Starter Story collects over 2,000 emails a day on autopilot.
But just a few months ago, they were collecting ~200 emails.
So, who did they 10x their email signups in 3 months?
Here are the 8 tactics they use:
It comes down to four main points:
• Deliberate email capture widget placements
• Thoughtful value propositions
• Placements throughout different stages of the funnel
• Tailoring it to different audiences.
Let’s break it down from top to bottom
1. Top Menu bar
Audience: Site visitors
Placement: Top menu bar
Value proposition: Join the starter story community
Pat placed an always-on email collector on the top menu bar. Wherever someone is on the site, they have a way to give Starter Story their email.
Ikea was the first retailer to let customers pay with time.
And the campaign garnished more than $14,000,000 in earned media.
Here’s the campaign:
Most Ikea stores are out of the way. Not in the heart of the city. And usually, a good drive from a customer's home.
And we all know the more friction to do something, the higher the chance we won’t do it.
But what if that friction was converted into a currency?
Because IKEA stores are far away, IKEA created the “Buy With Your Time” campaign to let customers pay with their time based on how far they traveled to the store.
The more you traveled, the more you earned.
For example:
• Drive an hour to Ikea
• That hour is converted into $