So Shri Shoaib Taimur from Pakistan did an analysis of the 'Civil War Trend' in Pakistan a few days back. A fairly deep research, I must say, and some really interesting data points were brought about by the handle. Kudos, indeed!
Let me share some thoughts on it here ..
Now why I got interested in this topic is 'coz my handle too figured in the beautiful graphic tweeted by the handle, for being tagged as part of the trend.
Hence this short thread.
Thoughts are still disjointed. Let's see how it goes.
Firstly, it would be naive to assume there would be no interference in the other's internal affairs from across the LoC / IB because it's a well known fact that the two countries don't really count each other in their list of 'friends'.
Just to reinforce my statement above, I'll share this tweet from a thread that I call #PakTrends, which has been chronicling the exact same phenomenon from across the borders in Pakistan, even though I don't have even 1% as many details as Shoaib Ji above!
So it is a fair assumption to say that the other side too is not very much 'दूध का धुला'.
Far from it, in fact!
Here's one more tweet from the above thread, just to reinforce my point!
Moving on!
All I wish to say is that there cannot be fuel without fire. And fire was aplenty in Pakistan in the days that have just gone by.
As was firing, and killing by security forces.
Whether or not it constituted a 'Civil War' is a matter of perception, but things were definitely quite 'Uncivil', to say the least.
Here's another citizen of Terroristan shouting that their own army is killing them!
I hardly think he was running any account on twitter to 'DEFAME' Pakistan!!
And neither was this doctor!
OK, perhaps the Doctor Saab might have been on Twitter. But then I'm not quite sure he would have disagreed with the 'Civil War Trend'!
Oh, and BTW, Indian accounts tweeting from India could NOT have trended any hashtags INSIDE Pakistan, no?
That could only have been done by Pakistanis tweeting from within Pakistan!
And another interesting hashtag I came across was 'Stop Govt Terrorism'!
Of course, our man Shoaib Ji had a ready answer for that - They were FAKE Pakistani accounts, or perhaps TLP themselves!
NO OTHER PAKISTANI handle seemed to have been tweeting using that hashtag, it seems!
Here are some of the 'Fake Pakistani Accounts' or TLP that were trending the offending hashtag inside Pakistan. They do look the part, don't they? #JustAsking
Of course, serving soldiers of Pak Army threatening to join the ranks of the protesters too was dismissed as Indian Propaganda and fake news!
Even in case of a soldier who didn't hide his face or name, for that matter.
I doubt he breathes anymore. Seriously!
Here's a video of the guy, btw.
He looks straight into the camera with his one good eye, while the other .. well .. looks somewhere else!
Damn those Indians .. they could have atleast found a 'model' who could atleast look straight with BOTH his eyes!
Yup, as per some Pakistanis, it was Indian handles tweeting with a 'Civil War Hashtag' that caused all this mayhem INSIDE Pakistan!
I'm sure even the 'good' agencies within India would be surprised at how potent they are seen to be by their adversaries!
And then there was this officer from the Lahore Police who logged on to Twitter, realized there was a civil war going on inside Pakistan, and ordered his men to 'Shoot Straight' instead of firing in the air!
'Seedha Goli Maar', he shouts, and ends the 'Civil War'!
But then, deep within Terroristanis themselves know that it is they themselves who are to blame for the shit that they have landed their country in.
Poor Old Indians, once again DENIED credit by the SMART Pakistanis!
Let me wind up this thread now, since I do think I have made my point.
I'll just reiterate what I wrote in the beginning - WELCOME TO SOCIAL MEDIA!
THIS is how it works.
THIS is how you too 'exploit' it for whatever happens here in India. I've shared the #PakTrends thread above.
For all the wonderful work at analytics, fact remains that the Pakistan State has had to backtrack in the face of the fanatics that descended the streets. No amount of finger pointing at 'Hashtag Campaigns' from India can hide away that fact.
What happens in the Pakistani Senate during the debate on the expulsion of the French Ambassador, as demanded by the TLP, remains to be seen.
