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Apr 18, 2021 50 tweets 14 min read Read on X
ok, as requested, I'm gonna make a thread of my threads and podcast appearances Image
The Opperman Report – Jimmy Fallun Gong (sic) fmmoneytalkradio.com/episodes/the-o…
Epstein thread w/ Sarfatti/Breen/Bowen/Strieber:
North Fox Island pedophile ring / Francis Shelden / Adam Starchild / Christopher Busch:
Schwarzenegger and Devito's Twins movie and Louise Wise Adoption Agency:
Dope Inc thread no. 1 / LaRouche shit / Brits run the drug trade:
Dope Inc thread no. 2 / ruling class cult of Isis-Dionysus / how hippies are an op:

a look at TrineDay, the publishing company, and the ANGLETON MINDSET:

the truth about the Dalai Lama, and the state of "Free Tibet":

Einsatzgruppen / Masters of Death book:

the truth about Assange and Wikileaks + some NED discourse + Operation Mockingbird + Cass Sunstein:

the Profiteers thread no. 1, Bechtel, McCone, deep state construction, George Schultz, the truth about Jonathan Pollard, Cochamba Water Wars, Heritage Foundation, the people who really run the country:

Profiteers thread no. 2, Wen Ho Lee, the privatization and theft of Los Alamos,

the murder of Marilyn Monroe, her ties to spies and organized crime, and how the Kennedys are repulsive bog people:

Verso Books / old leftist infighting and infiltration with trots and tankies / MI5 / "an obfuscatory surrogate left" / suspect books Verso published:

Wackenhut / Casolaro's Octopus / Brabant Killers revealed? / Gladio / modern mass shooters Santiago and Mateen:

Treasure Island thread no. 1 / basics of tax evasion and transfer pricing / offshore wealth / laddering / an additional way the 3rd world gets fucked / Vestey family / Keynes and Bretton-Woods:

Treasure Islands thread no. 2 / the Eurodollar as conspiracy / casino banking / rehypothecation / London Square Mile weirdness / British plots against US after Suez:

Treasure Islands no. 3 / Caribbean monsters and the truth about Bermuda Triangle / Lansky / loan-back technique / Cuba / Ratner / Bay Street Boys / Schacht and Skorzeny in the Caribbean? / Cornfeld, Vesco, Resorts International / Carlos Lehder

RFK assassination / the truth about Sirhan / Dr. Bryan / hypnotism / AMORC, Sirhan, and Gaitán

Smedley Butler, FDR, and the Business Plot:

the truth about Disney / snitching, Freemasonry / SRI / leylines / CV Wood / Helliwell and Donovan / CIA owns ABC / implications:

alien abductions as spook abductions / crop circles / hypnotism and MK / wavie tech / Animorphs? / Bennewitz and Doty / Dr. Joly West / Betty and Barney Hill / UFO contactee cults are all Nazis / the Controllers

Pynchon thread no. 1 (probably) / Nabokov's insight / Slothrop's toilet scene as discovery of Osenberg List w/ V2 tech / GR and the MMPI/DSM / recurring sinister MK dentist plots and themes

Operation Paperclip / Peenemünde / sarin w/ IG Farben / Hoffmann at Edgewood Arsenal / Rickhey's underground bases / Nuremberg trials / "Cancer Research" as bioweapons research / von Braun as Nazi / Strughold / Jacobsen "wrote Jack Ryne episodes" lol

Defiance / Bielski Partisans as Jewish resistance / heroic Commissar Shematovietz:

SLA as CHAOS op / Defreeze and Karenga as snitches and provocateurs / what the fuck is up with Indiana? / Jim Jones / SLA members escaped to Rhodesia and South Africa / Hearst brainwashed or not? / Revolution's End

Cleveland Italian mafia, Jewish racketeers, Prohibition, the Commission, early Apalachin, Vegas and Florida:

