if I learn more

Read 4 tweets
14 Apr
1. Some of the nation's top climate leaders are participating in a virtual climate summit today - sponsored by Big Oil and Phillip Morris

The sponsors bought the right to be featured during the event

How did this happen?

@emorwee and I investigated

@emorwee 2. The event is being organized by @thehill.

White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, and other climate luminaries are participating.

Sponsors include @APIenergy and @InsidePMI.

3. As part of their sponsorship package, @thehill sold API and Phillip Morris the right to present a "sponsors perspective" during various presentations.

When we asked one participant about the sponsors role, she told us she had decided to drop out.

Read 7 tweets
14 Apr
1. Hundreds of corporations have signed onto a new letter supporting "the right to vote" and opposing "discriminatory legislation" and I'm not impressed.

Here's why.
2. The statement does not address specific voter suppression bills that are under consideration in Texas, Arizona and elsewhere.

And the organizers of the letter made clear that there is no expectation that the signatories oppose any specific bills.
3. This is exactly what we saw in Georgia where a number of companies endorsed a broad statement in support of voting rights issued by the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce but stayed silent on individual bills.

These kind of statements have no impact.
Read 7 tweets
13 Apr
1. There is no one with a more cynical approach to politics than @JDVance1

This will be a short thread.

Follow if interested.
@JDVance1 2. J.D. Vance is going to run for the U.S. Senate.

In preparation for that his friend and business partner, billionaire corporate executive Peter Theil, has donated $10 MILLION, to a Super PAC that supports his candidacy
3. Theil is the chairman of Palantir, on the board of Facebook, and runs a hedge fund.

Backed by this mountain of corporate cash, Vance has the audacity to present himself as someone who is prepared to take on the elite and corporate power

Read 4 tweets
13 Apr
1. Corporations received a lot of positive press for holding a Zoom call discussing the possibility of action in support of voting rights but there is no time to waste.

Texas could approve new voter suppression bills any day.

2. Corporate America failed to act with focus and urgency in Georgia and many companies issued statements opposing new restrictions AFTER the bill was signed into law.

Will they repeat the same mistake in Texas?

3. One thing that is getting lost is that very few companies have spoken out specifically against the Texas bills, HB6 and SB7.

And none have said they will cut off funding to the sponsors of these bills.

Read 4 tweets
12 Apr
UPDATE: @Toyota, which after 1/6 said it would be "assessing our future PAC criteria," donated $1000 to @virginiafoxx, who objected to the certification of the Electoral College, on 3/22, according to a new FEC filing
@Toyota @virginiafoxx In 2021, @Toyota has contributed to at least three members of Congress who voted to overturn the election on 1/6:

@virginiafoxx (1K)
@CliffBentz (1K)
@RepAlexMooney (1K)
After 1/6, @Truist said it was "carefully reviewing our political engagement practices to assure that Truist exclusively supports candidates who advance unity and democracy"

@virginiafoxx, who voted to overturn the election on 1/6, received $2500 from @Truist on 3/25.
Read 5 tweets

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