HAPPENING NOW: @APSCUF is holding a virtual press conference speaking out against the @statesystem's plan to consolidate 6 universities and lay off hundreds of faculty members.
The zoom event is just getting started with Dr. Jamie Martin, the president of @APSCUF, and is a first generation graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
"It's hard for me to believe that there is so little detail in a document that's 439 pages."
"It looks like students at Mansfield and Lock Haven will have to take all their classes online."
There are issues of equity and accessibility for students who will have to take online classes.
The cost of consolidation will cost $30 million and save $19 million.
Laying off faculty and professors will cause economic hardships in the towns they live.
To help us launch our new website, we partnered with some comrades of ours. @malcolmkenyatta penned an editorial on why he thinks the #PROAct is right for Pennsylvania. It's a must-read. Check out this exclusive here: paspotlight.org/2021/malcolm-k…
"We desperately need stronger protections for workers across industries, so we reverse this trend and get on the path towards a strong and thriving middle class in PA — and in the US at large." - @malcolmkenyatta
"Unions give a voice to workers in a way they do not have on their own: a stronger voice to fight for better wages, the ability to improve the quality of jobs and increase job security while guarding against discrimination of all forms." - @malcolmkenyatta