In fact, I plan to share some thoughts on that as well by tomorrow evening.
As this thread comes to an end, I'll share a screenshot of the Brown Panted Propagandu-in-Chief here, running a 'Brilliantly Successful' hashtag campaign of his own, and DEFEATING India, even if on a virtual battlefield because, well, the physical battlefield is a bit difficult!
So Dear Bhikharistanis, do go on analyzing trends & patting yourselves on the back at 'Catching India in the Act', even as your own countrymen go about burning your country.
This 👇 is how I look at your analytics!
Thank you for your time & patience.
Salaam & Jai Shri Ram!
I'll just add this one tweet here as well.
Chickens ALWAYS come home to roost. Period.
Sharing snippets from my trip to Prayagraj to witness the Maha Kumbh earlier this week.
Missus and I spent four days and five nights in the city, reaching there on the night of 11 Jan and returning back home on the night of 16 Jan, i.e. yesterday.
Here goes ..
First and foremost, MUST plan a trip to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh!
It is a once in 144 year event and we are blessed to be alive at this point in time to be able to witness it. For so many people, a Maha Kumbh won't ever be even a once in a lifetime event.
As we drove into the city, we could sense magic in the very air. The entire city was in an upbeat mood, despite waves after waves of humanity descending there.
Thankfully, we had booked our stay in the month of October itself and were comfortable that way, unlike many others.
Sharing some thoughts on the recent moves by the Arakan Army on the Bangladesh-Myanmar Border.
Let's see how this one goes ..
Let me just begin with this bombastic video of Bangladesh Army veterans threatening to capture Kolkata within four days!
Very bombastic, I'd say .. especially when their own generation got the blunt end of the stick from Pakistanis in 1970-71 and couldn't do anything about that!
Unfortunately for these geriatric idiots, while they were turned towards Kolkata, right behind them came the Arakan Army which established control over Bangladesh-Myanmar border
As always, these erstwhile East Pakistanis got totally surprised from behind(PS: Puns Fully Intended!)
Folks, sharing some thoughts on the current state of affairs in Bangladesh.
Let's see how this thread goes ..
First and foremost, let us call it for what it is currently - An attempt at re-establishing East Pakistan.
Yup, that's what it is. Pakistan attempting to return to its erstwhile colony via proxy.
Come to think of it, conditions in East Bengal today are quite similar to what they were in 1970-71. 1. Interim Govt in place 2. Politically elected Govt not allowed to function 3. Widespread and blatant atrocities against minorities and those that the current 'govt' doesn't like
One man, unarmed, changed entire narrative of 26/11 by ensuring one Paaki gets caught alive.
Else it would be 'RSS ki Saazish'
26/11 - NEVER Forget
Carrying on from the tweets above, sharing some news / media from the dastardly #MumbaiTerrorAttack of 26 Nov 2008 perpetrated by Pakistan.
Folks, sharing some thoughts on Big Tech that has become an integral part of our daily lives as individuals as well as collectively.
The trigger was the massive outage of Microsoft devices some weeks ago. Have been having some thoughts since then.
Let's see how it goes..
First and foremost, here is a link to the outage of Microsoft devices due to some issue with CrowdStrike, for those who might have forgotten it. economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/moc…
So many parts of our lives came to a halt, because someone somewhere screwed up!
It was a major news headline for atleast a couple of days.
And then, we moved on once things were back in order, dismissing this as a temporary hitch in our day-to-day existence.
This tweet landed on my TL some time back.
More than the event itself, it was the mention of Bangladesh Army that got me thinking.
Sharing a chain of thoughts.
Still unstructured. Let's see how it goes ..
First thing I did was to go to the Wikipedia page of Bangladesh Army to confirm a hunch.
And true to my expectations, I saw the size of Bangladesh Army to be 160,000 troops!
To put things in context and why I found it amusing, I will just give a comparison with the British and the German Armies, sourced from Wikipedia itself.
British Army = Approx 79,000 Active Duty personnel
German Army = 63,000 personnel