But what's more interesting is why the last-remaining object of the Blair-era consensus is still intact.
While Blair and then Brown, and then Cameron were trying to build their projects on the Westminster consensus, to make climate change the dominant issue, the loudest voice from the public was the demand for the referendum.
The Conservatives -- each member of which has a price -- were easily bought by the green blob.
They were going to continue the project that Blair, Brown, Mandelson, the Milibands and Hilary Benn, among others, had started.
But there remains no public appetite for it.
Any *sensible* Tory analyst would look at what consensus politics, divorced from the public, brings. It would realise that is has a narrow opportunity to turn Labour's disarray into permanent advantage and divorce itself from the blob...
Or to mirror Labour's mistakes.
It doesn't need the blob. It is far ahead in the polls. And it looks like Labour are on the floor, unable to mobilise its traditional constituency.
It could scrap Net Zero, and perhaps even the Climate Change Act tomorrow.
But it would *rather* do the blob's bidding.
The Tories are determined to follow Labour into the abyss.
So be it.
It is easier to watch people set fire to themselves than it is trying to convince them not to play with matches.
As long as the fire doesn't spread.
But we should try.
How to tell them that people don't want cosy Westminster consensuses? We don't want wet think tanks drafting wet policy ideas. We don't share their green ideology. We want them to fight it out, left, right and centre! That's why we put our 'x' in their box.
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And I don't think urging other countries to war at our expense is any definition of "standing with" worth defending.
Hundreds of thousands are now dead because of "standing with". Hundreds of thousands more are now fatherless, sonless, widowed...
You make a claim on behalf of "Britain" that you have never tested, and which your Prime Ministers could not even deliver for us.
Do you stand with people who are now scattered in bits across eastern Ukraine? How does one "stand with" people who lay beneath the ground? How does one express "solidarity" with young men snatched from the streets to be forced to the front line against their will?
Other people's wars make Toryboys feel all big and important about "global Britain". But their Ukrainian counterparts' children will never know their fathers. War is glorious when you don't have your comrade's guts blasted across your face. They've no idea what they "stand with".
Did you ever wonder how David Miliband, who oversaw the development of the Climate Change Act (and consequently Net Zero) landed a job worth a $million a year as a director of a charity?
Wonder no more...
Those are just *some* of the grants made by the government to the charity now directed by the former government minister.
He's worth every penny of that million bucks a year, as far as his extremely-well paid colleagues and appointers are concerned.
@CharlotteCGill @WokeWaste @procurementfile - if you haven't seen this tranche, it's worth taking a peek at. (On CF and DT).
They're like mini-milibands. They don't know how human language and communication work.
They are only able to invent stories about their political counterparts, to smear them. But they have no capacity for reason of their own.
I think the profound collapse of our democracy is understated. We are inured to it.
But here it is: a legislator claiming that another legislator is "pro-Russian" for his celebration of a newly democratically-appointed counterpart in an allied country.
BBC Media Action -- claims that "a free press is essential to freedom and democracy".
But when I revealed that @bbcmediaaction was working on behalf of dodgy billionaires and governments, to enforce particular political agendas they blocked me.
@bbcmediaaction Here is the thread that offended them...
I'd call Gill Tavner a liar, but she's mainly just ignorant.
Children were deliberately targeted by the green movement at large, and their anxieties were deliberately provoked precisely to make them adherents of green ideology.
Here's my video explaining Why There is No Climate Crisis (and why people believe that there is). If you've seen it before, move to the 17 minute mark.
There you will see the late Rajendra Pachauri talking about "sensitising the young" to climate alarmism.
You will also see extremely young children -- far younger than 12 -- regurgitating claims that were manifestly produced by the adults in their lives, including the green movement, not ideas they have produced by themselves. And those ideas are moreover false.
I don't think Dale Vince really understands how the green movement was conceived, founded, and pushed to the top of national and global political agendas.