(1) The problem for @RichardDawkins is that he didn't realize that a massive, ecumenical religion was being developed right underneath his feet - with dogmatic pronouncements that you are not allowed to disagree with.
(2) objective standards of truth, falsification and what constitutes "science" was irrevocably changed by the new subjective magisterium, @RichardDawkins -
just as Martin Luther was called *exactly 500 years ago this week*
was called to "recant" his statements.
(3) And if I may please offer a suggestion to @RichardDawkins ...
Look at your detractors straight in the eyes and say
"Take your plastic, worthless, subjective awards - please.
I will not dance to your tune.
Here I stand. I can do no other."
(4) Don't bow your knee to the Prophets of Bell (Derrick Bell).
The lack of intervention in horrifying assaults witnessed (and recorded on iPhones) by adult males.
Men have become spectators - not wanting to "get involved."
Men don't believe that it is our role to restore civility anymore.
2) @ConceptualJames , @peterboghossian , Ryan Dick and I made the split-second decision to intervene in what was an obvious sexual / physical assault in NYC back in 2019.
The creep fled the scene
That moment bonded all of us - and was referenced in our Trojan Horse interviews
3) But men have lost their chivalry, their heroic nature, their rightful place to protect and save women - even from eachother.
The normal response from a 20-40 year old is to whip out their phone and begin recording.
(1)Zbigniew Brzezinski (born March 28, 1928 in Warsaw, Poland) was a Polish American political scientist and geostrategist who served as United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981.
(2)Brzezinski was, in the early 1970s, a non-resident member of the CFR ("the informal supra-State Department in the United States") In 2004, Brzezinski was co-chairman of a Council on Foreign Relations task force that issued the report "Iran: Time for a New Approach".
(3) In his 1970 piece "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era", Brzezinski argued that a coordinated policy among developed nations was necessary in order to counter global instability erupting from increasing economic inequality.
(1) The Progressive Deconstructionists are always searching for a *precipitating event* to create a reflexive narrative - particularly if their plans are going awry or if they are hoping to consolidate a new opinion of the masses (propaganda).
(2)The vast opinion of Asian Americans - and in particular those that are of boomer or gen-ex age - were gathering en masse against the hateful and racist ideas of CRT and the Marxist totalitarian ideas of the Biden/Harris/@wef administration.
(3) So what do the DNC Deconstructionists do?
They look for the precipitating event - an event that can change the tide of opinion and swing the reflexivity their way.
And this why the horror of the Asian Parlor massacres is being used as weaponized propaganda to sway
(2) theorized racial power dynamics intentionally and at all times.
The Founders pursuit to correct the strategic racism - purposely meant to divide, discriminate, and oppress - should be boldy commended, not condemned.
In *no way* has the Founders teaching had any ...
(3) negative influence in the current societal dialogue as Mr. Tisby's preferred fascistic / totalitarian partners look to demolish civilization.
Demolishing civilization - first through hyper -sexualization and then through making every issue about identity categories...
What part of "love thy neighbor" included locking down for 11 months, losing their businesses, going into debt, refusing working therapies, separation from family, forcing churches online and shoving the entire Body of Christ into #TheGreatReset ?
(2) What will become painfully obvious to everyone is that the past 12 years of progressive drift in ministries and denominations, insisting that everyone embrace the precepts of CRT, forcing D.E.I. concepts in local churches...
(3) accepting and embracing the gender ideology of the age, and insisting on preaching supranationalism and the deconstruction of the United States is that you have been on a strategic trajectory this entire time - knowing exactly where this would all lead ----