No amount of keyboard redesign will ever touch Caps Lock
8 GB of memory! Ethernet! Two usable ports! And the pro model even comes with an internal clock card!
There's some really nice design call-outs here to older Mac design language, like the iMac-like color palette, or putting a "turn off my computer" button right next to the delete key.
iPad now has 5G and interoperates seamlessly with both Pfizer and Moderna. (Johnson and Johnson still requires Apple Watch)
I really hope whatever marketing executive originally came up with "Retina Display" still works at Apple and just has to take this shit (delivered by a guy who wears dad sneakers with jeans)
The good news is the smaller iPad Pro costs under a thousand bucks. The bad news is that it physically can't be detached from the larger one
Apple definitely hired some Windows packaging designers this year
15 years ago this was wonderful satire, now it's just Apple
Pretty excited about the market for stolen $450 Hermès luggage tags. This is like buying a solid gold mounting bracket for your car alarm. Apple should offer a second, smaller AirTag stitched into it.
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There's a reverse Gell-Mann amnesia effect with Elon Musk, where people have now watched him say the stupidest shit in all domains of discourse, but still assume he knows what he's talking about when the topic is Mars. But I swear on his 13 kids that is not the case.
John Carmack is one of the few people I've seen publicly articulate what's really hard about a Mars mission. It's not about rockets at all. It's that we can't keep humans alive that long *on Earth* with existing technology. We're about 12 months short.
There also hasn't been enough attention paid to the fact that the SpaceX plan for Mars is to land first and figure out the return part later. That requires manufacturing fuel on Mars, which among other things requires giving Elon Musk fissile material for reactors.
Lurking the r/generator subreddit recently I learned something interesting about the situation in Texas. Quite reasonably a lot of people in the Houston area have decided to get generators installed, since there have been recent major power outages both in summer and winter...
This being Texas, what most people want to run off their generator is a five-ton whole-house air conditioner. This as you can imagine is pretty power hungry, particularly when it first powers on. To avoid storing gas/diesel, a lot of people have opted for a natural gas hookup
Natural gas distribution in Texas is not set up to support hundreds of multi-kilowatt generators running at the same time, let alone firing up at the same time. So what people have collaboratively built in Texas is a system for converting power outages into massive gas outages.
The first time I voted in a US election I was amazed that no proof of citizenship—not even photo ID—was required. From the point of view of an immigrant, you're constantly made to prove your legal residency for stuff—jobs, school, driving—but for some reason not voting.
I don't really get why positive proof of ID isn't a voting requirement, other than the fact that voting law in the US is very old and predates the modern surveillance state. I don't have strong feelings about it, but it's definitely a US oddity, like the lack of national ID
From the point of view of public faith in elections, there does seem to be something rickety about the combination of trust-me voter registration requirements, absentee ballots, and mail-in votes getting counted for weeks after election day.
Cryptocurrency and generative AI make roughly the same size claims to being transformative innovations, so it's interesting to see how many interesting things people have already found to do with the latter, while the first has mostly been an expensive tour through human folly
I like thinking of cryptocurrency as "financial string theory", but for the parallel to really work a lot more physicists would need to be in jail
With both crypto and string theory, you have domain experts in thrall to a mathematical apparatus so intellectually satisfying that they get emotionally invested into bringing it into contact with reality. But instead each failed attempt pushes them further out into la-la-land
Rising from the crypt to talk a little about how pre-wikipedia generations lived. There was a big encyclopedia in the library, but only really rich families would own one. The best that poor kids could hope for was grocery store encyclopedias, bought one volume at a time
Grocery chains really would sell the world's saddest encyclopedia, one slim volume a week, and you felt lucky to have it. Unrestricted access to a full set of the Encyclopedia Britannica is the thing that felt most like having access to the world wide web in the pre-www days.
Naturally when the web came along, we all wondered how encyclopedias would work online, and for a brief while it looked like Microsoft would sell expensive access to a kind of crappy one. And then wikipedia appeared and blew everyone's mind by the fact that it worked
Early this year I went online after taking too many drugs and ordered a Mongolian yurt. Here is my yurt, and here is my story:
The great thing about yurts is you can get high, make a deposit, and forget you bought one for seven months. Then in late July I got email giving me an imminent delivery date and demanding to see a photo of the finished substructure. I tried to bluff them with a quick Lowe's run
The yurt company was totally on to me, though. Everyone lies about the substructure. Demands for photo evidence grew insistent, and I found myself having to level heavy things in the desert while getting heatstroke