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Apr 15, 2021 110 tweets 40 min read Read on X
today I'm gonna post the truth about the Symbionese Liberation Army, which is that it was an Operation CHAOS op to discredit the radical Left.
I feel like the evidence overwhelmingly shows that this is the case; however, most media about them don't come to that conclusion.


that's a rhetorical question ;)
my very first schizophrenic conspiracy map of webs of connections was about the SLA, probably about 6 years ago, so this is very near to my heart. it's also kind of a fun one because way fewer people died, so its way less bleak than some other conspiracies
I try not to talk about myself, but one thing about me is that I was absolutely obsessed with the Rote Armee Fraktion, the RAF, the West German terrorists from the 70s. I've read so many books on them, including every communique they've ever put out, lol
the RAF was such a fascinating group because they came out of the radical quasi-hippie, quasi-punk scene in West Germany, the militant anti-war scene that kept protesting things like the Vietnam War and getting their fucking asses beat, which caused them to escalate
once they formed, there was a period of escalating violence, like first the firebombed department stores, then bomb attacks, then bank robberies, hostage-taking, and assassinations. in a pattern, right?
they didn't just start in with the killings. for the most part, this pattern holds up with other groups, like the Red Brigades, the Tupamaros, you know, take your pick. there are counterexamples, and I could tell you a few, but you get the gist.
a quick SLA timeline would be as follows:
1970 - DeFreeze sent to Vacaville
1972 - DeFreeze transferred to Soledad Prison
1973 - DeFreeze "escapes" Soledad
1973 - murder of Marcus Foster
1974 - kidnapping of Patty Hearst / food program ransom
1974 - bank robbery
1974 - shootout kills most of SLA
1975 - 2nd bank robbery
1975 - Hearst arrested/rescued, others flee abroad

all things considered, the group was active for like two years, and (other than themselves) they killed like less than 5 people, possibly only 2
so let's start from the beginning. let's look at Donald DeFreeze, "General Field Marshal Cinque Mtume", who was imo the living embodiment of the Parallax View brainwashing video
he came from an abusive home; his father broke his arms three times. as a young adult, he married an older woman with previous children, and he struggled to support them. the stress was so much that he said:

"I just couldn't take it anymore. I was slowly becoming a nothing"
he sought escape in one of his fixations: guns and weapons of all types. he kept getting arrested for stupid shit, like having a sawed off shotgun, or firing rifles in his basement, or walking around with a grenade in public
one prison shrink wrote that DeFreeze had "a schizoid personality with strong schizophrenic potential"

strong schizophrenic potential, you say?
DeFreeze kept getting into trouble for stupid shit, and found himself extorted into becoming a snitch for the LAPD's Criminal Conspiracy Section (CCS), and you can see this in the unusually lenient sentencing he kept getting.
he was on probation despite getting arrested over and over; he'd inexplicably get probation for increasingly wild charges.

sounds familiar, huh?
anyway, what was this Criminal Conspiracy Section up to back then?

funny you should ask. one of their main targets, actually, was the Black Panther Party

but did DeFreeze ever get involved with the BPP?
"In 1969, a group associated with the Black Panthers kidnapped at gunpoint Alfred Whiters, the African American custodian of Temple B’nai Abraham, in an attempt to locate Prinz’s home and to extort money."
Temple B'Nai Abraham's rabbi was Joachim Prinz, who supported the Civil Rights Movements. but uh, why would he be a target of the Black Panthers?

well, he's not an enemy of the BPP, he's an enemy of Operation CHAOS
pay attention to this theme: agent provocateurs staging acts of violence that would divide the Left and alienate their supporters, because that's gonna come up again and again
DeFreeze was not in the Black Panthers, nor affiliated with them. He was a LAPD snitch, as reported (later) in the NYT.

