20 Mistakes how to NOT make money on the internet 💸 🚫
Sometimes the best way to do something well, is to understand what NOT to do. 👇🏻
1. Dive Into a Niche without a Market
Every market has niches, but not every niche has a market. This is a great way not to make money online. In fact, it might even be the best because you can spend years in a niche that has no market, and not make a dime.
2. Don’t Know Your Customer’s Pains, Needs, and Desired Outcomes
“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” - Zig Ziglar
If you do truly understand, in an emotionally connected way, your customer’s pains, needs, and desired outcomes, then congratulations, You have highly valuable insight.
3. Build It, and They Will Come
If you don't have an audience then it is difficult to start making money. It might just be like a tree that falls in the woods, that nobody is there to hear. You need to make some noise and keep the ball rolling.
4. Avoid Building Brand
Your brand can make or break you on the Web. It’s how you stand out among a sea of choices.
If you want to avoid making money online, then avoid building your brand.
5. Don’t Learn SEO
When you search for something, how many times do you click past the first page of the search results?
If you’re buried in the search results, nobody will find you, or your business, or whatever you’re selling.
6. Don’t Learn Social Media
You can’t effectively beat the streets if you don’t know the social ropes. But just like the Lottery, you have to be in it, to win it.
7. Follow Your Passion
Just “follow your passion” and the money will follow, right?
Sure, if there’s money in the niche and if you’re great at what you do, and if you do something that people would actually pay you for.
8. Don’t Create a Customer List
A fantastic way not to make money is to not create a customer list. Your customers are your business.
If you don’t have a customer list, then you don’t have an easy way to sell to your customers, or to learn what your customers want more of.
9. Execute without a Plan
It's been said that “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
After all, when things go wrong, you don’t know whether it’s “according to plan,” since there is none.
10. Don’t Get Educated
If you really want to avoid making money online, then don’t spend the time and energy to learn all you can.
Keep trying the same old things over and over that don’t work. Or try to get really smart and think up ways that should work.
11. Ask all wrong questions
A fundamental flaw that can help you avoid making money online is to ask the wrong questions. Asking questions whose answers don't help you at all.
12. Don’t Diversify
Put all your eggs in one basket. If you want to have a lot of risk, have one stream of income.
13. Do the Same Thing Everybody Else Does
If there is a market that everybody is competing in, then simply using a copy-cat strategy could get you lost among the herd.
14. Work Harder
Hard work pays off when your strategy and tactics are working. If your strategy is off, it’s better to change your strategy, than to throw more time and energy at a failed strategy.
15. Get Disrupted
If you don’t want to make money, then continuously find yourself on the receiving end of disruptive thinking.
It’s tough to get ahead, let alone catch up, if you are constantly playing catch up.
16. Don’t Innovate in Your Process and Product
If you want to make real money online, and if you want to be able to fund your business, then find ways to do things better, faster, and cheaper by innovating in both your process and your products or services.
17. Don’t Build Trust
Trust comes from Do What You Say You Will Do. When people find that you consistently say what you mean, and mean what you say, you earn their trust.
Making false promises will put you in Hot Water.
18. Take More Than You Give
It’s one of the all-time best “money limiting” moves.
A related strategy to not make money is to get greedy. If you want to avoid making money, then press your luck, and get greedy.
19. Fail to Create Extreme Value
A great way to not make money is to overpromise and under-deliver.
In a world of ultra-competition, if you want to make money, then you have to under-promise and over-deliver. Set great expectations, but wildly exceed them.
20. Don’t Love What You Do
A lack of drive will always shine through, just as much as an abundance of passion will. If you don’t love what you do, you’ll consistently underwhelm, yourself and others.
You could plan and schedule all your tweets for the week every Monday. By batching the content creation tasks together, you can create better content and be more productive