@WesleyLowery Every time @VP says anything abt racism she will be pelted wth "but you said..."Or someone will reply her comments.Real damage done. If ppl hve an option 2decide if America is a racist country or not why wld any structural changes be needed? How does any legislation pass?🤔🧐..1/
@WesleyLowery@VP What's as damaging is @VP's framing of racism as an acknowledgement of the past. Racism is happening & the structures tht allows it to flourish are strong today. Black ppl are in the process of losing a tenant of citizenship which is the right to vote. Perhaps framing the..2/
@WesleyLowery@VP these new laws in GA,FL&TX as citizenship rights legislation would wake up the segment of our nation tht sleeps through much if this. Any framing of racism as only mentioned in past tense defies reality. @VP pierced the blood-brain barrier with her words. She can't...3/
@WesleyLowery@VP walk them back because they were so clear but she needs 2be prepared 2act in the interests of Black folks whenever possible. It doesn't take much 2mke a mess these days. I struggled wth commenting on ths but I couldn't ignore the statement. Americans tell themselves...4/
@WesleyLowery@VP lots of lies. "America is not a racist country." is one of them. A country founded on genocide & slavery, whose laws, creeds & founding documents never saw included African slaves as people but as property is racist. The same county frees said ppl but erects a legal system...5/
@WesleyLowery@VP that structurally excludes Black & Native ppl frm access 2the benefits of citizenship &basic human rights. Through a Civil War, Reconstruction &Jim Crow every benefit ever afforded Black &Native ppl has 2be fought 4not given.The structures permit laws 2be passed & rescinded..6/
@WesleyLowery@VP allowing Black&Native ppl 2live at the behest/beneficence of the ppl who changed their minds 56yrs later & even longer 4Native ppl. So America is a racist country.Just because some ppl hve successes doesn't effect the systemic & structural racism tht holds everything 2gether...7/
@WesleyLowery@VP The beautiful words of America's founding documents are just tht. They're aspirational.Ppl not considered part of thm hve 2fight, protest &2often die 2mke thm apply 4all ppl.Ths isn't the end of anything 4our @VP but she has work 2do so her words aren't used against legislation🤨