he was arrested for kidnapping, but they uh, dropped the charges ;)
in Cleveland, DeFreeze got caught on a bank roof w/ weapons and a burglar's kit. he made bond, then went to LA where he basically tried to rob another bank, and got arrested again

between how badly he got caught and how useless he had proven to be as a CI, they burned him
let's go back to the CCS tho. one famous informant was Louis Tackwood, who later wrote the Glass House Tapes about the LAPD's CI system which, among other things, gave its CIs a "free hand" in committing their crimes as long as they cooperated
another famous CCS informant? Ron Everett aka Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga

that's right, the creator of Kwanzaa was a LAPD snitch
Karenga was much more than an informant, however. he was an agent provocateur because he created the group, United Slaves, which advocated for cultural and racial separatism, as opposed to the BPP's more inclusive Maoist politics
the United Slaves and the BPP started feuding, culminating with a shootout at UCLA where two Panthers were killed. Tackwood said he paid Karenga on behalf of the LAPD/FBI for causing this incident
get ready for this one: The Wall Street Journal reported that Karenga “maintained close ties to the eastern Rockefeller family"
Furthermore, the paper reported, “a few weeks after the assassination of Martin Luther King … Mr. Karenga slipped into Sacramento for a private chat with Governor Ronald Reagan, at the governor’s request.”
"He met around the same time clandestinely with LA Police Chief Thomas Reddin, prompting speculation that of all police agents to serve the LAPD then, Karenga had the highest connections to the white power structure"
this is also in the same context as the police murder of Fred Hampton and the general repression of the BPP across the board, a general period of retrenchment
we'll definitely return to Kwanzaa in a second, too
anyway, so in 1969 DeFreeze bungled major crimes, so "he hit upon a desperate plot to lighten his sentence in the only way he knew how: by being an informant. DeFreeze had overheard a conversation in the next cell between a prisoner and a visitor regarding a planned crime."
"the plot was the robbery of a surplus store. The prisoner next door to DeFreeze was named Charles Manson. DeFreeze called a contact in the Hollywood Division of the police department, asked for leniency in sentencing, and informed him as to the plans of the Manson Family.
Bad-Luck DeFreeze accidentally overheard one of the most protected criminals in the country at the time, lol. his snitching doesn't work, so he gets shipped off to Vacaville
facing a lot of different charges, including 2 bank robberies, a kidnapping, and all kinds of weapons charges, DeFreeze was bugging out under police questioning
"After two hours of their relentless questions and his unconvincing answers, DeFreeze could not take the pressure any longer. He psychologically snapped. He grabbed the stenographer’s notes, jumped up suddenly, and ran furiously down the hall"
let's talk about Vacaville. for one thing, some pretty interesting characters have passed through Vacaville, like Bobby Beausoleil, Ed Kemper, Charlie Manson, Timothy Leary, lots of freaks
what's more, "in California, Vacaville, a supposed way station for aggressive or mentally unbalanced inmates, had terrifying, government-sponsored projects ranging from aversion therapy to psychosurgery"
"Later in the 1970s, Dr. Brian and Reagan’s counterintelligence advisor, William Herrmann, worked together on the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, a project that intended to explore social control of those prone toward violence, even children."
"Herrmann was a counterintelligence expert for System Development Corporation, which designed complex computer systems for military applications. Herrmann also worked with the Stanford Research Institute, the Rand Corporation, and the Hoover Center on Violence"
"Herrmann himself told the Los Angeles Times that a good computer intelligence system “would separate out the activist bent on destroying the system” and then develop a master plan “to win the hearts and minds of the people.”"
"The Napa Sentinel confirmed that Herrmann worked in a Psychological Operations unit (psyops) in both Vietnam and Cambodia. Clearly, Herrmann crossed paths with the man who was instrumental in the creation of the Symbionese Liberation Army, Colston Westbrook"
"Westbrook was an acerbic character who could only have existed in that time and place. He was black, pot-bellied, and wore dashikis and other African garb. And while he spoke seven languages, including Swahili, he preferred to use black street language, especially “the N word"
"Westbrook was an advisor to the KCIA, the South Korean equivalent of the CIA. Westbrook was an advisor to the South Vietnamese Police Special Branch, under the cover of working as an employee of Pacific Architects and Engineers (PA&E)."
"Westbrook was in South Vietnam during the CIA’s Phoenix Program, during which 20k-40k alleged VietCong sympathizers were murdered over a two-year period"
I wonder if Herrmann and Westbrook knew Aquino; Herrmann did psyops, and Westbrook was in Vietnam around the same time

rly makes u think
anyway, so while Reagan's California is cutting mental health budgets statewide, and radicals are fighting tooth and nail to establish Black Studies programs, we're supposed to believe that Vacaville prison decided to create a Black Cultural Association (BCA)?