Hoffa, Italian and Jewish organized crime, Teamsters, Pension Fund, why the Kennedys went after Hoffa/OC, the JFK/RFK assassinations, 1973 gas crisis as civil war:

bitching about the book "The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution in the Andes":

SLC Temple bombing, John Birch Society, false flags, J. Edgar Hoover and Ezra Taft Benson, Skousens, ASC:

Angleton, OSS to CIA, Soviet spies, Chennault and AIG, Philby, counterintelligence, Italian 1948 elections, ratlines, Secret Speech, Lovestone Empire, Gladio, Golitsin and Nosenko, Oswald, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Angleton's files:

Berkowitz/Son of Sam, "programmed too kill", Scientology connections, Process connections, Manson connections, various other murder connections, high society connections:

Kardashians and Avak Hagopian, Clem Davies, William Branham, KKK, Jim Jones, Colonia Dignidad:

ritual magick basis for Epstein?, Kenneth Grant's Typhonian Order, Austin Osman Spare, kabbalah, mauve zone, sex magick, Lovecraftian entities, Lolita connection, Finders Cult, Tibetans, death posture, elite religion?:

light history of computing, ENIAC machine, IBM and seven dwarves, redbaiting as pretext:

appearance w/ Ed Opperman, talking about Epstein and the Kenneth Grant magick thread:

Carlo Tresca, Vito Genovese, Carmine Galante, Benito Mussolini, Hoover, Montreal, Lansky, Apalachin, Italian and Jewish gangsters, Davey Miller, Zukie the Bookie, Korshak, Zangara and Cermak, Dorfman hit, etc:

3rd appearance on Opperman Report - re Michael Aquino

my guest appearance on Ghost Stories For the End of the World:

interview w/ Anti Imperialist Action Ireland:

forgot to add this one - the zine we made

thread against Jacobin's Jonestown article

• • •

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More from @JimmyFalunGong

Jan 16
how about one of them good ol' fashioned JFG image threads to accompany these episodes?

MAC-11, MAC-10, time for some action Image
parenthetically I've got 934 pages of various WerBell Word docs - the text of the 17 episodes is 225 pages and then everything else is stuff not in the episodes that would have formed the bulk of the book (lol) Image
Read 120 tweets
Mar 24, 2024
the end of Programmed to Chill Image
[cue up 'See you Again'] Image
we all knew it was coming, right?
Read 37 tweets
Mar 22, 2024
how about one last thread for the road? maybe the second to last? Image
I’m a fan of Cuba and the Cuban people. Politically, I support ending the embargo and the repeal of the Helms-Burton act. I think Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were some of the most interesting figures of the 20th century. There is much to admire in the Cuban project. Image
I’m always a fan of subterranean histories, especially when they intersect with insurrectionary and/or revolutionary history. What’s the parapolitics take on Cuba? What still remains to be studied with the Cuban Revolution? Image
Read 292 tweets
Mar 15, 2024
Roman Broszkowski @RBroszkowski is a freelance writer covering Eastern Europe. Image
@RBroszkowski Image
Read 24 tweets
Mar 1, 2024
a thread: a couple days ago, Daniela Klette, age 65, of the Red Army Faction’s third generation was arrested. Image
a lot of people are saying Bellingcat and/or podcasters found her. it's not entirely clear which, but it looks like some German podcasters for like a Most Wanted type podcast found her using AI tools, and then either they or a Bellingcat guy sent it to the cops Image
via the NYT article, the Bellingcat guy said “Somebody like me, who does not speak German, who does not know much beyond the basic background of Daniela Klette — Why was I able to find such a lead in like literally 30 minutes?” Image
Read 148 tweets
Feb 9, 2024
a thread on the humble baleada: Image
for various reasons I’m obsessed with the baleada. it’s become one of my all-time favorite dishes. Image
the baleada is in some ways THE national dish of Honduras. what’s known for sure is that the baleada was invented in La Ceiba on the beautiful northern coast of Honduras. some claim that it was originally a Mayan dish (which I'll discuss later)
Read 130 tweets

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