The world of business is transforming. There is a growing challenge to the narrative of profit at all cost. More orgs are shifting towards alternative purpose-led business models, like members' coops, community interest companies (CICs), employee-owned or crowd-funded businesses.
All these models place a greater importance on the connection between the people running the business and the people benefiting from its products and services....
They also create an opportunity to treat their stakeholders, from suppliers to employees and customers, as food citizens, inviting everyone to work together to create systems that benefit us all...
As business and organisational structures evolve, the roles of employees, customers and shareholders are being redrawn, with employers acknowledging that they can give us all a sense of purpose and of contributing to society...
Businesses with #foodcitizenship at their core are central to the vision of a food citizen world.
These are the focus of Day 3 of our week of celebration of the food citizenship movement.
The food citizen world needs us ALL, whether we work in business, NGOs, community organisations, local governance or other. We can all be part of the movement, we all have something to offer and a role to play. Join us and take action now.
What can we do across our orgs?
- Have a clear purpose
- Sound the consumer alarm
- Shift your organisational language
- Collaborate with others
- Invest in people and communities
- Support one another by sharing your assets whenever possible
An important way that we can create the conditions for #foodcitizenship is to ensure that we feel that all our voices are being heart.
Beneficiaries and interest groups can speak for themselves - so let's listen to them.
Meaningful engagement with citizens is improving, new platforms are popping up across the UK to nurture engagement with citizens, from the creation of @GFNCampaign Ambassadors in Scotland, the @maniffestobwyd or the 150+ orgs that came together to develop the @apeoplesfoodpol...
They all illustrate what inclusive, bottom-up citizen consultations could look like and can achieve.
We can all encourage the UK government to learn from them when developing a National Food Strategy for England...
We've already had a whistle-stop tour today through some brilliant businesses creatively embedding #foodcitizenship principles in their practices but there are ever more to choose from!
Some others not to be missed:
1. @SoleShare is the first community-supported fishery in the UK, connecting small-scale, ethical fisherfolk to citizens. Also working with local food charities and independent business, they are strengthening the link between the sea and the city.…
2. @BHBakeryE8 is a social enterprise providing training placements for those distanced from employment due to mental ill-health & so empowering citizens, giving purpose and building a community through food.…