strains credulity
"The BCA was ostensibly an education program designed to instill black pride in Vacaville inmates. In reality, it became a cover for an experimental project to explore the extent to which unstable or susceptible prisoners could be controlled for the purpose of infiltration."
so Westbrook, a CIA asset, was put in charge of inmates as “outside guest coordinator” in control of the BCA. "DeFreeze was at first a participant in the mildest form of control at Vacaville, group therapy sessions"

but even group therapy can be pretty intense
the inmates were also fed Prolixin. "Those who were given Prolixin described it as “sheer torture” as well as “being a zombie” and “liquid shock treatment.”
"Bernard Weiner, writing in The Nation, revealed that Prolixin was injected into Vacaville prisoners a staggering 1,093 times in 1970. Electroshock was administered five hundred times in 1971.""
other inmates at Vacaville said of DeFreeze that "he did not have a strong sense of political ideology" and “He didn’t use contemporary Marxist-Leninist language" and "didn’t get involved in any public political activities"

which is curious to hear of "Field Marshall Cinque"
Westbrook bribed and groomed DeFreeze into becoming politically engaged. "Westbrook encouraged DeFreeze to participate more fully in the BCA. He gave him the Africanized name “Cinque.” But even that was a ruse."
"Cinqué organized a slave revolt on the Spanish ship La Amistad. On the surface, the name seemed heroic and noble. But, historically, after a trial in New Haven that freed the captives, Joseph Cinqué returned to Africa and enslaved and traded members of his own race."
as an interlude, I just have to say, a lot of times critics of conspiracy theories point out obvious questions, like "why would they make their plans/intentions so obvious by putting clues or hints in names, etc?"

idk man, cause they're sociopaths?
anyway, in the midst of the fiercest repression of the BPP and other radicals by all law enforcement, guess who starts coming to visit the BCA?

radicals from the Venceremos organization, who start to interact with the black inmates
so, again, we're supposed to believe that the SLA was formed out of the prison basically creating black radicals and allowing them to form networks with Chicano and white radicals on the outside

if you've done any real prison organizing, you'd know that's insane
the inmates Westbrook groomed were allowed access to the conjugal trailers where they could have sex with the visiting radical women.

needless to say, in almost every prison, only married inmates could meet with their spouses, except Vacaville.
now, here's a little fact that -most- reporting on the SLA doesn't cover. Patty Hearst actually came and had relations with DeFreeze at Vacaville, as first reported by PI Lake Headley, but also substantiated by Tom Smith, cofounder of the BCA
sort of puts the kidnapping/"brainwashing"/bank robberies in a different light, doesn't it? Hearst was already a closet radical, or at least got her rocks off with them
so let's talk about the SLA's ideology for a second. right off the bat, it's a 7-headed snake, and yes, it was directly inspired by Kwanzaa, with each head representing a different principle, itself calling back to Indian/Sri Lankan Nāga
so right off the bat, you know it's not a real marxist terrorist organization cause it's not named either some iteration of "red army" or my favorite, just naming your org after some particular date
it's also speculated that the logo was inspired by this illustration of the novel of occult author James Churchwood, the Lost Continent of Mu (which ofc is hearkening back to the nāga), which is much more the type of thing an intelligence officer would be reading
also, Patty Hearst's fiancee was named Steven Weed, which is such a Pynchon-ass name, I swear. they started dating when she was 16, and he was definitely not.

the ruling class, man
also, re DeFreeze's time in the BCA, "He talked crazy sometimes,” an inmate wrote. “I looked in his locker one day and found a big bottle of Eferol. They use this drug on the inside for thought control. But Don was taking these pills of his own free will, like candy.”
thought it was interesting that two of the SLA members came from Indiana, Bill and Emily Harris. what the fuck's up with Indiana, man?

