The problem with saying that I’m employing a strawman is, I’m repeating things that are being said by such fringe conservatives as, hmm, let’s see, their last president, their current congresspeople, their highest rated propagandists, and the majority of their voters who listen.
One point that’s often missed in all this “we’re afraid to say what we think” handwringing from these purveyors of immoral outrage:
They’re cowards.
They’re *self-professed* cowards, who lack even the courage to blame themselves for their own cowardice.
“I’m afraid to say what I think.”
Everyone Else: Who gives a *shit*? What, d’ya think the world was just YEARNING to hear you make the same five points Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson made yesterday? You’re wearing mirror-shades and a hat behind a truck, BRYCE. WE KNOW WHAT YOU THI
You know should be afraid to say what they think? BLM activists.
When they say what they think, militarized cops will threaten them, arrest them, brutalize them, & kill them.
They say it anyway. Because that's what people do when they believe something and they aren't cowards.