Bill was a marine in Vietnam who "experienced a 180-degree turn in his worldview after the military"

or, you know, maybe he didn't
another weird member of SLA, Joe Remiro,

was in the 101st Airborne Division which did “search and destroy” missions in Quang Ngai province. It was the same area where the My Lai massacre occurred

he was absolutely doing the same shit
Nancy Ling Perry was a Barry Goldwater supporter and was in the Job's Daughters org before her illustrious career in the SLA
I'm not gonna go through all the SLA members, and some of them may have even been real, if hapless and stupid, radicals, but like, there's grounds to assume that at least half of them were operatives
DeFreeze escapes from Soledad Prison in March 1973. the circumstances are suspect; they basically let him walk out., and unlike virtually all the walkouts, DeFreeze actually makes it to the Bay Area, where he goes underground
the first thing he does?

"a few leftist groups in the Bay Area were approached by DeFreeze, shortly after he “escaped” from Soledad. DeFreeze startled them by offering his services as a “hit man” or contract killer"

or, you know, entrapment
"a number of these radical organizers had their suspicions about DeFreeze and one person said he “came on so heavy that he might be a provocateur"

so luckily, DeFreeze was as bad a fake terrorist as he was a fake Black Panther and CI
for all the bullshit and adventurism of the New Left at the time, you gotta hand it to them; they didn't get entrapped by the SLA's extremely obvious bait

so DeFreeze has to do some terrorism himself, which will also teach us a lot
they decide to assassinate Marcus Foster, the first black Superintendent of a large city school district, and badly wounded his deputy, Robert Blackburn
in their communique, they call Foster a fascist for introducing student ID cards, and accused the Peace Corps, for whom Blackburn once worked in East Africa, of being a CIA front

re the Peace Corps, well, a broken clock is right twice a day
still, Foster was an interesting target, especially because he had the support of the community, the school system, and the Black Panthers. in fact, that last bit might've been half the reason he was targeted.

another reason is because Westbrook hated Foster
the SLA’s Foster communiqué included the claim that Foster and Blackburn “represent the rich ruling class and big business and not the children and youth of our community.”
"the editors in Ramparts said “the act itself was so brutal, so morally unjustifiable, and so politically incomprehensible that most Bay Area radicals assumed the SLA to be a cover for some right-wing or police group.”"

another weird detail is in that the Foster hit, they used hollow-point bullets packed with cyanide
btw, in the SLA's communiques, DeFreeze often talked of saving the children.

from one psyop to another, the same tactics work, man
anyway, after the resounding success of brutally murdering the first major Black Superintendant, the SLA decided to kidnap Patty Hearst and hold her for ransom.

this was a too-clever-by-half idea, since Hearst already knew the SLA
a lot's been made about the SLA brainwashing Hearst, Stockholm syndrome, all that. I don't deny that DeFreeze knew and did use some techniques on her, but I think that the case is actually kind of overstated; she was already a closet radical
they kidnap Hearst and hold her for ransom, demanding a food distribution program

I mean, this is definitely an attempt to shitcoat the Panthers' food program
Jim Jones interjected himself into the kidnapping/food program narrative, by expressing admiration for the SLA and distributing the SLA's manifesto among its members, but also trying to deliver a a $2,000 check to the Hearst family mansion
worse, "Investigators interviewed a Temple member who admitted that, one year before the Hearst kidnapping, Jones stated that Randolph Hearst would be a target of guerilla action as he represented "capitalist society.""
and to get even crazier, "A police report contained an analysis of press photos and determined that SLA leader Donald DeFreeze and SLA member Nancy Ling Perry attended various Temple meetings along with Hearst's boyfriend Stephen Weed"
so uh, that's pretty nuts, that DeFreeze, Perry, and Weed were all together at Peoples Temple

wonder what that's about!
to speed things up a bit, basically because the SLA had literally no base with the people, they got caught after like one bank robbery, and they had a massive shootout with the police

if you call the LAPD shooting 5k bullets at you w/ almost no returned fired
my favorite coroner, Thomas Noguchi, "ruled DeFreeze died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head"

there was forensic disagreement on that point, because of course there was
the shootout didn't catch the entire SLA, and the remaining members went on to rob one more bank before the rest of them either fled or got arrested, but the jig was pretty much up after Field Marshall Cinque died
one nugget, tho. one member of the SLA, an avowed Marxist terrorist org, Kathleen Soliah fled overseas

guess where she went

no guess

she fled to Rhodesia hahahahahahahahaahahahaha
another member, James Kilgore, fled to South Africa. you know, apartheid South Africa

today, he's a research scholar at the University of Illinois' Center for African Studies in Champaign–Urbana
real Marxist terrorist groups typically fled to, you know, either like the Algeria, the Eastern bloc, Yemen, maybe Syria or Iraq, not fucking Rhodesia and South Africa

it was this factoid that triggered me to figure out the SLA six years ago, lol
daddy Hearst hired Leonard Weinglass for Patty's defense. he defended the Chicago 7, Daniel Ellsberg, Mumia Abu-Jamal, John Sinclair, Kathy Boudin, Stephen Bingham, the Cuban Five

I imagine the feds saved a lot of time only having to bug one lawyer's office
as you might imagine, half the SLA ended up dead, and the other half were fine. guess which half was rich, and which half was poor?

Patty served like 22 months; Bill Clinton later pardoned her
ironically, this is one case where the normie establishment really fought for the brainwashing concept in court, despite it basically never having been used before, and the tinfoil hats were like "no, she wasn't?"

meanwhile, no justice for this beautiful soul
no, seriously, they brought in Margaret Singer and Joly West who were both like "oh yeah, she was absolutely brainwashed" and recommended her acquittal and/or pardon, despite it being completely unprecedented
it's reductive to use this logic in most cases, but you can pretty much always believe the exact opposite of whatever Dr. Joly West says
you know who else rode hard for Patty? Leo Ryan.

"Ryan petitioned President Jimmy Carter to commute the sentence of Patty Hearst, based on what Ryan discovered about the CIA, DeFreeze, and Vacaville"
Leo Ryan went on to get shot to death in Jonestown.

goes to show, there's no loyalty. they'll fucking kill you anyway if it serves them
oh, one other thing. the judge for Hearst's trial knew her when she was a little girl; he was a friend of her father's, but he refused to recuse himself, and that's how she got off so easy
nowadays, Patty breeds show dogs.

she's a fucking show dogs person
to wrap this up, Ramparts magazine, an early critic after the murder of Marcus Foster, editorialized,

"If there is a lesson to be learned from the SLA, it is that in a society as violently racist, exploitative, and aggressively heartless as America’s...
"we cannot afford to be without an organized mass movement of the Left. For what the Left means in human terms is a moral community of hope … to protect against both the destructive adventurism of self-obsessed quasi-revolutionaries..."
"and a successful government repression of leftist activity, in a broad campaign of force or legal harassment, which may one day be massed with the public’s fearful consent"
when we look at the Manson family, Jonestown, the SLA, the Zodiac and Zebra killings, what we're talking about is a widespread effort to destabilize the Left and the entire country. we're talking COINTELPRO, CHAOS, and something even darker
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear
a lot of this info, I pulled directly from Revolution's End, which is way more out there than I'd have expected for a book distributed by Simon & Schuster, but it falls short in a couple ways. can't blame the author for not going full hogg, it's like 95% there
more importantly, tho, check out this article from the Ann Arbor Sun, an underground newspaper founded by John Sinclair. they fucking had the SLA's number all the way back in 1976. it's all there, man.

anyway, thanks for reading. the Symbionese Liberation Army is one of my favorite tinfoil hat topics, and I'm glad I got to revisit it again

god bless
James Earl Ray was also trying to get to Rhodesia, lol

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